Search Results for 安费诺c10-780
2M805 - 2M 微型 | 安费诺 Socapex
2M805 连接器是一种微型圆形连接器,采用 Tri-Start 快速耦合机制,可快速、轻松地插接和拆卸。它提供超过 45 种触点排列方式,触点数从 1 到 85 不等,适用于各种应用。该连接器还具有出色的电磁干扰屏蔽功能,可确保在嘈杂环境中进行可靠的数据传输。2M805 连接器的主要优点之一是具有出色的抗 ...
2M 微型微型器件 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
2M 是一种微型微型圆形连接器,专为在恶劣环境中要求高性能、减小尺寸和重量的互连应用而设计。Amphenol 提供不同的 2M 连接器来满足您的所有需求,包括双启动 Acme 螺纹、三启动螺纹耦合、¼ 转卡口和推拉式快速断开连接。材料包括铝和不锈钢,并提供符合 ROHS 标准的镀层,如黑锌镍和 Durmalon 等。
R-VPX Evolution - VITA 连接器 | 安费诺 Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 的 R-VPX Evolution 是一种模块化 COTS 互连系统,超过了 VITA 46 和 47 标准。该互连系统具有 16 Gb/s 性能,可与现有的 VITA 46 连接器完全互配。4 点接触系统坚固耐用,配接力低,额定接触电流为 1.5 安培。它符合 46.30 Spec footprint 标准,可支持以太网、光纤通道、InfiniBand 和其他协议。
安费诺(常州)电子有限公司 -
背景介绍: 安费诺集团是全球最大的电气、电子、光纤连接器、互连 系统以及同轴和扁平电缆的连接器制造商和营销商之一。 安费诺在全球实施本地化战略, 在全球设立了80多家工厂和100多个销售办事处,以便直接地向各大洲的客户提供产品和实施本地化服务。 ...
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D38999 III 系列 TV-CTV - 38999 系列 | 安费诺 Socapex
38999 系列 iii 连接器专为在恶劣的军事和工业环境中使用而设计。该系列提供多种触点排列和外壳类型,是需要最大限度减轻重量和节省空间的应用的理想选择。
电气线束 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
电气线束 定制电气线束. 针对最苛刻的军事和工业应用,Amphenol SOCAPEX 专业制造定制电气线束组件。 我们拥有不同的技术,可为您提供最佳的布线服务。
安费诺rt0w0106sn03 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
MIL-DTL-5015, Matrix CRIMP REAR RELEASE SERIES AMPHENOL CORPORATION 40-60 Delaware Avenue, Sidney, NY 13838-1395 • 800-678-0141 •
Vibration Monitoring - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Wilcoxon is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer of accelerometers, velocity sensors, hazardous location certified sensors, portable vibration meters, enclosures, transmitters, mounting hardware, cable assemblies to monitor vibration on rotating machinery including pumps, motors, fans, gearboxes.
c10 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
CML 16ATEX1090X Issue 2 This certificate shall only be copied 2 of 5 Version: 2.0 Approval: Approved in its entirety and without change 11 Description The Linear Position Sensor Temposonics® T-Series TH is a magnetostrictive linear position sensor comprising a stainless steel hexagonal cross-sectional enclosure and cylindrical measuring element.
Low Pressure Sensor Solutions | All Sensors
CRITICAL CARE EQUIPMENT. In the critical realm of respiratory support equipment, such as ventilators, transport ventilators, and anesthesia machines, our pressure sensors play an essential role in ensuring patient safety and effective treatment.These sensors are key in providing precise control of airway pressure, a factor that is vital for the safe and effective support of patients with ...
Amphenol TPI (ATPI) - PowerLok | RadLok | Solar | Cable Assembly
Amphenol Technical Products International (Amphenol TPI) is a provider of high-technology interconnects, harnesses, and cable assemblies. Our harsh environment products Enable the Electrification Revolution across virtually every end market including EV/HEV, Data Center, Transportation, Heavy Equipment, Industrial, Energy Storage and Solar.
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C键位带二次锁 - 安费诺 - Amphenol-gec
业务领域: 系列:hc信号源系列类别:插座键位:c键位二次锁:带二次锁
Leading the Evolution of RF/Microwave Technology on a Global Scale | SV ...
Part # SF1521-60070-1S 2.92mm Female Solderless PCB Compression Mount Connector, 2 Hole, with 4.76mm Screws (CPW / Microstrip) Available Inventory: 654
AMPHENOL PROCOM - Connect with confidence - HOME
With manufacturing in Denmark, UK, North Macedonia and North America, Amphenol Procom serves a wide range of markets such as Public Safety, Aviation, Telecom, Hazardous Environments, IoT, Transportation and Industry.
fAKRA | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
FAKRA Connectors are versatile RF interconnect and are ideal for a number of critical applications, primarily winthin the automotive space. Self-driving vehicles operate without human control, using sensors and advanced processing to safely drive and navigate.
FAKRA Technical Resource Guide_052521 - Amphenol RF
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FAKRA Generation 4.0 Solutions Guide - Chinese
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POWERLOK GEN2 SERIES - 电子 - 组件 - 安费诺 (常州)电子有限公司
powerlok一代系列(更新与2024年5月13日) rev c. powerlok 4.0系列(更新与2024年5月23日) rev b. hc信号端系列(更新与2024年5月13日) rev. b