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C146 HvE 高電圧型インサート C146 10B010 102 3|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
≥ 10 12 Ω: 接触抵抗: DIN EN 60512-2, Test 2a / IEC 60512-2 Test 2a : 5 mΩ: 通電容量: DIN EN 60512-3, Test 5b / IEC 60512-2 Test 5b : 軽減曲線をご参照ください。 汚染度: DIN EN 60664-1 / IEC 60664-1 : 3 : 耐候性: 耐候性試験: DIN EN 60068-1 / IEC 60068-1 : 40 / 125 / 21 : 最高気温 + 125 °C / 1000h ...
For more inormation, contact: Customer Service, +1 800 34 7732, HYPERBUSS™ ATV Series 18 Position Heavy Duty Bussed Receptacles Image Part Number Description Size Amps ATV04-18PA-BUS 18 Position, HYPERBUSS™ ATV Series, Receptacle, Buss, Key A, Grey 16
National Intern Day 2022 - Amphenol CS
This summer, Amphenol Communication Solutions welcomed over 30 interns on board to gain valuable experience in a variety of roles, ranging from marketing and sales to engineering. Interns are based out of several ACS locations, including offices in California, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Connec
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EBY Electro - EB410-XX-803 Series - 10.00mm Spacing - SCREWLESS BLOCKS ...
Centerline Spacing: 10.00mm Spacing (0.394") See DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS. ELECTRICAL: Voltage Rating: 300 VAC. Current Rating: 15 Amps. Wire Range Min / Max: 12-28AWG. MECHANICAL: Soldering Tempertures: 260°C, 500°F for 5 seconds Max. MATERIAL: Insulator Body Material: Polyamide, UL 94V-0. Wire Retention Spring: Stainless Steel
CM1503 Series - 5.08mm Spacing - EBY Electro
Custom Terminal Blocks. Complete Design Services - Tell us your requirements and EBY can design the efficient, economical component you need.. Manufacturing For You - With EBY's manufacturing network, we can offer quantities and delivery times at very competitive prices.. With CAD/CAE, Solid Modeling and Rapid Prototype Techniques, our engineers can bring your concepts to life in as little as ...
DESCRIPTION L I S T A m p h e n o l
of: sh: rev: dwg no: title: rev description date revisions eco by appr 1 1 b1 rt0w01419s*h eco-mate, receptacle,size 14, 19pos,socket. b1 - released drawing jun-26-2014 ben see part number
EBY Electro - EB1085-XX-500 Series - 5.08mm Spacing - SCREWLESS BLOCKS ...
Custom Terminal Blocks. Complete Design Services - Tell us your requirements and EBY can design the efficient, economical component you need.. Manufacturing For You - With EBY's manufacturing network, we can offer quantities and delivery times at very competitive prices.. With CAD/CAE, Solid Modeling and Rapid Prototype Techniques, our engineers can bring your concepts to life in as little as ...
VPX DC/DC POWER SUPPLY - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
If 10 Sec timer expired unit will turn off till input voltage goes back to 21V Note: 1275E configuration is optional, contact Factory. 1.1 Steady state Low Line Turn-on and Turn-off Limits To avoid Turn-on and Turn-off glitch the unit have about 3V Hysteresis. The Turn-on threshold is under 21V and turn- off
EB1082-XX-502 Series - 7.50mm Spacing - EBY Electro
Custom Terminal Blocks. Complete Design Services - Tell us your requirements and EBY can design the efficient, economical component you need.. Manufacturing For You - With EBY's manufacturing network, we can offer quantities and delivery times at very competitive prices.. With CAD/CAE, Solid Modeling and Rapid Prototype Techniques, our engineers can bring your concepts to life in as little as ...
/(1*7+ 0[[[ 0HWHUV - Amphenol
$ 7(&+1,&$/ '$7$ 6+((7 5(/($6( 0$< .00 5)& 0$7,1* &<&/(6 ! 7(03(5$785( 5$1*( & 72 & 3527(&7,21 ,3 0$7(' &21',7,21 5r+6 &203/,$17
Amphenol Network Solutions > Central Office and Headend Solutions > 1RU ...
Amphenol Network Solutions brand of power panels continues to be updated with more best-in-class features. Our 1RU family has been expanded with the addition of the 250TPA08 model, offering dual 8x8 TPA fuse positions with 250 amps continuous per feed, and a max rating of up to 50A each with optional connectorized outputs, and optional nrgSMART™ individual circuit current monitoring.
B A1 - Amphenol Sine
Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morle Drive, Clinton Tonship, M 48036 USA amphenolsinecom 092021 Crimp Contacts, Machined Crimp Contacts, Stamped & Formed Part Number AWG Wire Range (mm²) Plating Part Number AWG Wire Range
C146 A (小型)インサート C146 10B010 002 4|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
10 + pe : オスインサート重量 : 48 g: メスインサート重量 : 52 g: 電気特性: 定格電圧: din en 60664-1 / iec 60664-1 : 250v : 定格インパルス耐電圧: din en 60664-1 / iec 60664-1 : 4000v : 定格電流 (@40℃) 16 a: 耐電圧: din en 60512-2, test 4a / iec 60512-2, test 4a : 2800 v: 設置カテゴリ: din en ...
ENGINEERING REPORT - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
Amphenol Corporation Report No: ER-8559 Amphenol Aerospace Page: 7 Sidney, New York 13838-1395 . REGION 1 & 2 . CONFIG 1 REGION 1/2
Cat-6 Silverline 041594 11/4/2016 8:50 AM Page 1 TCAT-6 & TCAT-6-DB
10 47.8 44.8 545 45 16 43.7 40.7 543 45 20 41.8 38.8 542 45 25 39.8 36.8 541 45 31.25 37.9 34.9 540 45 62.5 31.9 28.9 539 45 100 27.8 24.8 538 45 200 21.8 18.8 537 45 250 19.8 16.8 536 45 Electrical Characteristics (20ºC) TCAT - 09/16 Cat-6_Silverline 041594 11/4/2016 8:50 AM Page 2.