Search Results for データ活用 japan build
RJE3B1886102N | Modular Jacks | Amphenol
Modular Jack - 8P8C, Right Angle, CAT6, Surface Mount, Single Port, Shield Without Top and Side EMI Tabs, With Housing Pegs, No LEDs
Metral Power & Coax | FCI Basics | High Power and Coax Connectors ...
FCI Basics Metral® power, high power and coax connectors are standalone modules, end-to-end stackable with Metral® signal modules. The connectors are compliant to IEC 61076-4-104 and Telcordia GR-1217-CORE.
コネクタタイプ-ねじ接続式 プラグ|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
コネクタタイプ - ねじ接続式 プラグ. カタログ; 特長. ねじ接続式のプラグコネクタ ; 定格電圧:160~600v 定格電流:6~115a ; 電線サイズ: awg12~28
Thermometrics JS8746 Temperature Sensor - Amphenol
HVAC control systems in the container-ship market. Employing materials and build standards that enhance the sensor’s ability to withstand water ingression and degradation by the marine environment, the sensor meets statutory requirements for temperature measurement and performance expectations. Part Number L / mm K / mm Tolerance 0-70°C / ± °C
GA T 3XXX 100+118 - Amphenol Sine
20 12 5,5 12,3 M18x0,75 * * for 12,14 and 19 pol dimension is 10,0 D 2 A B 4 D eitergabe sowie ervielfältigung dieser Unterlage, erwertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts nicht gestattet, soweit nicht ausdrücklich
Anwendungsbericht - VEREINIGTE STAATEN Temposonics, LLC Telefon: +1 919 677-0100 E-Mail: DEUTSCHLAND Temposonics GmbH & Co. KG Telefon: +49 2351 9587-0
Monthly Archives: August 2019 - Amphenol CS
The online world depends on Data Centers. They occupy large building spaces that house servers and the accompanying storage and network. Servers take the centerstage when it comes to the online experience.
Puerto Rico -
Kaye ValProbe RT CO 2 Logger. The 3-in-1 data logger from the Kaye ValProbe RT product line offers the capability to measure critical parameters such as CO 2 (carbon dioxide), relative humidity (RH), and temperature with a single device. For applications where these measurements are quality-critical, the Kaye ValProbe RT CO 2 Logger provides economical, accurate, and GxP-compliant recording ...
How position sensors control a 60-ton CNC stretch-bending machine GERMANY Temposonics GmbH & Co. KG Phone: +49 2351 9587-0 E-Mail: ITALY Branch Office Phone: +39 030 988 3819
R-VPX - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
リアしています。VITA46で規定されている10Gbpsを上回るデータ伝送により、民間航空 機、防衛航空機、C4ISR、地上電子戦システム、衛星地上システム、ミサイル防衛、宇宙向け システムなどの厳しい環境で高信頼性の高速データ伝送を要求される用途に最適 ...
C091 シリーズ|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
アンフェノールジャパン株式会社:航空宇宙・産業機器カンパニー ~航空宇宙・産業用および通信用コネクタ・ケーブルの ...
Build Your Own DIN Connector Part Cord No. Sets
Build Your Own DIN Connector Cord Sets The chart below lists components with which to “build” the exact cord set needed. Begin at left with the first column. Write a in “D” the box at the top of the column. From the next column, identify the series. Write the appropriate letter in the box at the top of the column.
Modular Combination Boxes|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
Modular Combination Boxes. カタログ; Modular Combination Boxesは、樹脂製またはメタル製のBOX内に、産業用プラグ&ソケットと、RCD(漏電遮断器)、MCB(配線用遮断器)などを複合的に組合わせ可能なモジュラータイプの製品です。
Super Small Form Switches - Amphenol Aerospace
The UbiSwitch Baseboard is a breakout system designed to provide a compact (70mm x 70mm) plug and play system for UbiSwitch. UbiSwitch Baseboard provides 3 x 10Gbps on SFP+ cages and 8 x 1Gbps ethernet ports on Molex PicoClasp headers.
防爆RJF イーサネット接続コネクタ|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
防爆rjf イーサネット接続コネクタ. カタログ; atex ゾーン2の防爆環境においてもイーサネット接続を可能にする防爆RJフィールドコネクタです。
NG-TRx|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
アンフェノールジャパン株式会社:航空宇宙・産業機器カンパニー ~航空宇宙・産業用および通信用コネクタ・ケーブルの ...
Houston-based Intuitive Machines lands spacecraft on the moon
Feb. 23, 2024 . Houston-based lunar exploration company Intuitive Machines successfully landed a spacecraft on the moon Feb. 22. The spacecraft, named Odysseus, is the first privately developed spacecraft to land on the moon and is the first U.S. spacecraft to touch down on the moon’s surface since Apollo 17 in 1972.
B1 Catalog C-005 Rev. -
6 10 1 43 22 21 62 42 1 5 30 31 18 26 1 21 60 40 20 59 39 78 22 64 43 85 44 42 84 63 104 21 10 9 16 15 1 11 15 19 dimensions are in inches [millimeters]. 14 all dimensions are subject to change.
Kaye Kundenportal -
Kaye ValProbe RT {Übersicht} Kaye ValProbe RT {Basis Station} Kaye ValProbe RT {Temperatur Logger Flexibel} Kaye ValProbe RT {Temperatur Logger Biegsam}
Kaye Freeze Dryer Logger
X2534 ValProbe yüzey sıcaklık Loggerları, -85 ° C ile + 140 ° C arasında değişen geniş bir sıcaklık aralığında Freeze Dryerlar/Liyofilizatörlerin raf sıcaklığı ölçümü için ideal, gelişmiş ve hassas kablosuz ölçüm özelliği sunar.