Search Results for 安费洛
电源分配单元 (PDU) - 电源分配单元 | 安费诺Socapex公司
我们的配电装置 (pdu) 可根据 mil-std-1275c-e 或 mil-std-704a-f 标准提供先进的负载平衡、浪涌保护和尖峰保护,其专业构造可通过 can 总线和/或 rs-485 和/或以太网进行控制和诊断。28v 至 600v pdu 技术可无缝集成关键系统、最大限度地利用能源,并为运营奠定坚实的基础。
38999 系列 - MIL-DTL-38999 系列 I、II 和 III、V 和 EN3645 连接器 | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex是提供高性能圆形连接器(包括 D38999、2M Micro Miniature、Rugged Ethernet、USB、Display、RFM 和 PT/451 连接器)的知名领先企业,专为国防和航空航天领域的各种关键应用而量身定制。这些电气连接器专为满足工业和军事环境的严格要求而设计,具有卓越的耐用性、可靠性和数据传输能力。
SMP Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency SMP Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of SMP Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
Amphenol Socapex - Connectors, military connectors, circular connectors ...
Rugged solutions tailored to military requirements. Amphenol Socapex's military products are used by a wide range of customers, including defense contractors, military prime contractors, and government agencies.
C键位带二次锁 - 安费诺 - Amphenol-gec
业务领域: 系列:hc信号源系列类别:插座键位:c键位二次锁:带二次锁
hc08b-p32r | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for hc08b-p32r POWERLOK GEN2 SERIES - 电子 - 组件 - 安费诺 (常州)电子有限公司 POWERLOK G2 series is a high performance, compact, aluminum alloy interconnect solution utilizing RADSOK® contact technology for EV and Hybrid transportation applications. G2 provides electrical ratings up to 1000VDC and 450A (@ 50°C ...
手动维修开关(MSD10 -
Amphenol Manual Service Disconnect Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems Amphenol Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd 20 Tianshan Road, Changzhou Jiangsu China.
FFC/FPC Connectors | Flex Connectors | High Speed | ZIF | Non ZIF
Amphenol's High-speed FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit) Flex Connectors come in both ZIF and Non-ZIF versions. These are offered in 0.21mm to 2.54mm pitch sizes and feature strong FPC retention.
QSFP DD Cable Assemblies | High Speed Input Output | Amphenol
Amphenol QSFP DD (Double Density) passive copper cable assemblies double the number of channels from 4 to 8 lanes when compared to the existing 100G QSFP cabling systems, enabling more bandwidth within the same mechanical envelope. Compatible with 25G/Lan
Piezoelectric accelerometer design - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Industrial accelerometer design, 2009 6 Vibration product training – low frequency measurements Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies proprietary • What is an accelerometer –A sensor is a that measures acceleration –Based on Newton’s second law of motion
socapex | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol We reserve the right to modify our products in any way we deem necessary. Any duplication is prohibited, unless approved in writing. Follow Amphenol Socapex on social media : Designed by Amphenol Socapex DOC-001007-ANG - July 2017 EN3645 How To Order 25 JN04 JN07 JN08 JN11 JN17
技术公告 | 安费诺 Socapex
了解我们的 hdmi 2.0 aoc 电缆:长距离连接,毫不妥协
OCuLink connectors | PCIe/SAS Interface| I/O Connectors - Amphenol
G14 Series OCuLink connectors are internal and external Small Form Factor PCIe connectors and cables optimized for the client and mobile market segments, while suitable for various datacom, consumer and industrial applications.
R-VPX Evolution - VITA 连接器 | 安费诺 Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 的 R-VPX Evolution 是一种模块化 COTS 互连系统,超过了 VITA 46 和 47 标准。该互连系统具有 16 Gb/s 性能,可与现有的 VITA 46 连接器完全互配。4 点接触系统坚固耐用,配接力低,额定接触电流为 1.5 安培。它符合 46.30 Spec footprint 标准,可支持以太网、光纤通道、InfiniBand 和其他协议。
研发 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
我们的工程实验室为产品测试和鉴定、产品专业知识和计量提供全方位的专业服务。 主要事实. 320 平方米的先进设施,配备 ...
愿景和价值观 | 安费诺Socapex公司 - Amphenol Socapex
安费诺 socapex 值. 激情. 创新:产品创新、工艺创新、技术创新。 针对新市场:新应用、新客户、新地域。 服务方面:技术支持、数字支持、供应链支持。
HD-BNC Connectors - Amphenol RF
The HD-BNC product line delivers both true 50 and 75 ohm performance in a footprint 4 times smaller than traditional BNC connectors. Using the same cable prep and termination specifications of legacy broadcast connectors makes adopting HD-BNC seamless.
五号 - 38999 系列 | 安费诺 Socapex
mil-dtl-38999 系列连接器于 20 世纪 60 年代推出,是一种革命性的军用解决方案,以其紧凑的触点和增强的插入模式而著称。这一创新超越了已经广受好评的 mil-dtl-5015 连接器。在随后的几十年中,d38999 连接器不仅获得了广泛的认可,而且还成为军事规格连接器的权威标准,特别是在要求苛刻的军事和 ...
fAKRA | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
FAKRA Connectors are versatile RF interconnect and are ideal for a number of critical applications, primarily winthin the automotive space. Self-driving vehicles operate without human control, using sensors and advanced processing to safely drive and navigate.
RFM - RFM 系列 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 提供 RFM 系列机架和面板连接器,它们允许盲插,并配有浮动固定装置。RFM 连接器符合 EN45545-2 和 NF F 61-032 标准。RFM 连接器多年来一直被原始设备制造商用于恶劣环境和铁路安全系统中。RFM 连接器的坚固性和重新定位能力也为军事应用提供了耐用性和可靠性。