Search Results for 2級電気工事施工管理技士 2次試験 2回目
Mounting Kits for Base Station Antennas from Amphenol Antennas
Standard pole mount brackets and mechanical downtilt brackets, also called scissor tilt brackets, for base station antennas.
Broadcast - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
Broadcast - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
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ALDC_UM - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
This system is an upgrade to Amphenol Antenna Solutions’ previous PCU-2 system that was only able to control AISG v1.1 devices. Hardware Software Serial Interface AISG Version PCU-2 (previous version) ALDC v1.x RS232 serial port AISG v1.1 (only) PCU-4 ALDC v2.x USB 1.1 or 2.0 AISG v1.1 or v2.0 Product Functions
high voltage | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
HVDC is a low mating force, high mating cycle connector that achieves enhanced performance due to multiple points of contact vs. standard 2 or 4 tine contacts. Features & Benefits: Weight savings with a composite shell and hollow pin design threaded or lug termination.
EU RoHS II Declaration -
EU RoHS II Declaration May 8, 2024 Dear Customer, In response to your compliance status inquiry regarding the following product, Amphenol Aerospace
Small Cell Antennas from Amphenol Antennas
Small Cell Antennas with low-visual impact. Applications for light standards and telephone photos, plus panels for stadiums and solutions for tunnels
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Amphenol . Created Date: 1/20/2025 6:05:58 PM
UNX-LPK - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
UNX-LPK - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Protimeter Hygromaster Thermo-Hygrometer
HygroMaster™-2 Thermo-Hygrometer The HygroMaster-2 is a unique instrument that can be used for spot measurements of humidity and temperature and as a data logger for monitoring humidity and temperature trends. It is a versatile tool ideally suited for professionals involved in the following industries: • HVAC • Building survey/home inspection
7834450 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
7834450 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions ... 7834450
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We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
2U3MT360X06Fxys4 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 2FT, 10-Port, Narrow 9.5" Diameter, Omni Pattern, XPOL, (2x) 1695-2700 | (2x) 3300-4200 | (1x) 5150-5925 MHz, Fixed Tilt
오류안내 페이지 | 암페놀-대신전자정밀 (주)
About Us. 암페놀-대신전자정밀(주)는 Amphenol Corporation의 한국 법인으로, 산업용, 군수용, 이동 통신 및 철도 차량용 커넥터를 주력 제품으로 생산하고 국내 시장 뿐만 아니라 수출 및 해외 암페놀 법인의 제품을 한국 시장에도 공급하는 공식 자회사입니다.
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