Search Results for 30-271
RT071412SNH Jam Nut Receptacle, Female, 16AWG, 13A/300V - Amphenol Sine
RT071412SNH Receptacle, Jam Nut, 12 Position, Female, Shell Size 14. Compatible to part # UT071412SH, G4B1492SN
ASTG Market Overview - Amphenol Sensors
ASTG Market Overview - Amphenol Sensors
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Model GR | PCB Piezotronics
Model GR:Triple splice assembly for 4-conductor cable to (3) 1-ft coaxial cables each to blunt cut.
TJ-108 -
Title: TJ-108 : Author: ed Created Date: 6/30/2006 1:06:55 PM
Model 7703A-50 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 7703A-50:Accelerometer, PE, 50 pC/g, radiation hardened, -67°F to +550°F, isolated, 10-32 mounting stud, side connector, 25 grams
Related Items - Amphenol Sine
RT00104PNH-K Receptacle Kit, Square Flange, 4 Position, Male, Shell Size 10, with Machined Gold Contacts, Size 16 (18-16AWG), Gasket. Compatible to part # UT06104PH
Related Items - Amphenol Sine
RT001412PNH-K Receptacle Kit, Square Flange, 12 Position, Male, Shell Size 14, with Machined Gold Contacts, Size 16 (18-16AWG), Gasket. Compatible to part # UT001412PH
an Amphenol company - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 temperature rise (ºc) ra ted current (amperes) temperature rise (ºc) ra ted current (amperes) temperature rise (ºc) ra ted current (amperes) temperature rise (ºc) ra ted current (amperes) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 140 contacts ...
30 INCH-D-4V 0.23 INCH-G-4V 0.5 INCH-G-4V 1 INCH-G„tv 2.5 INCH-G-4V 5 INCH-CAV 10 INCH-G-4V 20 INCH-G-4V 30 INCH-G-4V 40 INCH-G-4V 60 INCH-G-4V Operating Range Standard Pressure Ranges Proof Pressure Pressure Type Nominal Span kPa 125 125 125 125 inH20 200 200 300 300 300 500 800 200 300 300 300 500 800 800 800 kPa 125 200 20 50 125 200 200 200
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 7/10/2008 10:30:06 AM
GPS 4/... -
GPS 4/... -
Amphenol CN-DSUBHD62SK-000 High-Density D-Subminiature (HD62 Female D ...
We've optimized our new d-sub connector line-up specifically for use with 22-AWG to 30-AWG insulated wire, which, at present, is well within the design parameters defined by 99% of the real-world d-sub applications on the market today.
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1 pl dec ±0.30 2 pl dec ±0.15 quantity signatures fractions ±1/64 angles ±1° approval: engineer: checked: drawn: scale: date part number dwg no: revision c-type sheet of description item this drawing is supplied for information only. design features, specifications and performance data shown hereon are the property of the amphenol ...
RT061412PNHEC03 Plug, Male, with Silicone O-ring Seal and End Cap with ...
RT061412PNHEC03 14 Position Plug, Male, Shell Size 12, Silicone Seal and End Cap with Individual Wire Sealing
B5 TITLE - Amphenol Sine
1 pl dec ±0.30 2 pl dec ±0.15 quantity signatures fractions ±1/64 angles ±1° approval: engineer: checked: drawn: scale: date part number dwg no: revision c-type sheet of description item sine systems - 44724 morley drive this drawing is supplied for information only. design features, specifications and performance data
Dokumentaatio - Lataukset | Amphenol Socapex
Viimeisin päivitys : 30/01/2025 Lue Lataa AOC HDMI FTV Tietolehti Viimeisin päivitys : 26/08/2024 Lue Lataa 75 Ohmin koaksiaalikontaktit tietolehti Tietolehti Viimeisin päivitys : 08/10/2024 Lue Lataa EN3155 Contacts Datasheet Tietolehti Viimeisin päivitys : 02/10/2023 Lue ...
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