Search Results for 安费诺 hvc2p80mv1-18
2.8mm 2 poles 180°Plastic High Voltage Connector (Inline Version ...
As a member of Amphenol Automotive products group, Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., established in 2004, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amphenol Group in China. Through more than 10 years of efforts, our company has formed six major business units and ten major product groups, including airbag connectors and harnesses, automotive buckle harnesses, automotive ...
Search Results for HVC2P - Amphenol
HVC2P 28FS104 is a 2.8mm diameter, 180° angle, metal shielded, high voltage connector for hybrid and electric vehicles. It has IP67, IP6K9K and IPXXB ratings, and can withstand 900V DC and 20-40A rated current.
Search Results for HVC2P80 - Amphenol
HVC2P80 (90°)は、PDU、インバータ、バッテリーシステムなどの電動パワートレイン向けに開発された、2芯、ライトアングル形状の樹脂製高電圧EVコネクタです。. 定格電圧1000V DC、定格電流は最大220A、適用電線サイズ25mm²~50mm²に対応しています。. https://www ...
HVC 8mm 2 poles connector(18 0o)
HVC 8mm 2 poles connector(18 0o) High voltage, high current , 25mm2~50mm2 wire, metal shielded, HVIL
Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems HVC2.8mm2 polesconnector
20 Tianshan Road,Changzhou • Jiangsu • China • Phone +86/0519-85601880 • Fax +86/0519-85118840
2.8mm 2 poles 180°Plastic High Voltage Connector - Hybrid&EV connector ...
As a member of Amphenol Automotive products group, Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., established in 2004, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amphenol Group in China. Through more than 10 years of efforts, our company has formed six major business units and ten major product groups, including airbag connectors and harnesses, automotive buckle harnesses, automotive ...
Products - Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the world’s largest designers, manufacturers and marketers of connectors and interconnect systems, antennas solutions, sensors and high-speed cable. Our connector and connector system solutions include fiber optic interconnect, harsh environment interconnect, high-speed interconnect, power interconnect, power distribution and busbars and radio frequency (RF) interconnect ...
Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace designs and manufactures QPL Mil-spec and custom circular and rectangular electrical and electronic connectors for the military and aerospace industries. We also specialize in designing and building high-speed cable assemblies, media converters and Ethernet switches, fiber optic connectors and cable assemblies, high power and high voltage connectors, EMI/EMP filter ...
Amphenol High Voltage Connectors
HVMC 14mm 2 poles connector(180 o ) High voltage, high current , 70mm2~120mm2 wire, metal shielded, HVIL
Connectors | Products | Amphenol
Amphenol has been designing and manufacturing electrical and electronic connectors since the company’s inception in 1932. For nearly a century, we’ve been helping customers transmit power, data and signal in the harshest environments, from subsea applications to the outer reaches of space and everywhere in between. Our wide array of electrical and electronic connectors come in multiple ...
HVC 8mm single pole connector(90 o )
Part-No: Plug: HVSC1P80FVX16 ( 16 mm2) HVSC1P80FVX25 ( 25 mm2) HVSC1P80FVX35 ( 35 mm2) HVSC1P80FVX50 ( 50 mm2) Socket:
Microsoft Word - HVC1P80FVXXX-datasheet-ä ̧æ ç _Rev 02.doc
HVC1P80MVX XX 铜排类型 Code: 1:Code A ;2:Code B;3:Code C 4:Code D ;5:Code E;6:Code F
Amphenol is one of the world’s largest providers of high-technology interconnect, sensor and antenna solutions.
Amphenol High Voltage Connectors
HVC 12mm 2 poles connector(180 o ) High voltage, high current , 35mm2~70mm2 wire, metal shielded, HVIL
Amphenol High Voltage Connectors
产品型号: 插头: HVC2P60FSX16 (16 mm2 Ø9.6~10.2 ) HVC2P60FSX25( 25 mm2 Ø11.6~12.2) 插座: HVC2P60MVX00 (Type 1, Ø5.2mm)
HVEC2P18 2 poles 180°Plastic High Voltage Connector - Hybrid&EV ...
As a member of Amphenol Automotive products group, Amphenol Automotive Connection Systems (Changzhou) Co., Ltd., established in 2004, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amphenol Group in China. Through more than 10 years of efforts, our company has formed six major business units and ten major product groups, including airbag connectors and harnesses, automotive buckle harnesses, automotive ...
Microsoft Word - HVC2P28FS&MVXXX_Datasheet_REV01.doc
Socket: HVC2P28MVX02 (2.5mm2 Unshield) HVC2P28MVX04 (4.0mm2 Unshield) HVC2P28MVX05 (5.0mm2 Unshield)
HVC 3.6mm 2孔连接器
HVC 3.6mm 2孔 连接器( 插头— 插座) 高电压, 6/10mm2 屏蔽线缆,金属屏蔽, HVIL( 高压互锁)
HVPC 16mm 2 Poles Connector High voltage, high current, 35 & 50mm2wire, metal shielded, HVIL