Search Results for 1001 electronic components
Model 685B1001A41 Electronic vibration switch, remote 100 mV/g ... - PCB
The 685B-Series is an electronic vibration switch designed to monitor vibration levels and trip an alert when a specified limit is exceeded. A second onboard relay trips an alarm that can be used to shut down a piece of equipment or act as a secondary alert level. An onboard accelerometer with precision electronics insures reliability and accuracy.
Model 685B1001A10 Electronic vibration switch, remote 100 mV/g ... - PCB
Electronic vibration switch, remote 100 mV/g accel., 0-1.5 ips, AC powered, 10A form C relays, std enclosure, dual ports with cord grips Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact the PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 800-959-4464 24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001 Fax: 716-684-3823 E-mail: imi ...
Electronics - Casco Automotive Group
Casco is a global innovation leader in automotive electronics design and development. Casco’s power conversion and power management designs convert energy efficiently and safely. CASCO offers electromechanical solutions for multiple vehicle architectures, from conventional ICEs to high end EVs, offering power ranges from 150W to 7.2kW +, from ...
Model 685b1001a41 | PCB Piezotronics (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
About Us - DC Electronics
Amphenol DC Electronics, Inc. ADCE is a custom cable assembly and wire harness manufacturing company. We specialize in the design, engineering and manufacturing of custom wire harnesses, cable assemblies, and integrated electronic mechanical devices. We are known for quick and comprehensive customer service, as well as consistency in producing ...
MCIO | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol's Mini Cooledge IO (MCIO) is a high-speed, small mechanical size cable solution. Amphenol MCIO product is now being specified in the SFF group and the project number is SFF-TA-1016.
l Sensors Division Temposonics Intrinsically Safe Position Sensors
4 3. HOW TO ORDER SYSTEM COMPONENTS 3.1 Temposonics Intrinsically Safe Position Sensor Enclosure Style 1 = Standard, dust-tight (similar to NEMA 1) 2 = Ruggedized, dust-tight (similar to NEMA 1) 3 = Ruggedized, splash-proof (similar to NEMA 4) Stroke Length Units U = U.S. Customary (inches and tenth -- xxx.x inches) M = Metric (millimeters) Stroke Length The value to enter depends on stroke ...
remains protected within the sensor electronics housing. Accessory rod ends are available for attaching the rod to the machine’s mov-ing part. The rod-and-cylinder sensor design can be installed in any ... Phone: +86 21 2415 1000 / 2415 1001 E-mail: JAPAN Branch Offi ce Phone: +81 3 6416 1063 E-mail:
QMA Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency QMA Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of QMA Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
PSMP Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency PSMP Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of PSMP Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
Products - Lutze Inc.
Industrial power supplies, electronic circuit breakers, and interface technology. LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at) Twitter; LinkedIn; Youtube. Legal Notice; Data Protection Declaration; General Terms;
Temposonics Absolute, Non-contact Position Sensors Product Brief
Document Part Number: 551506 Revision A (EN) 03/2014. UNITED STATES. Temposonics, LLC Phone: +1 919 677-0100 E-Mail:
Level Plus Model LLE - Temposonics
Phone: +86 21 2415 1000 / 2415 1001 E-Mail: JAPAN Branch Office Phone: +81 3 6416 1063 E-Mail: ... Sensor electronics housing/flange Stainless steel 1.4305 (AISI 303); option: Stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316L)
Absolute, Non-Contact Position Sensors Data Sheet L ... - Temposonics
† The external standard industrial housing accomodates the modular electronic interface with active signal conditioning. The sensor electronic is connected to ... tioning electronics are needed when interfacing with controllers or meters. ... +86 21 2415 1000 / 2415 1001 E-mail: JAPAN Branch Office Phone: +81 3 6416 1063
Contact - Temposonics
MTS Sistemas do Brasil Avenida Doutor Altino Bondesan, 500, Centro Empresarial I - Sala 212B - Eugênio de Melo São José dos Campos SP 12247-016
DC Electronics
DC Electronics is a high to low volume manufacturer of custom cable wire harnesses and assemblies for the medical industry, aerospace, and beyond ... cable assemblies, and integrated electronic mechanical devices (box builds). Established in 1979 and acquired by Amphenol in 2013, ADCE built a reputation of uncompromising quality, innovation ...
HSD Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency HSD Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of HSD Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
R-Series V Position Sensors - Temposonics
Temposonics ® R-Series V sensors are the most advanced linear position sensors on the market, combining the latest magnetostrictive technology with innovative smart diagnostics for industrial applications.. Powerful linear position sensor with high accuracy and reliability; More robust due to improved shock and vibration resistance; Up to 30 positions and speeds can be measured simultaneously