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Battery pack temperature sensor -
R @ 25°C 10,000 ohms ±1% B (25/85) 3435 Operating Temperature Range-40°C to 150°C Storage Temperature Range: -40°C to 150°C Response Time < 15 seconds Temperature Accuracy ± 0.2°C from 0 to 70°C Housing Material Tyco Ring Terminal # 322447, #4 stud ring tongue terminal Wire #22 (7x30) 600 V Belden 83005 wire, PTFE Length: 1000mm
P95 Medium Chirp, 300W, Garmin 12-Pin, DO -
Designed for smaller boats up to 8 m (25') with a solid-fiberglass hull. The P95M includes a plastic mounting base which is aligned to the centerline and secured inside the hull. Then it is filled with non-toxic antifreeze. The transducer is inserted into the base and adjusted for the proper deadrise offset, ensuring the beam is shooting ...
third angle proj. rev description date revisions eco appr cad file dwg size rev unless otherwise specified, dimensions are in metric and tolerances are:
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Directional Coupler -
Isolation 25 dB 26 dB 27 dB 28 dB 30 dB 33 dB 35 dB 40 dB 50 dB Return Loss 20.8 dB Average Power (max) 4.3-10 Connectors 200 W 7/16-DIN Connectors 200 W N Connectors 300 W Peak Power 1000 W PIM3 (2x43 dBm) -160 dBc Impedance 50Ω Mechanical Characteristics Dimensions 4.3-10 Connectors 158 x 75 x 22 mm (6.2 x 3.0 x 0.9 in)
Technical features -
External Document Links Notes Hangers for anchor bar 18-22 mm (0.71-0.87") PRODUCT DATASHEET HCH-118-1C Cable hanger for Air Dielectric Cable HCH-118-1C REV : B REV DATE : 28 Jan 2013 All values nominal unless tolerances provided; information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time
P79 200kHz, 600W, Furuno 8-Pin, DO - AIRMAR EMEA
The eco-friendly coolant provides the best medium to transmit through solid fiberglass and into the surrounding water. The major benefit of in-hull transducers is no protruding features on the exterior of the hull, making it the perfect choice for trailered or lifted boats. Designed for smaller boats up to 8 m (25') with a solid fiberglass hull.
1695-2180 MHz -
Wind Area 0.12 m2 1.25 ft2 Wind Load (160 km/hr or 100 mph) 62 N 13.7 lbf. WT360X06Fx60 SINGLE BAND | OMNI | CANISTER ANTENNA | X-POL | FIXED TILT | 610 MM (24.0 IN) Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions. Extreme
Amphenol Assembletech
USB2.0 A STR to Lightning: Part Number: RUBAH-0214 (Note: The part number is only for reference. If you have requirement,please contact Amphenol for further confirming PN and drawing)
Amphenol 2021 Sustainability Report
25% Commercial Aerospace 2% Military 11% Balanced End Market Exposure SHORTER CYCLE LONGER CYCLE Broadband 4% Mobile Networks 5% IT Datacom 21% Mobile Devices 12% 2021 Global Workforce. 6 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT AMPHENOL CORPORATION Our sustainability approach and goals are set at the corporate level
Amphenol 2021 Sustainability Report - アンフェノールジャパン ...
25% Commercial Aerospace 2% Military 11% Balanced End Market Exposure SHORTER CYCLE LONGER CYCLE Broadband 4% Mobile Networks 5% IT Datacom 21% Mobile Devices 12% 2021 Global Workforce. 6 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT AMPHENOL CORPORATION Our sustainability approach and goals are set at the corporate level
Directional Coupler -
Isolation 25 dB 26 dB 27 dB 28 dB 30 dB 33 dB 35 dB 40 dB 50 dB Return Loss 20.8 dB Average Power (max) 4.3-10 Connectors 200 W 7/16-DIN Connectors 200 W N Connectors 300 W Peak Power 1000 W PIM3 (2x43 dBm) -160 dBc Impedance 50Ω Mechanical Characteristics Dimensions 4.3-10 Connectors 158 x 75 x 22 mm (6.2 x 3.0 x 0.9 in)
Railway industRial - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
Tightening torque maxi : 21.25 inch. daN operating temperature : -55°C to +150°C Flammability / smoke / toxicity : UL94VO NFF16101/102 Exigency 3 EN45545 (HL3 R22) 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 légende 1 - Vis (non fournie) 2 - Collier de cheminemnt 3 - Protection élastomère 4 - Frette (nonfournie) caption 1 - Screw (not supplied) 2 - Cable clamp
OS4890-6040-02 - Model -
input power 10 watts @ 25°c (assumes output match of of 2.0:1 or better. derates linearly to 10% with arbitrary load) impedance 50 ohms insertion loss 1.5 db typ. 2.0 db max. isolation 15 db min. phase 6° max. ...
25 26 27-28 29 30 SA_2018.indd 3 1/4/19 12:06 PM. TTC 4 Contact ALBPCL75P Engineered for lean manufacturing the high performance 75P clamp was designed as a one-for-one replacement to outperform industry standard metal clamps (such as AS21919). Featuring a locking feature,
General purpose accelerometer - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Sensitivity, ± 5%, 25°C 100 mV/g Acceleration range, VDC > 25 V 80 g peak Amplitude nonlinearity 1% Frequency response: ± 5% ± 10% ± 3 dB 3 - 5,000 Hz 2 - 7,000 Hz 1 - 12,000 Hz Resonance frequency 26 kHz Transverse sensitivity, max 5% of axial Temperature response: –50°C +120°C –15% +15% Power requirement:
Discontinued - Temposonics
Accessories page 67 and following. Included in delivery profile model: Sensor,positionmagnet,2mountingclampsupto1250mm+1clampforeveryadditional500mm. Included in delivery rod model: SensorandO-ring.Magnetsmustbeorderedseparately.Usesignedmagnetsforsensorsw/LCO Temposonics® Sensor model RP-Profile RH-Rod Design Profile Temposonics® RP: S-Magnetslider,jointattop
5 4 3 2 1 ELECTRICAL ECO - XMA Corp
+25°c to 10% at +125°c 5 µ sec pulse widt finish: sheet 1 1 b mil-std-100 & 1000 drawing practices per ansi-y-14.5 5 4 inches c see notes apply before / after processing see notes material: dimensions are in inches and third angle projection. note: interpret iaw ansi y14.5-1982 3 decimals inch [mm] drawn checked eng. appr. 2 scale date date ...
25 26 27-28 29 30 SA_2018.indd 3 1/4/19 12:06 PM. TTC 4 Contact ALBPCL75P Engineered for lean manufacturing the high performance 75P clamp was designed as a one-for-one replacement to outperform industry standard metal clamps (such as AS21919). Featuring a locking feature,