Search Results for 静岡県御殿場市二枚橋410-4
Funkgerätekoppler für Parallelbetrieb von 3 TETRA Geräten auf eine gemeinsame Antenne wo eine höchstmögliche Entkopplung notwendig ist. Anpassnetzwerk kann für bessere Isolation justiert werden.
4-Channel Hybrid Ring Combiner including antenna tuner for TETRA Communication Radios
4-Channel Hybrid Ring Combiner including antenna tuner for TETRA Communication Radios
4-Channel Hybrid Ring Combiner including antenna tuner for TETRA Communication Radios
Duplex Filters PRO-DPBP 380-400/410-430 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
The Duplex Band-Pass Filter PRO-DPBP 380-400/410-430 is designed to combine a Public safety TETRA network 380 - 400 MHz and a Civil/Private TETRA network 410 - 430 MHz, into one common Antenna. ... RF Receiver Multicouplers small size 1HU by Amphenol Procom are delivered in 4-8 channels in the VHF- & UHF band 60-1000 MHZ. Read more here ...
Contact Us | Improving your energy - CMR Group
Fax: +33 4 91 11 37 02. Email: CMR INDIA CMR Control Systems India Pvt Ltd CMR Control Systems India ... Tel: +1 (410) 643-7810. Email: Website: Newsletter registration ×. Subscribe for free to our newsletter program: ...
Colinear 4 dB Mobile Antenna for the 450 MHz Band - AMPHENOL PROCOM
MU 4-MM/s 130000916 MM-mount with FME 380 - 410 MHz MU 4-MM/f 130000909 MM-mount with FME 406 - 430 MHz MU 4-MM/l 130000915 MM-mount with FME 420 - 450 MHz MU 4-MM/h 130000914 MM-mount with FME 440 - 470 MHz MU 4-MM/CEL5 130001614 MM-mount with FME 380 - 410 MHz
Whip Antennas MU 4-Z/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
4 dB mobile antenna series with colinear, stainless steel whip with toggle joint. Models with Z-mount or MG-magnetic mount. Choice between Z-mount with FME-connection (supplied without cable) or ZP4-mount with factory fitted 4 m cable terminated with FME-connector.
Duplex Filters PRO-DPBP 380-400/410-430 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
The Duplex Band-Pass Filter PRO-DPBP 380-400/410-430 is designed to combine a Public safety TETRA network 380 - 400 MHz and a Civil/Private TETRA network 410 - 430 MHz, into one common Antenna. ... RF Receiver Multicouplers small size 1HU by Amphenol Procom are delivered in 4-8 channels in the VHF- & UHF band 60-1000 MHZ. Read more here ...
DAS Antennas 5211421 -
Indoor ceiling mount antenna, 410-430 MHz: 5211421: 410 - 430 MHz: Add to quote: Related products. Active Repeaters. Active Repeaters by Amphenol Procom is manufactured of quality material for best possible performance. We have a wide range of products. Learn more here. Explore all Active Repeaters.
4-Channel Hybrid Ring Combiner including antenna tuner for TETRA Communication Radios
Amphenol VG 95234
410 ; IEC 60364-4-41). Diese Steckverbinder dürfen betriebsmä-ßig nicht unter Spannung gesteckt oder getrennt werden. If the connectors shown in this catalog are used for voltage > 50 Veff against earth, all accessible conductive parts have to be included reliably into the preventive measures of the
Smarteq Antennas - PCTEL
Bluetooth (2.4 GHz) Cellular + WiFi Cellular 2G (1900 MHz) Cellular 3G (850 MHz/1900 MHz) Cellular 4G (700 MHz, 1700 - 2100 MHz, 1900 MHz and 2500 - 2700 MHz) Cellular 5G (600 MHz - 6 GHz) Cellular CBRS/5G NR (3300 MHz-4200 MHz) Cellular LTE (700 MHz / 900MHz) FirstNet (758 - 798 MHz) Globalstar L Band (1610–1618.75 MHz) GNSS (B1 - 1559-1591 MHz) GNSS (E1 - 1575.420 MHz) GNSS (G1 - 1589.0625 ...
4 dB mobile antenna with conical stainless steel whip. Receiving FM-radio when using a Diplexer (LH 108/136-2G). Easily removable whip for cleaning in car-washing machine. GPS-antenna for fixed installations. Full hemispherical coverage. Built-in high gain, low noise amplifier. Right-Hand Circular Polarisation (RHCP).
Duplex Filters PRO-DPBP 380-400/410-430 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
The Duplex Band-Pass Filter PRO-DPBP 380-400/410-430 is designed to combine a Public safety TETRA network 380 - 400 MHz and a Civil/Private TETRA network 410 - 430 MHz, into one common Antenna. The DPBP Filter benefit from using 2 x 6 ¼ λ cavitiy resonators build into a compact, strong aluminium housing.
Duplex Filters MPX 70/44 380-EXT -
The version MPX 70/44 380-EXT is a 8-resonator small size Duplex Filter. It is especially developed for duplexing into one antenna the Tetra Public Safety extended band together with e.g. the Public Safety DMO (Direct MOde) frequency range 406 - 410 MHz, or together with the private Tetra networks e.g. in the freq. range 415 - 430 MHz.
Whip Antennas MU 7-X/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
MU 7-X/s covers 370 – 410 MHz MU 7-X/l covers 406 – 440 MHz MU 7-X/h covers 430 – 470 MHz – no tuning required. ... XP4-mount: Permanently attached 4 m cable terminated with FME-connector. Specifications. Electrical; Model: MU 7-X/... Frequency: 450 MHz-band covered by three models: Antenna Type: Mobile whip antenna:
2C4U6VT360X06Fwxys5 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 2FT, 24-Port, Omni Pattern, XPOL, (2x) 696-960 | (4x) 1695-2700 | (6x) 3300-4200 MHz, Fixed Tilt
Hybrid Combiners PRO-PHY450-5 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
PRO-PHY450-5-4: 210001386: 410 - 430 MHz: Add to quote: PRO-PHY450-5-5: 210001387: 420 - 440 MHz: Add to quote: PRO-PHY450-5-6: 210001388: 430 - 450 MHz: Add to quote: PRO-PHY450-5-7: 210001389: 440 - 460 MHz: ... Each load should be able to dissipate 4/5 of the input power. E.g.: With 50 W input, each load should be able to dissipate 50 W x 4/ ...
NovaSensor NPC-410 Series Medium Pressure Sensors
410 series is available in pressure ranges from 0 psi to 5 psi (0 bar to 0.34 bar) through 0 psi to 100 psi ... for other pressure ranges. Pressure Ranges • Gauge and Differential: 5, 15, 30, 50 and 100 psi (0.34, 1, 2, 3.4 and 7 bar) • Absolute: 15, 30, 50 and 100 psi (1.03, 2.06, 6.89 bar) NPC-410 Specifications Parameter Value Units Notes