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ElEctronics -
on again. In this way, an erroneous startup of a load is avoided. Areas of Application Using a simple parallel circuit, several contact swit-ches can control one consumer. This allows a perma-nent switching-on/off of consumers from different places. For example, courtesy lights can be switched from the rear door and from the side doors.
High Power 5015 Connectors with Advanced Contacts
The High Power 5015 Series features advanced socket contact technology that provides a 40-50 percent higher current carrying capacity compared to standard 5015 connector contacts.
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C146 ハウジング C146 10N016 702 1|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
DIN EN 60512-2-1, Test 2a / IEC 60512-2-1, Test 2a : 0 mΩ: 耐候性: 使用温度範囲 - 40 °C / + 100 °C : 最高気温 + 100 °C / 1000 h : 最低気温 - 40 °C / 16 h : 機械的特性: 耐久性 (標準) IEC 60512-5; Test 9 a : 材料: ガスケット : NBR : ロック : 1 ロックレバー用 : 絶縁材料 : 特殊表面仕上げ