Search Results for aas-920-614a
Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
ZTP-188MLThermometrics IR Module -
Title: ZTP-188MLThermometrics IR Module Author: GE Subject: The ZTP-188ML infrared module is used for non-contact surface temperature monitoring.
Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
Harsh Media Pressure Sensor -
Title: NovaSensor Harsh Media Pressure Sensor - NPR-101 Author: Amphenol Advanced Sensors Subject: NovaSensors NPR-101 is a silicon-based MEMS device that uses Backside Absolute Pressure' technology designed for harsh media exposure, which eliminates direct contact of the sensin circuitry with the applied media.
Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
Thermometrics Duct Sensor -
Title: Thermometrics Duct Sensor Author: Amphenol Advanced Sensors Subject: Thermometric s duct sensors are used to measure the temperature of the air that is emitted from the air ducts in automobiles.
Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
ZTP-148SR Thermopile IR Sensor - Amphenol Sensors
AAS-920-698A-Thermometrics-ZTP-148SR-092317-web Download. 967 Windfall Road St. Marys, PA 15857, US Ph: (814) 834-9140 [email protected] At Amphenol Sensors, we make Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection a top priority. We believe that making sustainable choices in the way we conduct our business creates short-term and long-term value ...
co2传感器 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Telaire T8041 and 8042 CO2 duct probe transmitters Created Date: 3/13/2014 7:52:45 AM ...
Thermometrics Duct Temperature Sensor -
in (Il mm) 029 in (7.5 mm) 0.31 in 18 mm) 33 in mm) 08 in 1022 mm) 232 in (59.7 mml KET MG641762 Mating: AMP 174463 087 in (225 mm) 180 100 -30-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
NTC Thermistors Types RL35/40/45 -
Uncoated Disc With Radial Leads Description Point-matched disc thermistor with bare lead-wires. Features • Low cost solid-state sensor • Resistance tolerances down to ±2%
Thermometrics Ambient Sensor -
163.131 96.892 59.365 37.417 30.0 16.032 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature (oc) 0.29 in 1178 øO.23 in 16.0 0.16 in Ø 0.27 in (7.0 068 in 117.5 Isa in
g04c-14 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
A GC2 14.7 - 2500-7000 W A GC3 21.1 14004 W only for adjacent cut, 9000 opposite cut with 19.1 25/125 ratio 7500-30000 W F GC4 27.8 30-100 k W B GC9 30.9 100-200 k W G GC6 36.4 200-500 k W D GC10 41.1 - 500-1000 k W D GC11 46.1 - 1000-2000 k W Thermal Time Constant Still Air @ 25°C 0.65 1.2 seconds Plunge into Water 12 milliseconds 16 milliseconds
NTC Type SA -
Title: NTC Interchangeable Type SA Series Thermistors Author: GE Subject: Interchangeable thermistor with bare lead wires. Created Date