Search Results for 10-74936-10
D:ECN4834236875-AASZ - Amphenol RF
Title: D:ECN4834236875-AASZ Author: kj-107 Created Date: 12/28/2010 10:36:09 AM
132147-29 -
Title: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Connex files\132\132147-29.dwg Author: Owner Created Date: 2/21/2005 10:36:26 PM
D D -
map-57-50 map-57-50 4 3 2 1 d d c c b b a a b cn # this document contains proprietary infor-mation of nexus,incorporated and such information may not be disclosed to others
Products - Temposonics
10 - Machines Tools & Manufacturing Systems 11 - Equipment for Smelting Plants & Rolling Mills 13 - Foundry Machinery 15 - Woodworking Machinery 17 - Energy 21 - Machinery for Plastics & Rubber 22 - Mining Machinery 24 - Machinery for Food Ind & for related fields 25 - Packaging Machinery
(8 5r+6 ,, &huwlilfdwh ri &rqirupdqfh 1ryhpehu 'hdu &xvwrphu ,q uhvsrqvh wr \rxu frpsoldqfh vwdwxv lqtxlu\ uhjduglqj wkh iroorzlqj surgxfw $pskhqro $hurvsdfh
c:userspdf31-80109 - Amphenol RF
Title: Created Date: 9/5/2011 10:15:02 AM
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
GMT Fuses -
1-1/2A 004011 102435-10 (white/yellow) 2A 004002 102435-11 (orange) 3A 004012 102435-13 (blue) 3-1/2A 130782 102435-14 (white/blue) 4A 004013 102435-15 (white/brown) 5A 004014 102435-16 (green) 7-1/2A 004010 102435-17 (black/white) 10A 004015 102435-18 (red/white) 12A 102287 102435-19 (yellow/green) ...
c:usershao.luodesktop3fa1-nxsj-c01w6 -
Title: Created Date: 3/22/2018 10:21:52 AM
EN3155 CONTACTS - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
3 4 Contact Selection Guide Carlisle Interconnect Technologies / 2201 Rosecrans Avenue / El Segundo, CA 90245 / T. 310.536.0444 / F. 310.536.9322 / EN Spec Number Full Plated PN Selective
I 6 I Temposonics® EP / EL SSI Data Sheet ORDER CODE a Sensor model L Ultra low profile P Compact profile d Connection type D 8 4 (M12) 8 pin male connector e Operating voltage 1 +24 VDC (−15 / +20 %) c Stroke length X X X X M 0050…2540 mm X X X. X U 002.0…100.0 in. b Design 0 Without position magnet */ Non standard stroke lengths are available; must be encoded in 5 mm / 0.1 in. increments
Product Data Sheet
%PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 3395 0 obj > endobj xref 3395 59 0000000016 00000 n 0000002686 00000 n 0000002856 00000 n 0000003491 00000 n 0000004124 00000 n 0000004530 00000 n 0000004645 00000 n 0000004758 00000 n 0000004844 00000 n 0000005492 00000 n 0000006055 00000 n 0000007211 00000 n 0000008029 00000 n 0000008723 00000 n 0000009716 00000 n 0000009968 00000 n 0000010144 00000 n 0000010323 00000 n ...
6175488NG - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Sector Edges (±60°) > 10 dB > 10 dB > 10 dB > 7 dB > 5 dB Lightening Protection DC Ground Maximum Power (Per Port) 250 W (at 50° C ambient temperature) Intermodulation 3rd (2x43 dBm Carrier) < -150 dBc. Several patents pending regarding this product. Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and ...
IECEx - PCB | 1 800 828 8840 SERIES . 482C & 483C. 4 & 8-CHANNEL. MULTI-PURPOSE. SIGNAL CONDITIONERS. n. Provides sensor excitation: current or voltage. n. All models power ICP
Title: Created Date: 10/31/2002 11:39:09 AM
10 8 15S / 16S 22 15 / 16 22 25 / 12 41 60 / 100 / 8 74 160 / 4 135 500 / 0 245 Contact size Max. contact resistance (mΩ) 10 12 15S / 16S 6 15 / 16 6 25 / 12 3 60 / 100 / 8 1 160 / 4 0,5 500 / 0 0,2 Dielectric withstanding voltage Voltage class Test voltage Ueff (V) 1 1050 2 1600 3 2500 4 3000
F:DWGCONNEXZ119N Model (1)
Title: F:DWGCONNEXZ119N Model (1) Author: kj-42 Created Date: 5/20/2011 10:16:52 AM
Auf dem Schüffel 9 - Temposonics
Created Date: 10/7/2020 2:23:55 PM
EU RoHS II Declaration -
EU RoHS II Declaration October 5, 2023 Dear Customer, In response to your compliance status inquiry regarding the following product, Amphenol Aerospace