Search Results for 11-0493-01 open
star 11-apr-20 drawn date finish configuration level: in work---8552 reference --material notes: 1. materials and finishes: housing - brass, gold plating bodies - brass, electroless nickel plating contacts - beryllium copper, gold plating insulators - ptfe, natural spanner nuts - brass, nickel plating 2. electrical: a. impedance: 75 ohm
905 series sma | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 905 series sma PDS2E-380/2700-01 - 2 Way Power - RFS Technologies an Amphenol Company This PDS*E series are Power Splitters, designed to evenly split high power cellular signals with minimal reflections or loss. They are specified to cover 380- 2700 MHz.
01 preliminary 10/17 dal checked: approved: drawn: dal 10/03/17 dal 10/03/17 jdt 10/03/17 rohs compliant.086.470 11.94.048 4x .110±.002 1.21 2.18.0045±.0010 2.79±0.05.420±.004 10.67±0.10.045 1.14 0.11±0.03.015 0.38 any reproduction in part or as a whole interpret dimensions and tolerances date approved revision history 4) cham. 1st & last ...
Model 333B50 ACCELEROMETER KIT Installation and Operating Manual - PCB
Base Strain Sensitivity 0.01 g/µε 0.1 (m/s²)/µε [1] Electrical Excitation Voltage 18 to 30 VDC 18 to 30 VDC Constant Current Excitation 2 to 20 mA 2 to 20 mA ... Size (Length x Width) 0.68 in x 0.45 in 17.3 mm x 11.4 mm Electrical Connector 10-32 Coaxial Jack 10-32 Coaxial Jack Electrical Connection Position Side Side
356-157-2 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
2 2 3 3 4 4 a b b code ident. no. 52681 dwg. no. scale: sheet drawn checked engineer title unless otherwise specified tolerances are: dimensions in millimeters [ in brackets ] xxxxx ±.005 ± 0.13 angles 2 degrees dimensions in inches decimals xx ±.01 angles 2 degrees fillets and radii .003 - .005 decimals x ± 0.3 fillets and radii 0.07 - 0.13
Pyle MIL-DTL-83723 Circular Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
BT( )-11 With ‘O’ ring seal, Classes G, K: Commercial - for General Electric: BJ-11 With Static Dynamic Seal, Stainless Steel, but not available in Firewall: BJ8-11 Same as BJ-11 except with Scoop-proof recessed pins: BN-11 Same as BJ-11 except for Electro-deposited Nickel Base: BN8-11 Same as BN-11 except with Scoop-proof recessed pins: BNK-11
SGX - Quality Documentation
Head office. Switzerland, Courtils 1, 2035 Corcelles-Cormondreche +41 (0) 32 732 16 70.
Amphenol Network Solutions blog regarding company news, product launch news, and informational posts about our industry and products.
D D 13, 19, 25, 37 AND 54 CONTACT TYPE - Amphenol Sine
customer drawing 1 see change note 8236 t.n 18/11/03 2836 notes: 1. material and finish: - for connector shell and adaptor: aluminum alloy, black finish - for pg cable gland: polyamide black. 2. supplied with gold plated contacts part list, dimensions in mm part list, dimensions in mm b ref n a m a x amphenol logo & part no. pg ad tor
Amphenol Network Solutions blog regarding company news, product launch news, and informational posts about our industry and products.
Datenblatt T-Serie – TH Analog
EMV-Prüfung Elektromagnetische Störaussendung gemäß EN 55011 (CISPR 11) Class B und EN IEC 61000-6-3 Elektromagnetische Störaussendung gemäß EN IEC 61000-6-2 Die TH Sensoren erfüllen die Anforderungen der EMV-Richtlinien 2014/30/EU und UKSI 2016 Nr. 1091. Betriebsdruck 350 bar statisch Magnetverfahrgeschwindigkeit3 Beliebig Design/Material
上述产品符合 cnca-c23-01:2019 认证规则的要求,特发此证。 证书有效期内本证书的有效性依据发证机构的定期监督获得保持。 本证书为变更证书,证书首次颁发日期:2021年02月04日 ... 8/14/2023 11:53:31 am ...
SGX - Quality Documentation
Head office. Switzerland, Courtils 1, 2035 Corcelles-Cormondreche +41 (0) 32 732 16 70.
rt | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
G:SharedAmphenol Customer DatasheetsRT Kit Datasheetsc- RT07128PNH-K-01 ecomate® RM/RSSM/Aquarius™ - Contact Size 16 Options Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morley Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48036 USA 09/2021 Machined, Crimp Contacts Part Number Contact Size (AWG) Wire Range (mm²) Plating Male Female
Gewicht: Ca. 11 g Betriebstemperatur: −40…+105 °C Flächenpressung: Max. 40 N/mm2 Anzugsmoment für M4 Schrauben: Max. 1 Nm Optionale Installations-Hardware Ø 15,3 Ø 2,2 Ø 16,4 O-Ring Artikelnr. 401 133 O-Ring Artikelnr. 560 315 Material: Fluoroelastomer 75 ± 5 Durometer Anwendung: Flanschtyp M Material: Fluoroelastomer 75 ± 5 Durometer
Kabelstecker Quicklock 31HXXX X0X 5 U -
11.09.2020 Blatt/Sheet Index Datum/Date MCARLE 1 Name M Gewicht (errechnet) / Calc WT : MBERTSCH Ers. f. / Replacement for : Checked Released Gepr. ... NXM-V01 AI2021-003065 03 Amphenol Tuchel Industrial GmbH 201800273 201800273 17.06.2021 C091 31HXXX X0X 5 U 01 Kabelstecker Quicklock Bagatelle change: 04 21.07.2021 MCARL MCARL MCARL 2:1 ...
EU Declaration of Conformity - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Frederikssund 01.10.2021 _____ Adnan Ahmad Director of Engineering . UK Declaration of Conformity Manufacturer: Amphenol Procom Address: Smedetoften 12, DK-3600 Frederikssund, Denmark Product description: Hands Free ... 11/5/2021 2:40:12 PM ...
I 2 I Temposonics® EH Analog Data Sheet 4 5 3 1 Measurement cycle 1 Current pulse generates magnetic fi eld 2 Interaction with position magnet fi eld generates torsional strain pulse 3 Torsional strain pulse propagates 4 Strain pulse detected by converter 5 Time-of-fl ight converted into position Sensing element (Waveguide)