Search Results for ам-4-r3
SSI Technologies, LLC
4. 8- 3. Packcxd Connector Transmitter (4 to 20 mA) Connector Transducer ( I to 5 Vdc or 0.5 to 4.5 Vdc) Pin 1 Power 2 Not Used 3 Return Vent Hole Gauge Oriy 9 30 Vdc Return GND Pin I Power 2 Ground Straight Thread w/ O-Ring High Pressure (>750 PSI) All others with port types: I Parts with ports: U
SV Microwave
j :¼®I;rÞ×ÿ·—ä~s˜x… >&t)ÑæQm_š×·—+üÏì ŠüÜÿƒiÿjÏøZÿ²N¯ðÛP¹i5o†—Ù´ ÙfÓ®™ä äì˜N¾Š¦1è+ôŽ¾G2ÀÏ ‰ž {ÅïÝt 4}¶W˜C …†* )-»>«äô (¢¸O@(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¢Š(¯ƒ¿àã¯ùFv©ÿc ›ÿ£ ¿žÊúì … ´pÿXö¼ºµn[ío5Üøž ã ...
Model 377A07 Precision Condenser Microphone Installation and Operating ...
All IEC 61094-4 compliant microphones can be used with the phantom powered preamp. Adapters for Phantom Powered Preamp . 3 4.0 Taking Measurements The following formula is used to calculate the pressure measured by the microphone from the output voltage signal. The sensitivity of a microphone is typically measured at 250 Hz.
W RU WV OW X DF QW &R - SV Microwave
4 Size 8, 50 Ohm, Sockets Coax High Frequency D38999 and ARINC Contacts Size 8, 50 Ohm, Pins Cable Max. Freq. P/N Interface RG-142/400 12 GHz SF9811-6002 BMZ.085 SR 18 GHz SF9811-6000 BMZ.141 SR 18 GHz SF9811-6001 BMZ.085 SR 26.5 GHz SF9411-6000 BMA.141 SR 26.5 GHz SF9411-6001 BMA.085 SR 40 GHz SF9911-6000 BMZ (mod) Cable Max. Freq. P/N Interface
SHRD1 Concealment Shrouds - Charles Industries
INNOVATIVE ENCLOSED SOLUTIONS™ Charles Industries, Ltd. Phone: (847) 806-6300 Fax: (847) 806-6231 Web: SHRD1 Concealment Shrouds Pole-Top Radio Shroud
Importing a 3D Component onto a PCB Launch Model - Amphenol RF
4 Old Newtown Road Danbury, CT 06810 USA • Toll Free: (800) 627-7100 • Direct: (203) 743-9272. Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Mike Comer Created Date:
G:SharedAmphenol Customer DatasheetsM23 & M40 DatasheetsC-MB7RJN0901 REV A1
4 x ø 2. 7 notes: unless otherwise specified 1. material: insulation insert:pa66,ul94 v0 seal: viton housing body: zinc die cast, nickel plated 2. specifications: 2.1 current rating: signal: 10 amps power: 30amps 2.2 voltage rating: signal: 250v ac/dc power: 630v ac/dc 2.3 operating temperature: -20°c to +130°c 2.4 dielectric withstanding ...
plastic | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
FKIT-006 TFOCA-II ®/TFOCA TerminationKit Fiber Optic Solutions Amphenol Fiber Systems International FKIT-006TerminationKitPartsList TFOCA-II ®/TFOCATerminationKit,FKIT-006 AFSIPartNumber TFOCA-II ® Plug & Receptacle Instructions 3-4.9-5.26 TFOCA Receptacle Instructions 3-4.9-5.22
NTC Type C100 -
• High sensitivity greater than –4% /°C at 77°F (25°C) • Suitable for temperature measurement, control and compensation • High reliability and stability • Resin coated for good mechanical strength and resistance to solvents NTC Type C100 Thermometrics Epoxy-Coated Chip Thermistor Description
RF Trunk Portfolio with TrueSplit™ Technology -
DS-70-0107 Rev. 1.4 All below are available as Connector Version (CTSC) or Adapter Version (CTSA) or Jumper Version (CTSJ) Name Description 60 V 2A Power-Through Splitter CTSX-02 Splitter 2-Way Without power through CTSX-02-P Splitter 2-Way-2A With power through CTSX-03 Splitter 3-Way Without power through CTSX-04 Splitter 4-Way Without power ...
Plug Clicker nut 2 Modules Composite Shielded Bright nickel ...
EN4165 / SIM is a modular, multifunctional rectangular connector. It consists of shells and modules, which together create an integrated solution, supporting advanced signal and p
6.0 ± 0 -
V S W R : 1.4:1 Max, DC to 18.0 GHz 1.6:1 Max, 18.0 + GHz I N S E R T I O N L O S S : 1.35 dB Max N O T E S 1. See individual data drawings for connector specifications 2. Dimensions shown are in inches TITLE: VITA 67.3 SMPM Backplane Contact to VITA 67.3 SMPM Backplane Contact 6" Cable Assembly for Ø.085 Flexible Coax DWG. NO.
Amphenol MP-6A28GNSYLW-007 Slim Category-6a Ethernet Cable (Thin CAT6a ...
Buy 7ft Amphenol MP-6A28GNSYLW-007 Thin-Line CAT-6a Ethernet Cables Direct from the Factory at Cables on Demand. Amphenol's NEW 28-AWG Slim Category-6a (Thin CAT6a) Network Patch Cables (Color: Yellow) are designed with a dramatic reduction of cable diameter (over 33%), enabling IT professionals improved cable routing flexibility and enhanced airflow in today's high-density server rack ...
RFS Technologies an Amphenol Company
RFS Technologies designs and manufactures premium-quality cable and antenna solutions for wireless, public safety, distributed antenna system (DAS) and other telecom markets in North America. As an Amphenol company, we’re part of a global powerhouse in high-technology, interconnect, sensor and antenna solutions that’s enabling the electronics revolution across almost every industry.
mate M - Amphenol Sine
117 heavy|mate® M How to select a solution with series heavy|mate® M? Requirements • 3 x 400V; 50A; 6mm² wire gauge • 8 x 250V; 8A; 1.5mm² wire gauge • 5 x 400V; 15A; 4mm² wire gauge Solution 1. Check how 16 contacts can be realized; see modules overview on page 118
Model 643A61 | PCB Piezotronics (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
Amphenol All Sensors Products | All Sensors
Discover Amphenol All Sensors customizable ultra low pressure solutions by family.
Bus bars | Products Amphenol Air LB
SIM - EN4165 series 3 connectors (2&4 modules) - Accessories; SIM - EN4165 series 3 connectors (monomodule) - Plugs; 1900SIM connectors. 1900SIM connectors - Plugs; 1900SIM connectors - Receptacles; 3559 - ABS1152 push-pull connectors. 3559 - ABS1152 push-pull connectors - Plugs; 3559 - ABS1152 push-pull connectors - Receptacles;