Search Results for 53744-7
c:userspdf82-92 - Amphenol RF
Title: Created Date: 7/18/2014 11:29:34 AM
2M804 Push-Pull Micro-Miniature Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
2M804 connectors are the most rugged push-pull micro-miniature circular connectors on the market. Designed for use in soldier-worn tactical equipment deployed by the United States military, these connectors were built to perform.
High-Performance Grounding Blocks - G-G2B2 UL
Splice Length (mm) 25.7 Body Material Zinc / Brass Groundscrews / Material 1 / Steel Groundwire Range (AWG) 10 - 14* Contact Pin BeCu Insulator HDPE Specifications NOTE: All specifications typical unless otherwise noted. *UL listing applies to 10 gauge wire only. Created Date:
Amphenol Single-modeTestKit MTCK-002 Fiber Systems
Dimensions 7.2 x 14.2 x 3.5 cm (2.8 x 5.6 x 1.4 in) Weight 241 g (8.5 oz) CE EN61010 EN50081-1: 1992 EN55011, Group 1, Class A EN50082-1: 1992 IEC 801-2, 3 and 4 MTCK-002FiberOptic PowerMeter Features • Easy to use - three button control of all functions • Loss measurements in (dB) power measurements in (dBm) • 0.01dB measurement relolution
2M805 Tri-Start Micro-Miniature Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
2M805 micro 38999 connectors are the evolution of the mil-standard circular. Designed to meet the same harsh environmental requirements of D38999, they were developed to make scaling-down existing technology easy and risk-free.
MTC-HD Datasheet Rev04 - Amphenol Aerospace
2ughulqj surfhgxuh lv vkrzq ehorz xvlqj sduw qxpehu &) ( 3 &rqqhfwru 7\sh &rqqhfwru &odvv 7huplqxv 6w\oh 6khoo
Ethernet Military Switch RJSMLAC-8UG-CAPS - Amphenol Socapex
The Amphenol Socapex MIL-STD-461 Ethernet Military Switch RJSMLAC-8UG-CAPS is a high-performance, unmanaged military Ethernet switch that is fully MIL-STD compliant. Featuring RJFTV connectors, it has 8 Gigabit ports, making it ideal for applications such as data acquisition and transmission, rugged networks, battlefield communication, combat vehicles, and avionic and shipboard systems.
Model 699A05 4-20 mA Loop Calibrator Installation and Operating Manual
your troubleshooting efforts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call or email with model and serial number as well as a brief description of the problem. Calibration Routine calibration of sensors and associated instrumentation is necessary to maintain measurement accuracy. We recommend calibrating on an annual basis,
NovaSensor PT1907 Pressure and Temperature Sensor Die
NovaSensor PT1907 Pressure and Temperature Sensor Die
Uncategorised -
Kaye offers industry-leading thermal validation system for accurate monitoring and compliance in pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Discover advanced wired and wireless solutions for temperature validation.
Thermometrics Inline Flow-Through Coolant Temperature Sensor
Thermometrics Inline Flow-Through Coolant Temperature Sensor
SGX - Industrial
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Level Plus - Temposonics
2.7 Switch Settings 35 2.7.1 Default Setting 35 2.7.2 DIP Switch #1 36 2.7.3 DIP Switch #2 (Stand-Alone Mode — Commands/# of Gauges) 38 2.7.4 DIP Switch #2 (Network Mode — Address) 40 2.7.5 Push Button Switch #3 41 2.8 Initial Power Up 41 2.9 Display Contrast Adjustment 43 3.0 OPERATION 44 3.1 Stand-alone Mode 44 3.2 Network Mode 47
Thermometrics NTC Inrush Current Limiter
Thermometrics NTC Inrush Current Limiter
T 3487 100 - M16 Rear mounting female receptacle with ring n
Rear mounting female receptacle with ring nut (hex nut available upon request). 7 contacts, silver plated, B arrangement. Contacts included. Contact arrangement according to DIN EN 61076-2-106 "0X-b". Replaces T 3487 150.
7. TERMS OF PAYMENT: Unless otherwise expressly provided herein, payments are net thirty (30) days after date of Seller's invoice. Seller reserves the right at any time to suspend credit or to change credit terms provided herein, when in its sole opinion the financial condition of Buyer so warrants. In the event payments are not made
BA6110-1 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Element Housing Length m (ft) 0.82 (2.7) Mounting Pipe Diameter m (in) 0.08 (3) Support Pipe Length m (ft) 0.32 (1.04) Net Weight - Antenna Only kg (lbs) 3 (6.6) Mounting Type --- Fixed Flexible Extensions --- None Max Wind Loading Area m2 (ft2) 0.07 (0.75) Rated Wind Speed km/h (mph) 200 (125)
NTC Type NG Glass Encapsulated Chip Thermistor
NTC Type NG Glass Encapsulated Chip Thermistor
Model 2508-05A REACTION TORQUE SENSOR Installation and Operating ... - PCB
7.0 Operation 5 8.0 Troubleshooting 6 9.0 Maintenance 6 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Flange Mount Reaction Torque Sensor 2 2. Wheatstone Bridge Circuit 2 3. Western Regional Strain Gage Committee Wiring Code 2 4. Axis and Sense Nomenclature 3 5. Reaction Torque Sensor Configurations 3 ...
AALBF Manufacturing Capabilities -
7 Manufacturing mission for AMAO 9 x Arburg horizontal press Thermoplastic molding: - Materials center with desiccator - Sepro robot 3 axis - Max closing force 50 to 130T - Processed materials : ULTEM, PEEK, PPS, PA… - Processing temperature 450°C - Max injection Pressure 2500 bars - Maw distance between trays from 575 to 850 mm
Acceleration Sensing Technologies for Severe Mechanical Shock - PCB
in a sensor frequency response that is flat to > 10 kHz. Figure 7 shows a representative amplitude versus frequency response function for an accelerometer when the response of the mechanical isolator is combined with an electrical filter. Figure 7: Mechanical Isolator Resonance and the Electrical Filter
Adapter Cable - 8 Pin Fuji to 10 pin Furuno, 1m
Converts Old style 8-pin connector to new style 10-pin connector. Specifications. Connector: Furuno 8-Pin, Furuno 10-Pin
M&M Cable, 9-Pin 1kW Series with Simrad 7-pin Connector - 8m
M&M Cable, 9-Pin 1kW Series with Simrad 7-pin Connector - 8m
I 5 I Temposonics® ER Start / Stopp Datenblatt GÄNGIGES ZUBEHÖR – Weiteres Zubehör siehe Broschüre 551444 Kabelsteckverbinder 3 Kabelsets 60 Ø M12 38 Ø 57 45,5 Ø M12 Ø Ø 4 Ø Ø 12 26,5 31,5 M12 M12 A-codierte Buchse (8 pol.),
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 7/19/2002 5:52:51 PM
Garmin | Power Data Cable, 7-Pin -
Garmin Power Data Cable, 7-Pin. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
Introduction to Air Blast Measurements - Part IV: Getting the ... - PCB
7.Belden CDT Inc., St. Louis, Missouri Please refer to PCB Tech Notes 12, 13 and 18 for full text of Parts I, II and III of the “Introduction to Air Blast Measurements” Series 3425 Walden Avenue, Depew, NY 14043-2495 USA Pressure Division toll free888-684-0011
Home Page - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Home Page - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
CXL 70-5C/... -
CXL 70-5C/... -
Business Management System - Amphenol
Issue No: 24 Page 1 of 35 This document, if printed is for information only; it is the user’s responsibility to ensure use to latest revision availableon the intranet.The contents of this document remain the property of Amphenol Ltd.
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AHDPM24-BT-BK Size 24 Rubber Boot for DuraMate AHDP (SRA on - Amphenol Sine
AHDM06-24-07PN Plug, Size 24, 7 positions, Pin, standard seal, wide thread. REQUEST A QUOTE. AHDM06-24-07SN Plug, Size 24, 7 positions, Socket, standard seal, wide thread. REQUEST A QUOTE. AHDM06-24-09PR Plug, Size 24, 9 positions, Pin, reduced diameter seal, wide thread. Comparable to PN# HD36-24-9PN-L006
2M801 Dual-Start Acme Thread Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
2M801 is generally considered a legacy series. Its successor, the 2M805 series, has a number of important improvements, including a triple-start thread (which reduces the number of turns it takes to fully mate the connectors) and an EMI band (which increases shell-to-shell conductivity and greatly improves signal shielding).
Thermometrics RTS Series -
Thermometrics RTS Series -
Careers -
Kaye ValProbe RT {Visión general} Kaye ValProbe RT {Estación base} Kaye ValProbe RT {Sensor de Temperatura Flexible} Kaye ValProbe RT {Sensor de Temperatura Maleable}
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 2/7/2001 10:45:35 AM
Transducer Diagnostic Tester Cable, Raymarine A Series - AIRMAR EMEA
Marine Transducers. Chirp-Ready Transducers; NMEA/SMART Transducers; Traditional Frequency Transducers; Speed & Temperature; Multi-Beam Transducers; Transducer Diagnostic Tester
4-20 mA displacement sensors - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
4-20 mA displacement monitoring PC420DPP-40 • PC: Designed to work with existing process control system for machinery health and process monitoring • 420: Outputs a value between 4 and 20 mA that represents the overall vibration at the monitoring point • D: The vibration is integrated to displacement to detect faults at the 1x running speed
CA091 60 4000 002 - M16 AISG RET Cable Assembly with IP68 st
CA091 60 4000 002 - M16 AISG RET Cable Assembly with IP68 straight male /Female cable connectors, 2 meter, PE cable, 8 pin interface, 6 loaded contacts
HC-7ML44-DF-CC(2) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
HC-7ML44-DF-CC(2) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Datenblatt E-Serie ER Analog (Dokumentennummer 551246) - Temposonics
I 7 I Temposois ® erie ao Datenblatt BESTELLSCHLÜSSEL Betriebsanleitungen, Software & 3D Modelle finden Sie unter: a Bauform E R Aluminiumzylinder mit Schubstange b Design M Schubstange mit Innengewinde M6 c Messlänge X X X X M 0050…1500 mm Standard Messlänge (mm) Bestellschritte 50… 500 mm 25 mm 500…1500 mm 50 mm
Piezoelectric accelerometer - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Aerospace Energy Test and measurement Piezoelectric accelerometer Model 2280 The following performance specifications conform to ISA-RP-37.2 (1964) and are typical values, referenced at +75˚F (+24˚C) and 100 Hz, unless otherwise noted.
RET Control Units - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
HDLC (level 2) and commands/responses (level 7) as per AISG 1.1 or 3GPP/AISG 2.0 or Ericsson protocol (depending on the part number of the device). Software upgrade by the download functionality is implemented in AISG protocols. Tilt Change Duration Typically less than 15 seconds (may depend on antenna type and outdoor temperature) Precision ± ...
100 2.7 4 4 3 1 8 20 (1) Octonet + 22D’s (2) Split Pair Quadrax + 22D’s DisplayPort v1.2 100 5.4 4 4 3 1 8 20 (2) Split Pair Quadrax + 22D’s OCS 15-59 Limited to 5 ft or less cable length USB 2.0 (High-speed USB) 90 0.48 1 1 (bi-directional) 0 1 1 4 (1) Star Quadrax (1) OCS 13-53 USB 3.0 (SuperSpeed USB) USB 3.1 Gen 1
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