Search Results for 安费诺(厦门)高速线缆有限公司
HP2FSAN001 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for fpc inmeta:gsaentity_divisions=amphenol%20fci FCI Basics High-Speed flex connectors can transfer data rates up to 10Gb/s. It has a 0.30mm pitch, in-line layout and backflip actuator coupled with locking feature for strong FPC retention.High-speed FPC provides a low profile and compact solution while maintaining high-speed ...
Home Page - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Amphenol PCD designs and manufactures circular and rectangular electronic connectors for low, medium and high power applications and lightweight composite cable and pipe management solutions for wire, hydraulic and fuel systems for the military and aerospace industries. We take pride in our ability to create customizable cable assemblies and advanced In-Seat Portable Electronic Devices (PED ...
VITA 连接器 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol 的 VITA 连接器在军事和航空航天应用中表现出色,以紧凑、坚固的设计提供高性能数据传输
图片 | 安费诺 Socapex
了解我们的 hdmi 2.0 aoc 电缆:长距离连接,毫不妥协
Financials - Quarterly and Annual reports - Amphenol
Annual Reports and Proxy Statements. About Amphenol. Our Company; Product News; Investor Relations; Environmental, Social and Governance
D-Sub Dual Port | Input Output Connectors | Amphenol
Amphenol's Dual Port D-Subminiature connectors offer versatile termination options for board and cable ends, reducing overall cable assembly and connector costs.
安费诺 Socapex 经销商 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
联系我们 您有问题吗? 找不到您需要的产品?正在寻找定制设计?或者不确定您需要什么?请联系我们的专家团队,他们将 ...
2M805 - 2M 微型 | 安费诺 Socapex
2M805 连接器是一种微型圆形连接器,采用 Tri-Start 快速耦合机制,可快速、轻松地插接和拆卸。它提供超过 45 种触点排列方式,触点数从 1 到 85 不等,适用于各种应用。该连接器还具有出色的电磁干扰屏蔽功能,可确保在嘈杂环境中进行可靠的数据传输。2M805 连接器的主要优点之一是具有出色的抗 ...
了解安费诺 Socapex | 安费诺 Socapex -
安费诺 socapex 概况. 成立于 1947 年; 隶属于美国安费诺集团(在纽约证券交易所上市); 1400 多名员工; 2 个生产基地:法国蒂耶兹和印度浦那; 在每个生产基地,我们都有最先进的车间,涵盖各种基本工艺,包括触头、连接器和电缆的成型、螺纹加工、机加工、电镀和装配。
R-VPX Evolution 2.0 - VITA 连接器 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex R-VPX Evolution 2.0 系列提供 COTS 互连系统,数据传输速率高达 32 Gb/s,无与伦比,是目前速度最快的 VITA 46.30 连接器。这些连接器适用于开放式 VPX 应用,可与现有的 VITA 46 连接器完全互配和互装,同时超过 VITA 47 标准。R-VPX Evolution 2.0 连接器具有坚固耐用的四点接触系统和低插拔力连接器 ...
| 安费诺 Socapex
了解我们的 hdmi 2.0 aoc 电缆:长距离连接,毫不妥协
AMPHENOL PROCOM - Connect with confidence - HOME
Amphenol Procom’s world-leading antenna, DAS, and combiner and filter solutions are the only way to meet your customers’ uncompromising standards for reliable network performance.
AMMC Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency AMMC Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of AMMC Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
安费诺集团副总裁来常访问 - 公司新闻-新闻中心 - 安费诺汽车连接系统(常州)有限公司
Contact Us - Amphenol RF
Back; N-Type Adapters; N-Type to 1.0-2.3 Adapters; N-Type to 2.2-5 Adapters; N-Type to 4.1-9.5 Adapters; N-Type to 4.3-10 Adapters; N-Type to 7-16 Adapters
Powersafe - VG96944 - 38999 系列 | 安费诺 Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 的 PowerSafe 连接器是一种高性能解决方案,专为传输电压超过 500V 的高功率而设计,符合市场上最严格的用户安全要求。它通过了 EN61984 和 EN60664 认证,可确保在最苛刻的应用中安全使用。PowerSafe 连接器非常适合用于箱式 I/O 电源、散布在现场的电源连接器(鼓)和发电机。
Guangzhou Amphenol Sincere Flex Circuits Co ., Ltd, FPC, flexible ...
Amphenol Sincere is a leading producer of value added flexible printed circuits and rigid-flex products for the Industrial, Electrical Vehicle, Medical, Robotics, and other commercial markets.
电力传输技术 / 高电压和大电流 | 安费诺 Socapex
电力传输技术对于各行各业高效可靠地传输能源至关重要。 这些解决方案专为处理高电压和高电流水平而设计,可确保安全 ...
QSFP DD Cable Assemblies | High Speed Input Output | Amphenol
Amphenol QSFP DD (Double Density) passive copper cable assemblies double the number of channels from 4 to 8 lanes when compared to the existing 100G QSFP cabling systems, enabling more bandwidth within the same mechanical envelope. Compatible with 25G/Lan