Search Results for 0140
0140 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Optimized for spaceflight applications, these cables provide the lightest weight, lowest insertion loss, and best radiation resistance in a flexible cable construction. They features an ARACON ® outer shield, an ultra-low-density PTFE dielectric, and a DuPont Tefzel ® jacket. 0140.
TFOCA II | Deployable Fiber Optics Connectors
The unique termini design enables TFOCA-II ® connectors to seal against high humidity and moisture conditions while allowing full axial and orbital movement of the mated termini, providing low insertion loss and minimal back reflection. This unique connector series was designed and patented by AFSI for use in environmentally harsh conditions.
Model 125-0140-12-D | PCB Piezotronics (en)
PCB® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news & product updates from PCB®. . . . Why PCB?
E-Series Position Sensors - Temposonics
With a variety of models, this linear position sensor is designed for different industrial applications and offers you the certainty of reliable position measurement! The Temposonics® E-Series is the basic sensor in the product range of magnetostrictive position sensors.
MPS02-BSFA0140 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
It is used for automotive and military applications and has various specifications and dimensions. Amphenol's 103 series are 0.35mm pitch micro board-to-board connectors designed for high density applications. They support extreme low profile 0.60mm stack height and high current rating up to 5A.
TFOCA-II 4 Channel - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
Hermaphroditic Design for Versatility - Enables multiple TFOCA-II® plug assemblies to be concatenated. Removable End Cap - Allows for easy field maintenance and cleaning. 4-Channel Connector Design - Two fold channel increase over TFOCA with better optical performance.
HSD Connector System - Amphenol CS
HSD connector system is a fully shielded interconnect system that can be used with shielded twisted quad cables. It has a high-performance digital system for low-voltage differential signals which prevents interference from crosstalk and external sources.
MPS02 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
MPS02 -BSFA032S is a 32-pin low voltage connector with serviceable locking leg and IP68/IP6K9K rating. It is part of the 103 series of micro board-to-board connectors designed for high density applications.
NTC Type AB6 -
NTC Type AB6 thermistor assemblies consist of small GC (chip-in-glass) or Thermobeads that are welded to insulated extension leads. The Thermobeads or GC (chip-in-glass) are hermetically sealed in glass and have fine diameter 0.0007 in to 0.004 in (0.01778 mm to 0.1016 mm) platinum alloy leads.
VQ548MP Datasheet - SGX Sensortech
It is a low power, intrinsically safe, extremely robust and poison-resistant device in a certified flameproof enclosure. The VQ548MP has been designed to provide the basic sensor performance that will enable a suitable instrument to meet the various (Group 1) mining performance standards.
75シリーズ - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
75シリーズは、結線作業の低減および品質の均一化を図るため開発された圧着タイプのMSコネクタです。 圧着工具でコンタクトに電線を結線し、MSシリーズのコネクタに組み込みます。 豊富なMSシリーズのインサート配列を適用可能です。 従来のMSシリーズ半田タイプと互換性があり、産業機器分野から、原子力機器、防衛車両等、幅広い採用実績があります。 75-68シリーズの外形寸法図は、MSシリーズ Aクラスをご参照ください。 (P16~P20)75-69シリーズの外形寸法図は、MSシリーズ Eクラスをご参照ください。 (P21~P25)75-72シリーズの外形寸法図は、別途お問合せください。 1. シリーズ名. 4. コンタクト形状、ローテーション. 2. コネクタ形状.
Model 030C20 | PCB Piezotronics
Lead Time for 1-10 is 14 Dys. Lead Time for 11-20 is 3 Wks. PCB® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications.