Search Results for rf管理
FAKRA Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency FAKRA Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of FAKRA Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
Temperature Calibrator - LTR-150 Dry Block and Liquid Bath - KAYE
Kaye LTR-150 是一台高级多功能的温度基准,特别设计用于满足灵活的温度验证。一次最多可以校准48根热电偶探头,而且具有多功能的用途,可以配合干式等温块,液体油槽或表面接触式校准器。LTR-150 可以极大的节省在执行前校准和后校准时的时间。
射频同轴触头 - 高速触头 | Amphenol Socapex
在需要高频传输的射频应用中,Amphenol Socapex 的射频同轴触头是一个极佳的选择。这些触头可处理高达 65GHz 的频率,是市场上频率最高的选择。此外,它们还有 8、12 和 16 等多种尺寸,因此您可以选择最适合您需要的一款。射频同轴触头的突出特点之一是能够承受恶劣的环境。
Extranet - Amphenol RF
Welcome to the Amphenol RF sales partner extranet! Our extranet is available to authorized distributors and Amphenol RF employees. Login below: Username: Password: Forgot your password? Reset it. Contact Us. Subscribe and Stay Connected with Amphenol RF. Submit.
Board-to-Board RF Connectors - Amphenol RF
The AFI connector series is a board-to-board solution for RF applications commonly used in military and broadband applications. The AFI interface utilizes a proprietary two-piece configuration that compensates for high axial and radial misalignment with industry leading float (0.030” [0.8 mm] radial and 0.040” [1.0 mm] axial). 50 ohm AFI ...
SMA to SMA Cable Assemblies - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a full range of SMA to SMA Cable Assemblies designed for radio frequency applications. SMA to SMA Cable Assemblies feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs.
Executive Leadership - Amphenol
Our leadership team remains committed to our shared responsibility of generating value for our customers, employees and shareholders while also minimizing our impact on the environment and being a positive force in our communities. Of our 22 executive leaders, six were born outside of the United States, four identify as under-represented minorities (Black or African […]
2023年6月30日UAST质量管理综合能力提升培训_Amphenol Assembletech
2023年 6 月 30 日至 7 月 1 日, uast 举办了持续两天的质量管理综合能力提升培训。. 在培训上,彭洪波讲师为各供应商成员讲解了关于控制计划、质量管理等相关的知识,课后反馈较好。通过本次课程,大家对质量管理有着更进一步的认识,也明白了自己本身还有哪些不足,为未来的工作和交流指明 ...
R-VPX - VITAコネクタ|Amphenol Socapex
定格接触電流は1.5aで、ハイパワーモジュール、rfモジュール(vita 67)、オプティカルモジュール(vita 66)との組み合わせが可能です。 R-VPX相互接続システムは、幅広いアプリケーションでの使用に理想的な、高度にモジュール化された軽量ソリューション ...
Amphenol Assembletech
2.精通生产计划管理知识,掌握生产管理、物料管理等知识,熟悉erp软件系统及操作; 3.熟练使用Excel软件,具有较强的英文读写能力; 4.工作积极主动,执行力强,关注细节以及良好的团队配合能力,沟通能力和协调能力。
Factory Calibration/Repair 工厂校准/维修 - KAYE
Kaye RF ValProbe 和 RF ValProbe II 无线实时射频验证系统 - 原厂校准 CNAS AS-FOUND 在-80°C 至 130°C范围内,至少校准 4-5 个点 CNAS AS-LEFT 在-80°C 至 130°C范围内,至少 4-5 的高精度标定
RF Attenuators - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a full range of RF attenuators designed for radio frequency applications. Amphenol RF attenuators feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs.
RF Connector Assembly Instructions - Amphenol RF
RF Connectors featuring a clamp design are often field installable with minimal tooling. Connectors are secured to a cable using a clamp design that sandwiches the cable's braid between two components that compress when assembled. If you’re assembling a Clamp Connector Assembly, the following instructions may apply: ...
NanoRF VITA 67.3 10 Port RF and 1 Port MT Fiber Plug-In Hybrid Module
The NanoRF VITA 67.3 10 Port RF and 1 Port MT Fiber Plug-In Hybrid Module can deliver high performance. Access the Datasheet and CAD Model now.
地上車両 軍用装甲車は今日、数多くの課題に直面している。 - 保護:軍用装甲車の主な課題の1つは、機動性と操縦性を維持しながら、乗員に適切な保護を提供することである。そのためには、装甲の厚さと重量のバランスを取ること、また重量を最小限に抑えながら保護性能を高めるために ...
2012年2月7-8日 Amphenol 全球总经理大会在厦门召开
From:安费诺 Author:管理员 Clicks:13042times PubTime:2012/2/7 0:00 2012年2月7-8日,Amphenol全球总经理大会在厦门顺利召开,AST全员共同努力使得大会圆满成功。 全球总经理来AST工厂参观,AST为晚宴准备了精彩的节目,这些都令Amphenol所有高层管理者印象极其深刻。
Kaye ValProbe RT 无线基站
无线基站用于记录器和无线软件系统的连接,它可用于验证,校准,及后校准 无线基站设计简洁,包含备用电池,适用于现场或桌面应用 无线基站适用于所有KAYE高精度无线实时温度和压力记录器
RF Subsystems and Integrated Filter Products - Q Microwave
Our engineering team leverages our industry-leading RF filter capability to provide you with high-performance and small size in a variety of subsystem products. Typical applications of our subsystems include frequency conversion, electronic warfare systems and radar systems.
Space Qualified RF Components - SV Microwave
SV Microwave's space-qualified RF components are precisely engineered to meet these challenges, ensuring optimal RF performance in satellite, missile, and rocket launch applications. Notably, SV Microwave's solutions can be tested to the M39012 connector specification, a crucial standard for space applications, even NASA’s EEE-INST-002 ...
SMA Attenuators - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a full range of SMA Attenuators designed for radio frequency applications. Amphenol RF SMA Attenuators feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs.