Search Results for 11-0493-01 open
M265 Low-High Chirp, 1kW, No Connector, DO -
1 kW. We know that specific frequencies excel at detecting certain species of fish: Bluefin Tuna—60 kHz, squid—133 kHz, and cod—175 kHz. The M265LH transducer includes all these frequencies plus every other frequency in the high and low bandwidths.
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Open Zip Folder and Extract contents then save them in a marked folder on your Desktop. 3. Open parametric program. 4. Drag and drop .STP files with extruded quadrant markers to allow for the creation of new datum into your parametric software. 5. Each component should be saved as a .PRT file. NOTE: There will be a few examples provided of full
6.0 ± 0 - SV Microwave
r o h s c o m p l i a n t p r o d u c t d ata d r aw i n g 6.0 ± 0.2 m at e r i a l c o n n e c t o r s : 1.85mm straight male ( sf3311-60002 )
B A1 - Amphenol Sine
none 11 41.45 +0.20 0 recommended panel mounting hole recommended panel thickness:1.6 to 4.7mm tommy Ø43.08±0.12--110°ref 110°ref Ø40.1 2.6 12.8 6 ref:hdp24-24-23se-l017 backshell ring adapter - blue 1 11/16-18 unef thread size 16 contacts (23 places) main polarizing keyway duramate contact size current rating 16 13 amps 1.35 mm (.053in) 3 ...
RJSwitch UserManual RJSMLAC8MGCAPS UM Hardware rev4 - Amphenol Socapex
11.3 The following shall be excluded from the guarantees provided by Seller:-Product defects resulting from inadequate maintenance, or supervision and, ... 809 857 For #20: M22520/1-01 Positioner For #20: 809 858 For #20: M22520/1-04 Plastic insertion and removal tools Contact size Amphenol No Military no 20 809 854 M81969/14-10 Ethernet
Model 3125-01A | PCB Piezotronics
Model 3125-01A:PCB L&T Rotary Torque Transducer (Slip Ring), 5,000 in-lb/417 ft-lb (565 N-m) rated capacity, 100% static overload protection, 1 1/2-in
Cables & Adapters - Airmar
Explore Airmar's comprehensive selection of cables and adapters designed for seamless connectivity with marine electronics. Find high-quality solutions to ensure reliable performance for your transducers and devices. Learn more today!
B175 High Chirp, 1kW, 20° Tilt, Si-Tex 8-Pin, DT
Max Vessel LOA: Up to 11 m (36') ... Installation 17-458-01-French. Installation 17-458-01-Italian. Installation 17-458-01-Spanish. Wiring D-20626. Wiring D-91-1323. Share. ABOUT US. Contact Us. Careers. Legal Information. Report a Vulnerability. Airmar Technology Corporation. PRODUCTS. Marine Transducers. Transducer Diagnostic Tester. Acoustic ...
Protimeter GrainMaster i2 Intergrated moisture and temperature measurement
GrainMaster i2 Integrated moisture and temperature measurement device for grain crops and additional hay/straw bales Protimeter Grainmaster i2 uses the ground grain moisture testing method for unrivaled
Model 357B34 High temp., ceramic shear, charge output accel., 100 pC/g ...
Model 357B34 High temp., ceramic shear, charge output accel., 100 pC/g, 3k Hz, 10-32 top conn. (-95 F to +500 F) Installation and Operating Manual
vswr: 1.01+.01f (ghz) dc to 12.4 ghz or approximately 80% of the upper cutoff frequency of the cable whichever is lower. dwv: 1000 vrms. insul. resistance: 5000 megohms date approved revision history rev description third angle projection 1) all dimensions are in inches [millimeters]
High frequency integral cable accelerometer - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
ote e to contino proce improement, pecication are bect to chane ithot notice. hi docment i cleared or pblic releae. Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies 5 rore rie rederick, 2101
GS-01-029 1 Objective This specification defines the performance, test, quality and reliability requirements of the Minitek Pwr3.0 High Current Connectors (HCC). ... 16 AWG 12 A 11.5 A 9 A 9 A 7.5 A 7 A 6.5 A 18 AWG 11 A 10 A 8 A 8 A 6.5 A 6 A 5.5 A 20 AWG 10 A 9 A 7.5 A 6.5 A 6 A 5.5 A 5 A 5 Requirements 5.1 Qualification ...
Technical features -
CEAR-AC REV : A REV DATE : 01 Dec 2008 All values nominal unless tolerances provided; information contained in the present datasheet is subject to confirmation at time of ordering ... Technologies an Amphenol Company . Title: CEAR-AC Created Date: 1/3/2024 7:38:11 PM ...
NA T 3XXX 55X U - Amphenol Sine
01 Gerätedose Bagatelle change: ISO 2768-c MCARL 2:1;1:1 30.04.2020 6 4 1 D 6 E 5 7 C E C Copying of this document and giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof, are forbidden with-out express. ... 11,5 1 Panel cutout M 1:1 max 3,5 2,8+0,1 0 19,1 +0,1 0 18 +0,1 0. Author: NX Created Date:
Super-Trex® Multi-Conductor P&R Cable
TPC WIRE & CABLE USA 800-521-7935 CANADA 800-545-0122 MEXICO 001-877-283-1696 Speci˜cations ubject o hange. or omplete peci˜cations nd vailability, k our C Sles Representative r all 00-521-7935.
arinc404 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
MIL-DTL-38999, MIL-C-26482 and MIL-5015, with a wide range of contact arrangements and options Amphenol Corporation Amphenol Aerospace 40-60 Delaware Avenue, Sidney, New York 13838-1395 Phone: 800-678-0141 or 607-563-5011 Fax: 607-563-5157 This catalog has been specifically designed to assist in the critical process
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