Search Results for миг-25
Antenas omnidireccional 470.02.05.00 -
Modelo Producto No. Descripción Frecuencia; Wideband Ground-Air dipole, 0 dBd: 470.02.05.00: 225 - 400 MHz: Agregar a la cotización: Wideband Ground-Air dipole, 0 dBd
assuming 25°c ambient room conditions,variations in room draft/air flow, and component temperatures will affect heat time. time exposure to heat is only a recommendation. operator is advised to maintain heat until 360° glue is evidenced to be melted and tubing is fully recovered. 5. insert the sub-assembly into the rear of the plastic housing ...
Super-Trex® Type MV-105 Medium Voltage Cable - TPC Wire
Super-Trex® Type MV-105 Medium Voltage is a single-conductor medium voltage cable for applications up to 15kV. This cable is ideal for where tight spaces, a small bend radius or a difficult installation is encountered.
Thermometrics NTC Type B Series Glass Coated Bead Thermisors
Thermometrics NTC Type B Series Glass Coated Bead Thermisors
Mini Cool Edge IO Connector System - Amphenol
Mini Cool Edge IO is an internal flyover connector system used in server, storage and data centers. Internal flyover is a trend that supports design flexibility and reach for high data rate signals inside the box. With a 0.60mm signal pin pitch and curren
Model 3711B1110G MEMS DC accelerometer, 200 mV/g +/-10 g range, 0 ... - PCB
Model 3711B1110G MEMS DC accelerometer, 200 mV/g +/-10 g range, 0 to 1000 Hz, 4-pin connector Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product,
Autoclave Temperature Mapping | Temperature Validation System - KAYE
Discover the Kaye Validator AVS, a temperature validation system designed for accurate autoclave temperature mapping, ensuring regulatory compliance and process safety. Achieve reliable results with our leading solutions.
TABLEA - Amphenol Alden
2.25. TABLEC: Disposable Receptacle Backshell. A. Cable Mount Receptacle DustCover. DimensionA. 0.140. Part Number. 107307-01. Plug Soaking Cap: (Wire Tether with cableloop) 0.166. 107307-08. 0.180; 107307-15. The PL- 900 Series Plug Soaking Cap is; 0.210. 107307-22; designed to protect the plug’s contact.
Autoclave Temperature Mapping | Temperature Validation System - KAYE
Discover the Kaye Validator AVS, a temperature validation system designed for accurate autoclave temperature mapping, ensuring regulatory compliance and process safety. Achieve reliable results with our leading solutions.
RFQ: Quadrax 8 Tensolite NF22Q100 100 MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, TV-R
For radio systems with a TX power level from 25-1 50 W, we will recommend our huge range of middle to small size F ilters and for filters < 25 W, often for receiving (Rx), the n we recommend our miniature small sized RX Filters, also called pre-selectors.
RF Filters | For VHF/UHF radio systems | Amphenol Procom
For radio systems with a TX power level from 25-1 50 W, we will recommend our huge range of middle to small size F ilters and for filters < 25 W, often for receiving (Rx), the n we recommend our miniature small sized RX Filters, also called pre-selectors.
Title: Created Date: 6/25/2002 9:55:01 AM
112488 dwg Model (1) - Amphenol RF
Title: 112488_dwg Model (1) Created Date: 2/25/2010 10:55:51 AM
Shakespeare | World Band Cellular/Wi-Fi Galaxy Antenna
Shakespeare World Band Cellular/Wi-Fi Galaxy Antenna. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
NovaSensor NPI-19 Digital I2C Pressure Sensor
NovaSensor NPI-19 Digital I2C Pressure Sensor
Not To Scale -
Not To Scale
Author: HyperGEAR,Inc. Created Date: 10/25/2008 9:08:34 AM