Search Results for 10-74936-10
SGX-4H2S-100 Datasheet - SGX Sensortech
10 ohms Resolution (Electronics dependent) <0.1 ppm typical OPERATING CONDITIONS Temperature Range -30°C to +50°C Pressure Range 800 to 1200 mbar Operating Humidity Range 15% to 90% RH LIFETIME INTRINSIC SAFETY DATA Long Term Output Drift < 20% per annum Max at 2000ppm 0.3 mA Recommended Storage Temp 0°C to 20°C Max o/c Voltage 1.3 V
High Temperature Clamping
Contact Us 1215CMS 1.5 101923 WEB ©2015 Connor Manufacturing Our most versatile clip, used for sealing
C:Documents and SettingsGarrickMy DocumentsCustomersConnex 132
Title: C:Documents and SettingsGarrickMy DocumentsCustomersConnex 132.dwg Author: Garrick Created Date: 6/1/2008 10:21:13 AM
LUMINUS - Amphenol PCD
10 Days @ 25˚C to 65˚C, 90% - 95% RH Seal Rating IP67 RoHS & REACH Compliance Yes Fluid Immersion Lubricating Oil per Mil-Prf-7808 Cleaning Compound per Mil-Prf-87937, Alkaline Base Isopropyl Alcohol & Mineral Spirit Solution Skydrol Hydraulic Fluid Hydraulic Fluids per MIL-PRF-83282 MIL-PRF-87257 Ethylene Glycol
200WX-IPX7 WeatherStation® Instrument - Airmar
Certs And Standards: CE, IPX7, RoHS, IEC61000-4-2, IEC60945, IEC60950_1C, IEC60950_22A, EN55022, EN55024, EN14982
Up to 10 kVDC Ordering information page 24 3 A501QX"L" 90 deg: Low Profile Panel Mount Receptacle Up to 25 kVDC. A504QX"L" 90 deg: Compact In-Line Receptacle Up to 15 kVDC A600QX"L" In-Line Single Circuit Plug Up to 25 kVDC A601 Stud Mount Plug Up to 25 kVDC 4 Amphenol Alden (508) 427-7000
GIGABIT - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
SK201500495108 10.0 to 12.0 mm ATTAChEMENT GigaBit module (M) CABLE CLAMPS GigaBit module (F) C14610A00180015 C14610B00180015 TOOLS Contact size Section of conductor Crimping tool Extraction tool #20 0.09 to 0.52 mm2 M22520/1-01 M81969/1-02 #20 Crimping tool M22520/1-01 #20 Extraction tool M81969/1-02 ORDER SEPARATELY. 7
SSI Technologies – Application Note PS-AN4 MediaGauge™ (Model MG-9V ...
10 X Full Scale or 15,000 . PSI whichever is less . Operating Temperature Range-10° to 60°C (14° to 140°F) Storage Temperature Range-20° to 85°C (-4°to 185°F) To clear the maximum peak pressure reading: Press and hold down the Backlight/P-H button for 3 seconds until the maximum pressure reading appears on the LCD (it will be ...
Hammer Mass 0.17 oz 4.8 gm 0.23 lb 0.10 kg 0.34 lb 0.16 kg Head Diameter 0.25 in 6.3 mm 0.62 in 1.57 cm 0.62 in 1.57 cm Tip Diameter 0.10 in 2.5 mm 0.25 in 0.63 cm 0.25 in 0.63 cm Hammer Length 4.2 in 107 mm 8.5 in 21.6 cm 8.5 in 21.6 cm Electrical Connection Position Side Bottom of Handle
CAPTIVE SCREW, #10-32 FRBS7500-10-B-3 OR EQUIVALENT 6 PLACES FRONT ISOMETRIC VIEW REAR ISOMETRIC VIEW FRONT ISOMETRIC VIEW REAR ISOMETRIC VIEW. Jar S Phone: (607) 563-5372 Cell: (607) 643-1845 Email: BLOCK DIAGRAM 28V LED 12V LED 5V LED Voltage Switchers EMI Filter MFM Holdup Circuit 48 Channel switch
NO - SGX Sensortech
detection range FS 0.05 10 ppm Sensitivity factor (see note 2) S 60 - 2 - - MiCS-2714 1107 rev 6 Notes: 1. Sensing resistance in air R 0 is measured under controlled ambient conditions, i.e. synthetic air at 23 ±5°C and 50 ± 10% RH. Sampling test. 2. Sensitivity factor is defined as Rs at 0.25 ppm NO 2, divided by R S in air.
COAXIAL CABLE W/ 10-32 PLUGS DECIMALS XX ±.03 XXX ±.010 DECIMALS X ± 0.8 XX ± 0.25 JES 1/3/20 JES 1/3/20 BAM 1/3/20 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM SHELL CENTER PIN 7 2 5 2 7 PCB Piezotronics Inc. claims proprietary rights in the information disclosed hereon. Neither it nor any
Junction Modules/Relay Sockets/Terminal Blocks - Amphenol
Available for 10 or 12 contacts size 20, male or female contacts, with or without components. Amphenol Air LB France 1200 Modules Derived from the 1100 series, the Amphenol Air LB France's Junction modules 1200 series are conform to the ABS1569 standard. ...
F:DWGCONNEXz148 Model (1)
Title: F:DWGCONNEXz148 Model (1) Author: kj-42 Created Date: 12/2/2013 10:37:47 AM
Amphenol Advanced Sensors
Temperature Sensors, Pressure Sensors, CO2 Indoor Air Quality Sensors, Humidity Sensors, Dust Sensors. Advanced sensor technologies and embedded measurement solutions for Automotive, Medical, Industrial, Air Quality Applications.
H1XS - SV Microwave
e mil-std-10. 6) dia.’s on common centers to be concentric within .005 t.i.r. 7) remove all burrs unless otherwise specified h1xs title: proprietary the information contained in this drawing is the sole property of sv microwave, inc. any reproduction in part or as a whole without the written permission of sv microwave, inc ...
Telaire T19501 Humidity & Temperature Sensor - Amphenol Sensors
Telaire T19501 Humidity & Temperature Sensor - Amphenol Sensors
A Custom Wire & Industrial Cable Supplier | Amphenol TPC Wire
A Custom Wire & Industrial Cable Supplier | Amphenol TPC Wire