Search Results for 600
M&M Cable, 5-Pin 600W Series with Navico xSonic 9-Pin Connector - Gemeco
M&M Cable, 5-Pin 600W Series with Navico xSonic 9-Pin Connector - 8m
B75 Medium Chirp, 600W, 12° Tilt, Si-Tex 8-Pin, DT
600 W. Airmar’s low-profile, Chirp-ready, transducer models are the perfect addition to smaller boats such as center consoles. Operating at a frequency range of 80 to 130 kHz, the B75M delivers up to 50 kHz of total bandwidth in just one installation.
3686–90 15kHz Program Equalizer Amplifier (PG15EA) Unit
Section 368-690-201 3 Figure 2. 3686–90 15kHz Program Equalizer Amplifier (PG 15EA) (Issue 1) Block Diagram
MIL-DTL-26482 Series II Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Medium size, environmentally resistant connector; Shells size 8 to 24. Contact sizes 20, 16, and 12. Recommended operating voltage to 1,000 VAC (RMS) at sea level
3652–36 4-Wire E&M with Extended Range and Loopback (4W E&M/ER/LB ...
Section 365–236–202 4 TONE DETECTOR CIRCUIT LOOPBACK-48V DROP PC board connector pin Signal flow direction Frontpanel marking NOTES: XXXX 4. N. O., N. C. relay contact
SS505 50/200kHz, 600W, MM Transducer, DT
600 W. The SS505 is a compact, impact resistant, stainless steel stem for use on all hulls. The dual-frequency version provides good target detail in shallow-water at 200 kHz and good deep-water bottom tracking at 50 kHz.
Data Sheet R-Series V RP5 EtherNet/IP 551963 - Temposonics
I 2 I Temposonics®-Series V P5 EtherCAT ® Data Sheet 5 3 1 Measurement Cycle 1 Current pulse generates magnetic fi eld 2 Interaction with position magnet fi eld generates torsional strain pulse 3 Torsional strain pulse propagates 4 Strain pulse detected by converter 5 Time-of-fl ight converted into position Sensing element (Waveguide)
ARES Reels - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
To order or to obtain a price quote on our ARES Fiber Optic Reels, call toll free (US only) at 800.472.4225, international calls please use 1-214-547-2400 or
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
Next Generation ARINC - Amphenol Canada
Introducing Amphenol Canada's ARINC 600 Next Generation Stamped & Formed Contacts Technology. Size 22 Sockets are now available in stamped and formed designs in both PCB and Compliant styles.
C146 10B025 000 2 25+PE Heavy duty female contact insert fo - Amphenol Sine
25+PE Heavy duty female contact insert for stamped crimp contacts. May be engaged or disengaged when live but without electrical load. If mated or unmated under load, the load shall be reduced to 10% of the rated current.
DT800L Smart™ Sensor Bronze Thru-hull NMEA 2000® - Airmar
The DT800 utilizes Airmar’s proven Tilted Element and broadband technologies in this depth and temperature Smart™ Sensor. The DT800 is a long stemmed, low-profile, retractable, thru-hull sensor that accurately computes depth and temperature data and sends it to any NMEA 2000® network.
Data Sheet R-Series V RH5 PROFINET (Document part number: 551962)
6 Temposonics® R-Series V RH5 PROFINET IO RT & IRT Data Sheet TECHNICAL DRAWING Fig. 2: Temposonics® RH5 with ring magnet RH5-M/S-A/V – RH5 with threaded fl ange M18×1.5-6g or ¾"-16 UNF-3A, example: Connection type D58 (connector outlet) MS/ER NS/RN 1 4 5 2 1 4 5 2 17 (0.67) Sensor electronics housing
DT800 235kHz, 100W, Smart™ Sensor, Bronze with Valve, NMEA 2000®, 0 ...
The DT800 utilizes Airmar’s proven Tilted Element and broadband technologies in this depth and temperature Smart™ Sensor. The DT800 is a low-profile, retractable, thru-hull sensor that accurately computes depth and temperature data and sends it to the NMEA 2000 ® network. Airmar's Smart™ Sensors have embedded microelectronics—the transducer element and signal processor are only ...
HDAS Series Connectors | Micro HDAS - High Performance PCB Connector ...
Amphenol reduces the pitch and increases the density of contacts with the HDAS range. With its robust and simple design, high density and high performance in harsh environments, HDAS rectangular connectors are the right high-density PCB connector when installation, cost and reliability must be considered.
Scanstrut | Inverters/Chargers - Gemeco
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W; Mix and Match CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version
SS60 50/200kHz, 600W, 0° Tilt, Humminbird #9, DT
600 W. The SS60 is a 600 W, 50/200 kHz transducer which integrates Airmar’s popular, Tilted Element ™ feature. This Tilted Element transducer has the ceramic element fixed at a 20° or 12° angle within the housing.
Super-Trex® Unshielded Jumper Cable, 15 kV - TPC Wire
TPC WIRE & CABLE USA 800-521-7935 CANADA 800-545-0122 MEXICO 001-877-283-1696 Speci˜cations subject to change. or complete speci˜cations and availability, ask our TC Sales epresentative or call 00-521-7935.
7535-00 2-Wire To 4-Wire Electronic Hybrid Repeater - Charles Industries
Section 753-500-202 4.3 Impedance Matching And Balancing The 4-wire ports can be conditioned to provide a 150-, 600-, or 1200-ohm impedance, as required, via push-on
Data Sheet R-Series V RH5 SSI - Temposonics
2 Temposonics® R-Series V RH5 SSI 3 1 Measurement cycle 1 Current pulse generates magnetic fi eld 2 Interaction with position magnet fi eld generates torsional strain pulse 3 Torsional strain pulse propagates 4 Strain pulse detected by converter 5 Time-of-fl ight converted into position Sensing element (waveguide) Position magnet (magnetic fi eld)