Search Results for 有限会社後藤石材店 宮城県仙台市青葉区通町2-17-6
CABLEFIX® Cable Entry Systems - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
Key Characteristics Contact Amphenol for Latest Definition Critical 关键特性 Significant 重要特性 s c 6.00 ±0.10 4-M6 49.60min 65.60min 4.00 ±0.10 5.00 ±0.10
Busbar Deisgn Guide - Amphenol Interconnect Product Corp
Copper 110 0.323 17 388 ASTM B-152 QQ-C-576 Copper 101 0.323 17 383 –391 ASTM B-152 QQ-C-576 Brass 260 308 19.9 120 ASTM B-36 QQ-B-613 Aluminum 6061- T651 00.098 23.6 154 ASTM-B236. Busbar Construction: Types Relevant electrical properties of conductor materials used in busbar construction Metal Resistivity (ρ) @ 20°C Ω • sqmil/ft ...
ENVIRONMENTAL EMI/RFI 90° & 45°; SPIN COUPLING Connector Group J MIL-DTL-26482 Series II; MIL-DTL-83723 Series III; AS50151; AS81703 M85049 /8 -10 W SERIES SLASH # DASH # FINISH
TFOCA-II® Ruggedized Media Converter | Satellite Communications
TFOCA-II® Ruggedized Media Converter provides optical-electrical (O-E) and electrical-optical (E-O) conversion for harsh environments.
FCI Basics | Wire-to-Board, Board-to-Board | Input/Output, FFC/FPC ...
Our solutions include Signal & Mid Power Wire-to-Board, Board-to-Board, Input/Output, FFC/FPC and Backplane. We offer interconnection systems from 2.54mm pitch down to 0.40mm pitch, supporting speeds up to 25Gb/s.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Customer Drawing -
2 o cd drawing is supplied for information only. design features. specifications and performance data shown hereon are the property of the amph z o ts of reproduction are implied. all dimensions are subject to normal manufacturing variations. 59.4 45.4 ±0.2 o 00 2 o õ 2 o 2 2 14. i ±0.2 20.0±0.2 7.0±0. 4 1±0. o or ozo ego go 0b 080 lo 0b ... ...
Customer Drawing -
M6 : 3.6~4.4 Nm M8 : 7.2~8.8 Nm M10: 17.1~20.9 Nm 11.推荐法兰盘螺丝安装扭矩 Recommended Screw Assembly Torque on Flange : 6.2~7.6 Nm Notices: 1、All non-dimensioned surfaces according to 3D-model & 2、Planeness of panel surface should less than or equal to 0.1mm 3、Roughness of panel surface should be or better.
5X - PCB
ANGLES 2 DEGREES 3425 WALDEN AVE. DEPEW, NY 14043 (716) 684-0001 E-MAIL: DIMENSIONS IN INCHES ... DECIMALS X ± 0.8 XX ± 0.25 KRM 6/1/17 ECB 6/1/17 RMB 6/1/17 6 6 3 9 2 PCB Piezotronics Inc. claims proprietary rights in the information disclosed hereon. Neither it nor any reproduction thereof will be disclosed to others without ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Customer Drawing -
2 o cd drawing is supplied for information only. design features. specifications and performance data shown hereon are the property of the amph z o ts of reproduction are implied. all dimensions are subject to normal manufacturing variations. 59.4 45.4 ±0.2 o 00 2 o õ 2 o 2 2 14. i ±0.2 20.0±0.2 7.0±0. 4 1±0. o or ozo ego go 0b 080 lo 0b ...
Customer Drawing -
M6 : 3.6~4.4 Nm M8 : 7.2~8.8 Nm M10: 17.1~20.9 Nm 11.推荐法兰盘螺丝安装扭矩 Recommended Screw Assembly Torque on Flange : 6.2~7.6 Nm Notices: 1、All non-dimensioned surfaces according to 3D-model & 2、Planeness of panel surface should less than or equal to 0.1mm 3、Roughness of panel surface should be or better.
Vibration test 15 g/10…2000 Hz, IEC standard 60068-2-6 (resonance frequencies excluded) EMC test Electromagnetic emission according to EN 61000-6-4 Electromagnetic immunity according to EN 61000-6-2 The sensor meets the requirements of the EU directives and is marked with ... (2.17) 55 M4 (3×)
Customer Drawing -
Customer Drawing 规格参数(Spec.): 1.工作温度 Operating temperature:-40°C~+125°C. 2.额定电流 Current rating(Connector Only): 35mm²:150A; 50mm²:200A ...
Dubox - Product Presentation - Amphenol CS
Board-to-Board and Wire-to-Board connections on 2,54mm pitch and is designed around a proven, dual beam box contact system Dubox ® connector family includes through-hole and surface-mount options in single or double-row, right-angle or straight configurations with optional solder pegs and different housing profiles with 2 up to 50 positions ...
24.6 45.9 HC08A-P32R 200±0.2 270±02 36. 1±02 48.1±0.2 > O z o o o D D o n o o O 00 00 > O o . Created Date: 4/8/2022 10:04:17 AM ...
Pedlock BDO Series - Charles Industries
12 13.6 28.8 35.2 16.1 15.1. charlesindustriescom L( ½ &PP 7MKLLIWIVZIH ½ TIGM ûGELILLS (LERKID-OSP3-I2 Product Specifications For vault mount base option (includes cover mounting hardware and moisture barrier), add a “V” after first “E” of part number ... 9/24/2024 3:05:17 PM ...
TFOCA II | Fiber Optic Connectors & Cable - Amphenol Fiber Systems ...
TFOCA-II® 12-Channel Fiber Optic Connector is patented by Fiber Systems International that can be used in Mining, Industrial, Broadcast and more!
Amphenol FCI 10066440-dgc0084lf
6. Application Spec: GS-20-0445 7. The part is been sold as loose piece and fci guarantees is the part in compliance with this customer drawing statement. The product spec for cable assemly can be only as the reference document because the testing and spec is based on using fci raw cable