Search Results for 安费诺hsd产品手册
B键位不带二次锁 - 电子 - Amphenol-gec
业务领域: 系列:hc信号系列类型:插头键位:b键位二次锁:不带二次锁
HV FLANGE SERIES - 组件 - 安费诺 - 安费诺(常州)电子有限公司
FAKRA Generation 4.0 Solutions Guide - Chinese - Amphenol RF
安费RF800 627-7100 203 743-9272 FAKRA 4.0 订购信息 注:请联系工厂,获取组件零件编号。 FAKRA 第 4.0 代连接器 FAKRA 第 4.0 代电缆连接器由 (4) 个单独购买的组件组成;配有 TPA 夹的塑胶壳、触体子组件、接触针和压接套等。
FAKRA Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency FAKRA Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of FAKRA Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
POWERLOK GEN2 SERIES - 电子 - 组件 - 安费诺 (常州)电子有限公司
powerlok一代系列(更新与2024年5月13日) rev c. powerlok 4.0系列(更新与2024年5月23日) rev b. hc信号端系列(更新与2024年5月13日) rev. b
AMMC Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency AMMC Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of AMMC Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
Pin-Lug - 安费诺 - Amphenol-gec
Series:RADLOK SeriesConnector Type:ReceptaclePin End: Pin-Lug...
FAKRA Technical Resource Guide_052521 - Amphenol RF
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安费诺(常州)电子有限公司 -
PowerLok series is a low cost, compact, metal-shell interconnect solution utilizing RADSOK contact technology for EV and Hybrid transportation applications.
MPS02-BSFA032S | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
MPS02-BSFA032S - 32孔低压信号连接器 产品型号: 插头: MPS02-BSFX032S 插座: MPS02-BSMX0320 ( “X” 表示 code A/B/C) 对配 设计: 锁定机构 CPA确认锁定结构 端子二次锁机构 端子规格: 26 根1mm信号端子 6 根2.8mm电源端子 常规特性: IP68/IP6K9K级防水 互配次数: 最少100次 性能 ...
RF Coaxial Connectors, Adapters and Cable Assemblies | Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF is the world’s largest manufacturer of coaxial connectors for use in radio frequency, microwave, and data transmission system applications. Headquartered in Danbury, Connecticut, USA, Amphenol RF has global sales, marketing and manufacturing locations in North America, Asia and Europe.
HC08B-P32R | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for hc08b-p32r POWERLOK GEN2 SERIES - 电子 - 组件 - 安费诺 (常州)电子有限公司 POWERLOK G2 series is a high performance, compact, aluminum alloy interconnect solution utilizing RADSOK® contact technology for EV and Hybrid transportation applications. G2 provides electrical ratings up to 1000VDC and 450A (@ 50°C ...
PCB 连接器 - 军用连接器 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
机架和面板 rnj 连接器的 cad 文件现已发布
HC18B-S32 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
安费诺(常州)电子有限公司 Amphenol INDUSTRIAL @AMPHENOL TRUSTED GLOBALLY HC Series Connectors Amphenol HC Signal Series connectors are designed as a high-performance, cost-effective solution for the signal and power transmission for PDU in battery pack. The connector has integrated both signal and power transmission in one body.
安费诺(厦门)高速线缆有限公司 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency HSD Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. ... 电子 - 组件 - 安费诺 (常州)电子有限公司 POWERLOK G2 series is a high performance, compact, aluminum alloy interconnect solution utilizing RADSOK® contact technology ...
Amphenol Assembletech
Amphenol Corporation was founded in 1932,It is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world. The Company has been actived in China since 1984, and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1991.
HC信号系列 - 电子 - 定制 - Amphenol-gec
业务领域: 系列:hc信号源系列类别:插座键位:b键位二次锁:带二次锁
Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace designs and manufactures QPL Mil-spec and custom circular and rectangular electrical and electronic connectors for the military and aerospace industries. We also specialize in designing and building high-speed cable assemblies, media converters and Ethernet switches, fiber optic connectors and cable assemblies, high power and high voltage connectors, EMI/EMP filter ...
Contact Us - Amphenol RF
Back; N-Type Adapters; N-Type to 1.0-2.3 Adapters; N-Type to 2.2-5 Adapters; N-Type to 4.1-9.5 Adapters; N-Type to 4.3-10 Adapters; N-Type to 7-16 Adapters