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B150 Medium Chirp, 300W, 20° Tilt, Garmin 8-pin, DT - AIRMAR EMEA
300 W. Airmar’s B150M delivers a great combination of shallow and mid-depth performance. Operating at a frequency range of 95 to 155 kHz, this transducer reveals fish in shallow waters and deeper depths down to 183 m (600') with ultra-clear target resolution.
RT06164PNH03 Plug, Male with Silicone Seal, 3.6mm, 45A/500V
RT06164PNH03 Plug, Male with Silicone Seal, 4 Contacts, Size 3.6mm, 12-10AWG, 45A/600V, Shell Size 16
Model EX646B02 | PCB Piezotronics
Model EX646B02:Intrinsically-safe vibration sensor, 4 to 20 mA output, 0 to 10 g's RMS, 3 to 10k Hz, top exit, 2-pin conn
Model Number 604B11 LOW-COST TRIAXIAL INDUSTRIAL ICP® ACCELEROMETER Revision: B ECN #: 49214 Performance ENGLISH SI Sensitivity(±20 %) 100 mV/g 10.2 mV/(m/s²) [2] Measurement Range ±50 g ±490 m/s²
Rectangular Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol reduces the pitch and increases the density of contacts with the HDAS range. With its robust and simple design, high density and high performance in harsh environments, HDAS rectangular connectors are the right high-density PCB connector when installation, cost and reliability must be considered.
Piezoresistive accelerometer - PCB
Key features n 2k, 20k and 60k g ranges n mass loading, broad frequency response, and minimum zero shift during a shock event.Damped for exceptional survivability n DC response n Low power consumption n-55°C to +121°C operating temperature
Level Plus - Temposonics
2 Level Plus ® RefineME® Fig. 1: Time-of-flight based magnetostrictive position sensing principle RefineME® The Level Plus® RefineME® liquid level transmitter satisfies the demand for an accurate and robust liquid-level sensor with unsurpassed flexibility to meet most process application conditions.
Epoxy Sealed Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol MIL-DTL-38999 Epoxy Sealed Hermetic Connectors offer superior electrical performance and a superior leak rate performance provided by an epoxy seal, coupled with the rugged design of a glass to metal seal connector.
Model Number 116B03 CHARGE OUTPUT PRESSURE SENSOR Revision: N ECN #: 54898 Performance ENGLISH SI Sensitivity(± 15 %) 6 pC/psi 0.870 pC/kPa Measurement Range 100 psi 690 kPa Maximum Pressure 3,000 psi 20,685 kPa
DT812 235kHz, 100W, Smart™ Sensor, Bronze with Valve, NMEA 2000®, 12 ...
The DT800 utilizes Airmar’s proven Tilted Element and broadband technologies in this depth and temperature Smart™ Sensor. The DT800 is a low-profile, retractable, thru-hull sensor that accurately computes depth and temperature data and sends it to the NMEA 2000 ® network. Airmar's Smart™ Sensors have embedded microelectronics—the transducer element and signal processor are only ...
HART-enabled vibration transmitter - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Wicoon ensin ecnooies Progress rive Frederi M SA An Amhenol Comany 99249 Rev.F4 01/23 Note: Due to continuous process improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice.
B150 Medium Chirp, 300W, 12° Tilt, Garmin 8-pin, DT - Gemeco
300 W. Airmar’s B150M delivers a great combination of shallow and mid-depth performance. Operating at a frequency range of 95 to 155 kHz, this transducer reveals fish in shallow waters and deeper depths down to 183 m (600') with ultra-clear target resolution.
Microsoft Word - t10875jvi-gngn (aa)_3.0ghz19.docx
ABS Coaxial Cable Product Information Sheet Type: T10875JVI / GNGN (AA) regulations Document: t10875jvi-gngn (aa)_3.0ghz19.docx Revision: 2019-09-04
Amphenol Network Solutions’ nrg600BT08-M 600A dual-feed 8/8 circuit breaker/TFD Load Center with 5 GMTs features -48V operating voltage to fit in legacy and “next-gen” network applications.
Active Incar Temperature Sensor - Amphenol
Specifications R @ 25°C 30.0 kW ±1.2% B (0/50) 3887K ±1% Operating Temperature Range-40°C to 85°C Storage Temperature Range-40°C to 85°C Response Time
Molliflex - Amphenol Ltd
600 mm (24 inches) length; 2 mm (1/12 inch) thickness; 25 mm internal (1.0 inch) internal width; 36 mm external (1.4 inch) external width; 41 grams (1.44 ounces) weight
Yagi Antennas S.PAGE-445 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Alternate Mounting Bracket: 0900912/00, 0302032/68, or 0300064/00 + U-Bolts to match mounting pipe diameter (Ordered Separately)
Catalog - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
MA421H29 E ec ca C a ac e c Frequency band 68-75 MHz Polarization Vertical Horizontal beamwidth 90° Vertical beamwidth 60° Gain 4.5 dBd Impedance 50Ω
B75 High Wide Chirp, 600W, 20° Tilt, MM Transducer, DT
Features. Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor; 600 W with a maximum depth performance to 106 m (350'); High frequency: 150 to 250 kHz; 30° beamwidth
Type YP Series -
Electrical Specifications Tolerance on R25 ±25% Ambient Temperature Range at maximum voltage ..... 0 to +60°C at zero voltage..... -25 to +125°C