Search Results for миг-25
RF Filters | For VHF/UHF radio systems | Amphenol Procom
For radio systems with a TX power level from 25-1 50 W, we will recommend our huge range of middle to small size F ilters and for filters < 25 W, often for receiving (Rx), the n we recommend our miniature small sized RX Filters, also called pre-selectors.
SGX Sensortech
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CC-05-xxx-FM - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Our RET control cables are compliant to AISG standards and are offered in many different lengths.
Search Results for baby girl born with twin inside her
9-2437-25 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol 1 kW. Get more coverage under your boat with Airmar’s unique wide-beam, low and high-frequency, Chirp-ready B275LHW. The high band operates across a frequency range of 150 to 250 kHz and has a fixed 25° beam for all frequencies which results in superior resolution.
SGX Sensortech
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16617 MIL-DTL-26482, Series 2, Matrix - Amphenol Aerospace
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6186108 -
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Resonant Frequency 25 kHz Broadband Resolution (1 to 10000 Hz) 150 µg 1472 µm/s. 2. Non-Linearity ±1 % Transverse Sensitivity ≤5 %. Environmental. Overload Limit (Shock) 5000 g pk 49050 m/s² pk Temperature Range-65 to +325 °F -54 to +162 °C Enclosure Rating IP68. Electrical. ≤2.0 sec
RF Filters | For VHF/UHF radio systems | Amphenol Procom
For radio systems with a TX power level from 25-1 50 W, we will recommend our huge range of middle to small size F ilters and for filters < 25 W, often for receiving (Rx), the n we recommend our miniature small sized RX Filters, also called pre-selectors.
Antenas omnidireccional 470.02.05.00 -
Modelo Producto No. Descripción Frecuencia; Wideband Ground-Air dipole, 0 dBd: 470.02.05.00: 225 - 400 MHz: Agregar a la cotización: Wideband Ground-Air dipole, 0 dBd
D38999 Series III PCB Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol provides 38999 Series III type connectors with PC Tail contacts, which are ideal for printed circuit board applications, either with rigid attachment or flex print assembly attachments.
NovaSensor NPC-410 Series Medium Pressure Sensors
NovaSensor NPC-410 Series Medium Pressure Sensors
Validation / Monitoring Solutions to Meet your Needs
Validation / Monitoring Solutions to Meet your Needs
Connettori PCB ad alte prestazioni - connettori scheda-scheda (PCB) e ...
Amphenol Socapex offre un'ampia gamma di connettori scheda-scheda (PCB) e scheda-cavo.
Thermometrics NTC Type 95 Series Thermistors
Thermometrics NTC Type 95 Series Thermistors
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25, size 22, Twist & Lock: Visi amphenlpcdcm for more informion: More from Amphenol Pcd’s Luminus Series: Amphenol Pcd has expanded the capability of Luminus to support industry standard TWINAX and QUADRAX style contacts. Luminus High Speed provides exceptional performance in tight spaces, with a svelte shell size 8 (0.512”)
Automotive | Markets - Amphenol
Amphenol is a leading supplier of advanced interconnect systems, sensors and antennas for a growing array of automotive applications. In addition, we have developed advanced technology solutions for hybrid and electric vehicles and are working with leading global customers to proliferate these advanced interconnect products into next-generation automobiles.