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Amphenol AMAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
The Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in the electrical and electronic equipment. RoHS 2 provides that EEE has to meet the requirements of the Directive. Since equipment consists of different components, the ...
שכר תונמזהב תוכיא תושירד להונ
16: הרודהמ 509 הדובע תארוה - 3 - 4 ךותמ 3 דומע שכר תונמזהב תוכיא תושירד להונ הנשמ ינלבק/םינרציל תויללכ תושירד.4 םינקת 4.1 iso ןקת ל ךמסומ הדעתה ףוג י"ע תרשואמ הייהת הנשמ ןלבקה לש תוכיא לוהינ תכרעמ 4.1.1
SB 2-1/2/150-160 MHz-N -
50 W Steel-Band Antenna for Portable Equipment in the 150 MHz Band DESCRIPTION Rugged, flexible steel-band antenna whip. Curved sectional area to help keeping the antenna erect.
ZTP-115 Thermopile IR Sensor -
Parameter Limits Units Condition Min Typ Max Chip Size 1.8 x 1.8 mm2 Diaphragm Size 1.4 x 1.4 mm2 Active Area 0.7 x 0.7 mm2 Internal Resistance 42 60 78 kW 25°C
7X 2X 0 2X 7X -
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 the information contained in this drawing is the sole property of ardent concepts, inc. any reproduction in part or as a whole without the written permission of ardent concepts, inc. is prohibited. proprietary and confidential drawn checked eng appr. sizebtitle: dwg. no. rev scale: 4:1 weight: sheet 1 of 1 ...
3U VPX 10G 48-Channel Rugged Ethernet Switch - Amphenol Aerospace
By using 2 Samtec HQDP-020 headers for right angle installs of Samtec ribbon cables (with screw down option), 8 channels 10G-Base-T / 1G-Base-T-100-Base-T are accessible. In the event an application requires 10G-Base-KR / SGMII / 1000-Base-X, these 8 channels become 16 channels and they can be used for media conversion or other system components.
Thermo-Trex 850 Cable - Color Code Conductor Number Currently ...
8 8 - EIGHT Tan w/Red & Blue Tracer 9 9 - NINE Tan w/Red & Green Tracer 10 10 - TEN Tan w/Red & Black Tracer 11 11 - ELEVEN Tan w/Red & Orange Tracer 12 12 - TWELVE Tan w/Red & Yellow Tracer Thermo-Trex ® 850 Cable - Color Code
Ref: SLM500 8 March 2021 SCTE ANNOUNCES VIRTUAL SPRING LECTURE London, 8 March 2021: The SCTE (Society for Broadband Professionals) is hosting its annual Spring Lecture for its members and partners as part of its remit to educate and inform. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the event, which was to be hosted at the National Motorcycle ...
DESCRIPTION L I S T A m p h e n o l
MP10A25F-8 MS10A25F-8 8AWG 10.0 mm² No Gold Flash Machined, Tooling Part Number Description QXRT08L Contact Extraction Tool, # 8 (Ø 3.6mm) Contact M300BT Hand Crimper WA27-3009-2C Pneumatic Crimper UH2-5 Locator M3200BT and WA27-309-2C. Title: G:SharedAmphenol Customer DatasheetsEcoMate AquariusC-RTS018x2SHECxx_Rev_A2.dwg
Long flanged Receptacle monomodule With color coding plate With ...
Military & Commercial Aerospace specification for rectangular modular connectors; Fully qualified and compliant with ARINC 809 specifications; Tested and qualified per EN4165 Seri
TN0201600051 1.6mm silver socket (female) stamped contacts
TN0201600051 1.6mm silver socket (female) stamped contacts on reel for crimp machines (feeds left). 2,000 pcs
cable connector r/a T 3XXX U - Amphenol Sine
8 D 3 A F 7 2 F eitergabe 5 sowie ervielfältigung dieser Unterlage, erwertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts nicht gestattet, soweit nicht ausdrücklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte für den Fall der Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten. B 8 Zul. Abw./Tolerances : A3 / CUSTOMER ...
Indoor Patch Antenna to Extend GPS Coverage - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Indoor Patch Antenna to Extend GPS Coverage PCPI-GPS-EXTEND 1-Band | 1-Port | Patch Antenna | Right Hand Circular Polarization | 70° | 1575 MHz | 5.0 dBic | SISO | Indoor
SIMM3023PNF - Amphenol Air LB
Module fitted with PCB contacts for EN4165 / SIM connectors. EN4165 / SIM connector is modular, multifunctional and rectangular. It consists of shells and modules, which together
Amphenol AMAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
The Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in the electrical and electronic equipment. RoHS 2 provides that EEE has to meet the requirements of the Directive. Since equipment consists of different components, the ...
Receptacle Short Nut housing option 4 Modules Composite Shielded Olive ...
EN4165 / SIM is a modular, multifunctional rectangular connector. It consists of shells and modules, which together create an integrated solution, supporting advanced signal and p
Dim. in mm Name Title - Amphenol Australia
3.5 1.8 19.5 29.7 3 2 34.5 n34 Bayonet Channel x 3 3 2. 7 1 Key Protrusion x 3 n31.5 1 0 3 R E F. 0.7 27.5 Part Number 17-101814 17-101824 Description Nickel Plated Zinc Die-Cast with Shielded Cat5e Coupler & Protective Cover Nickel Plated Zinc Die-Cast with Unshielded Cat5e RJ45 Coupler & Protective Cover 2 5. 0 0 ` 0. 0 5 d 2 6. 2 0 ` 0. 0 5 ...
RES-GMC con connettore in fibra con giunto di sicurezza - Convertitori ...
Il convertitore multimediale in fibra ottica Amphenol Socapex MIL-STD-461 RES-GMC con connettore in fibra Butt Joint è un convertitore multimediale robusto e affidabile che consente di implementare collegamenti in fibra ottica in ambienti difficili. Questo convertitore è dotato di tecnologia butt joint che garantisce connessioni sicure e affidabili, rendendolo ideale per l'impiego in reti ...
C:UsersjheadDesktopDuraMate AHDM Series addition - 16-position size ...
Ø18.8 LARGE BUSHING SMALL BUSHING HD36-24-16SN-059. Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morley Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48036 USA 01-2025 Contacts - Machined Part Number Type Style Contact Size Amp Wire Range (AWG) Wire Range (mm²) Insulation OD (mm) Plating Reel Size Packaging