Search Results for 50-57-9404 connector
Model 357B53 | PCB Piezotronics
Electrical Connector: 10-32 Coaxial Jack: 10-32 Coaxial Jack: Electrical Connection Position: Side: Side: Mounting Thread: 10-32 Female: ... $61.50 USD (Pricing valid only in the U.S.) Add to Cart. Model: 003A10. Low noise coaxial cable, blue PTFE jacke... $69.00 USD (Pricing valid only in the U.S.)
Industrial | Markets - Amphenol
The added connector structure results in enhanced connection integrity that is an essential component for connecting cable in harsh environments. ... The TNC connector series is a miniature, threaded weatherproof series with a constant 50 Ω impedance and a frequency range of DC - 11 GHz.
ATSeries - Amphenol Sine
Amphenol Sine Systems’ AT Series™ connectors are a high-performance, IP67-rated (in mated condition), cost-effective solution ... 16 20 (.50) 7.5 60 100 18 (.80) 10 60 100 16 (1.0) 13 60 100 14 (2.0) 13 60 100 Wire Sealing Range CONTACT SIZE RECOMMENDED WIRE INSULATION O.D.
P319 50/200kHz, 600W, Navico BL, DT - AIRMAR EMEA
600 W. Airmar’s entry-level P319 features a single, 50/200 kHz, dual-frequency, ceramic element in a low-profile, plastic housing. The nearly-flush design minimizes drag with only 5 mm (3/16") extending outside of the hull.
nn Electrical Connector: BNC Jack (Typical) PIEZORESISTIVE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER MODEL 8510B nn 200, 500, 2000 psig ranges nn 300 mV full scale nn Gage 1/4" FREE-FIELD ICP® ARRAY MICROPHONE SYSTEM MODEL 130F21 nn Low Noise Floor: 24 dBA nn (±4 dB) nn Electrical Connector: 10-31 coaxial jack PIEZORESISTIVE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER MODEL 8515C nn 15 ...
CF38999 Multi-Channel Fiber Optic Connector - Amphenol Aerospace
Additional, composite connectors features include: Lightweight - 17%-70% weight savings; Increased Corrosion Resistance-olive drab cadmium (175°C) and electroless nickel plating (200°C) both withstand 2000 hours of salt spray exposure; Durability-1500 couplings minimum (in reference to connector couplings, not termini)
D38999 Series III TV-CTV - 38999 Series | Amphenol Socapex
The38999 series III connectors are designed for use in harsh military and industrial environments. This series offers a wide range of contact arrangements and shell types, making it an ideal choice for applications that require maximum weight and space savings.
Model 320C52 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 320C52:UHT-12™, ICP® accel., miniature (2 gm), ring-style, low temperature coefficient LTC , 10 mV/g, 1 to 10k Hz, 5-44 side connector
Part Search Results
Machined lightweight aluminum standard and low profile banded backshells with EMI protection for d-sub connectors (AP/AK/AW Series) Space Revision: M042. Space connector product comparison, features, benefits, and applications. ELECTROMAGNETICALLY COMPATIBLE MACHINED LOW-PROFILE BACKSHELLS
V17-001-01-A0 -
50-110 mm (2.0-4.3 in) 8.5 kg (19 lbs) Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions. Extreme ... Connector Type --- (2x) 4.3-10 Female Radome Color --- White Radome Material --- FRP
DD50P364TXLF | D-Subminiature | Amphenol
D-Sub Cable Connector, Input Output Connectors, 50 Way Socket Solder Bucket, without Accessory. 865650SLTLF. D-Sub Cable Connector, Input Output Connectors, Crimp Cable Connector 8656 50 Way Socket, Standard Mounting Hole (3.1mm). Part Specification Detail. Part Specification Detail.
d-sub | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol’s Rectangular Modular Micro Series is a low-profile, high-density rugged connector that fills the gap between the Micro-D (MIL-DTL-83513) and D-Sub (MIL-DTL-24308) product lines. Designed to meet the harsh environments of the Aerospace, Defense and Industrial markets, the unique modular insert design allows for a wide variety of ...
Operation Manual R-Series V EtherNet/IP 551971
Temposonics® R-Series V EtherNet/IP™ O I 6 I 3.1 Order code of Temposonics® RP5 3. Identification a Sensor model R P 5 Profi le b Design G Magnet slider backlash free (part no. 253 421), suitable for internal linearization L Block magnet L (part no. 403 448) M U-magnet OD33 (part no. 251 416-2), suitable for internal linearization
Part No. 550033 Rev. E - Temposonics
(50.6 mm) from the flange and minimum update time is being utilized) Displacement: Up to 25 feet (7620 millimeters) Dead Zone: 2.5 inches (63.5 millimeters) Electronics Enclosure: IP-67 Non-linearity: < ± 0.05% of full scale or ± 0.002 inch (±0.05 mm), whichever is greater
Model 012A50 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 012A50:Low-cost, black coaxial cable (RG58/U), 50-ft, BNC plug to BNC plug . Main Menu. 0 1 1. Total Customer Satisfaction +1 800-828-8840. Search. 0 Customer Cart Request a Quote. Log In. Log In. Need an Account? Start Here ... Model AC connectors. Specification Notes. English: SI: * All specifications are at room temperature unless ...
2DT XIDT 42-65A&150-250A-TM275LHW-B1B1CS-CBL12M12F
Covers popular fishing frequencies of 50 and 200 kHz plus everything else in the bandwidth; High frequency delivers superior shallow-water performance, bottom detail, and fish-target separation; High wide beamwidth yields more coverage for detecting fish in the upper-water column
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WBV065X18Fx00 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Connector(s) 1 Port / 7/16-DIN Female / Back Mechanical Characteristics Dimensions (Length x Width x Depth) 1829 x 170 x 100 mm 72.0 x 6.7 x 3.9 in ... Side 221 N 50 lbf Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions ...
Industrial Connectors - Lutze Inc.
Industrial network connectors include RJ45, IDC, M8, M12, and valve connectors, to name a few. LUTZE RJ45 IDC and M12 push-in connectors are offered in both straight and 90 degree designs to suit various application requirements as well as specific connectors for industrial Ethernet and Profinet protocols. Beneficial features include:
BNC Jack to BNC Jack Adapter 50 Ohm Straight Bulkhead Isolated
BNC Jack to BNC Jack Adapter 50 Ohm Straight Bulkhead Isolated Shop Categories Search. Products. Back; RF Connectors. Back ... Connectors By Size; QPL/UG Cross Reference; Frequency Range Chart; VSWR/RL Conversions; QuickBuild RF; Glossary of Terms ... (Size: 57 kb) 031-4803 IGS 3D Model (Size: 1325 kb ) Product Life Cycle. Product Life Cycle ...