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Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable Blog | Maintenance
What is a Total Cost of Ownership? A total cost of ownership (TCO) is the purchase price of a product plus the cost of operations. When calculating the total cost of ownership, it exemplifies the overall value of a product over time giving you a better idea of how much something is worth.. When gathering data to make a purchasing decision, buyers should not only consider the initial price of a ...
Balisage -
Alimentation : 24 Vdc (16-34 Vdc) Consommation : 200 mA / m Profondeur : 60,5 mm Hauteur : 33 mm Options : - 12 Vdc - Couleurs de LED (rouge, bleu, orange ou blanc) - Espacement des LED : 2,5 cm à 10 cm • The NDM is a marking equipped with green LED. • Life span longer than 100 000 hours. • Step section from anodised aluminium.
Defense | Markets - Amphenol
SV Microwave has developed a unique and proprietary method for removing gold in the solder area of our RF connectors. We plan for gold removal in the design stage, modifying the connector body so it can be fixtured effectively and gold can be thoroughly removed from the solderable area - including nearby areas which may be prone to capillary effect wicking.
D50P24A6GV00LF | D-Subminiature | Amphenol
D-Sub Standard Board Mount Connector, Input Output Connectors, Signal 50 way Pin Straight Solder, 500 cycles, Harpoons + Female Screw UNC 4 - 40 + Elec cont., 1.6mm PCB thickness.
B75 High Chirp, 600W, 12° Tilt, Raymarine 11-Pin, DT
Fixed 20° tilted version for 16 to 24° hull deadrise angles Fixed 12° tilted version for 6 to 15° hull deadrise angles Fixed 0° tilted version for 0 to 7° hull deadrise angles; Features. Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensing; 600 W of power with a maximum depth of 214 m (700')
JUMPER-L12-FFP - CELLFLEX® Factory-Fit Jumper Assembly, 1/2" Low ...
Radio Frequency Systems' CELLFLEX Factory-Fit Jumpers feature specially designed connectors which are soldered-on in a strictly controlled industrial process to ensure industry leading
NOTICE: These drawings, specifications, or other data (1) are, and remain the property of Amphenol corp. (2) must be returned upon request; and (3) are confidential and not to be disclosed to any person other
LEVEL TABELLE C-Serie MH-Serie LL-Serie LP-Serie LL-Serie Allgemeiner Verwendungszweck Expolsionsgefährdeter Bereich Sanitär Eigenschaften OEM MH mit Gewinde LLE RefineME® Tank SLAYER ®SoClean LLH Eingangsspannung +5 VDC oder +12 VDC +12/24 VDC +24 VDC schleifenversorgt oder 10,5…28 VDC schleifenversorgt oder 10,5…28 VDC schleifenversorgt oder 10,5…28 VDC +24 VDC
Abgekündigt -
24 VDC (-15 / +20 %); Die UL-Kennzeichnung erfordert ein zugelassenes Netzteil mit Energiebegrenzung (UL 61010-1) oder mit Class 2 gemäß National Electric Code (USA) / Canadian Electric Code. bis -30 VDC bis 36 VDC 80 mA typisch < 0.28 Vpp 500 VDC (0 V gegen Gehäuse) R-SerieEtherCAT I25I *Die UL-Kennzeichnung erstreckt sich nicht auf die ...
1900ND09P1X00C - Amphenol Air LB
The 1900 / EN3545 is a composite rectangular connector available with various contact arrangements. It includes sizes 22 to 8 crimp removable contacts for Copper and Aluminum cable, common with Mil-DTL-38999 Series connectors such as coax, twinax, triax and Quadrax.Standard and Overmoulded rear grommet and interfacial seal.Configurable keying and locking posts providing 36 options.
B75 Medium Chirp, 600W, 0° Tilt, Navico BL, DT
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W; Mix and Match CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version
SIMM1220PC - Amphenol Air LB
Phone +33 3 24 22 78 49. Email Categories. Products; Markets; Solutions; Know-how; Be the First to Know. Get all the latest news, Subscribe here ! Enter your email. Subscribe. I have read and I accept the privacy policy. Click here to unsubscribe from our newsletter. Support.
Piezoresistive pressure transducer -
The following performance specifications are typical values, referenced at +75˚F (+24˚C) and 100 Hz, unless otherwise noted. Calibration data, traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is supplied. Specifications Dynamic characteristics Units -15 -50 -100 Range psia 0–15 0–50 0–100
SIMM0118SA - Amphenol Air LB
Phone +33 3 24 22 78 49. Email Categories. Products; Markets; Solutions; Know-how; Be the First to Know. Get all the latest news, Subscribe here ! Enter your email. Subscribe. I have read and I accept the privacy policy. Click here to unsubscribe from our newsletter. Support.
M-Series LCD Modbus Terminal, Product Specification
24 Vdc transmitter and terminal Power supply Options: - relays (6 per module) - 4 to 20 ma Outputs (4 per module) aPPLICatIONs Field Indication Controller MarKets Petroleum and Petrochemical LPG terminals Water and Wastewater Level Plus® LCD Modbus terminal (part number 280494-X) Level Plus ® Magnetostrictive Liquid-Level Sensors
Discontinued -
Accessories page 67 and following. Included in delivery profile model: Sensor,positionmagnet,2mountingclampsupto1250mm+1clampforeveryadditional500mm. Included in delivery rod model: SensorandO-ring.Magnetsmustbeorderedseparately.Usesignedmagnetsforsensorsw/LCO Temposonics® Sensor model RP-Profile RH-Rod Design Profile Temposonics® RP: S-Magnetslider,jointattop
EU RoHS Declaration -
ITEM # RoHS COMPLIANCE STATUS 1112-4009 YES W/ EXEMPTION 6C SV Design Engineering Department Signed for and on behalf of SV Microwave, Inc
SIM2B24G010 - Amphenol Air LB
The EN4165 / SIM Monomodule Series (ARINC 809) connector is a mono modular, push-pull connector that is ideal for In-Flight Entertainment Systems, Cabin Service Systems, and other interconnect system requirements.
OAL - SV Microwave
01 preliminary 08/22 approved: checked: drawn: see pdm see pdm cvl 08/18/22 oal.250 (see table) product data drawing material: connectors: 2x sma male r/a (sf2915-6605)
Betriebsspannung +24 VDC (±25 %) Restwelligkeit ≤ 0,28 V pp Stromaufnahme < 50 mA Spannungsfestigkeit 500 VDC (0 V gegen Gehäuse) Verpolungsschutz Bis -30 VDC Überspannungsschutz Bis 36 VDC 1/ Wählbar über IO-Link Master. 2/ Mit Positionsmagnet # 251 416-2