Search Results for 62 in -16pg9-10-7s-4-624
11.25 62 11.5 31 11.75 63 12 12 12.25 64 12.5 32 12.75 65 13 13 13.25 66 13.5 33 13.75 67 14 14 14.25 68 14.5 34 14.75 69 15 15 db value xx 5.25 50 5.5 25 5.75 51 6 06 6.25 52 6.5 26 6.75 53 7 07 7.25 54 7.5 27 7.75 55 8 08 8.25 56 8.5 28 8.75 57 9 09 9.25 58 9.5 29 9.75 59 10 10 db value xx.25 40.5 00.75 41 1 01 1.25 42 1.5 21 1.75 43 2 02 2. ...
PRODUKTPASS | HD38999 High-Density - Amphenol-Air LB
Amphenol_HD38999_03_2020 PDF | 1,62 MB. CONTACT: [email protected] Contact; Legal notice ; Data protection; duty to inform; Newsletter. Remain in touch with Amphenol-Air LB: Simply register for CONNECTED - our free newsletter. It will regularly deliver interesting information about our products, interesting applications and news of our company.
Amphenol IDS-63
The Amphenol MVC 8KV coupler has a standard contact arrangement containing three insulated phase contacts, two ground contacts, and one isolated ground check (pilot contact).
High-Speed Digital Data Cables -
Wire & Cable High-Speed Digital Data Cables Gigabit, NETflight®, and Maxflite™ Series »xceptional electrical and mechanical performanceE » Operating performance from -55 °C to as high as 200 °C
Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace CF-020011-01X Thermal Analysis June 10, 2020 Md Islam, Arjan Kole Electronic Cooling Solutions Inc.
19" x 38 HU x 600 mm (482.6 x 1688.3 x 600 mm) / 19 x 66.47 x 23.62 in. Weight: Approx. 51.2 kg / 112.88 lb. Environmental; Operating temperature range-30 °C to +60 °C: Frequency Stability: Approx. 0.8 ppm / °C: Ordering Designations. Model Product No. PRO-CAV150-8: 210001013: Add to quote: Related products.
b dcn 41793 10/15 dal checked: approved: drawn: sw 04/07/97 dal 10/21/15 bnk 10/21/15 rohs compliant freq. range: dc to 12.4 ghz material:
Yagi Antennas S.3Y-155 -
Model Product No. Frequency; 3 element Yagi antenna: S.3Y-155: 145 - 165 MHz: Add to quote: Accessories; Galvanised steel crossover bracket 32/50 mm: 0900912/00
TRIO Series -
6177103 6177103G 2-Band, 12-Port, 65°, XPOL, Tri-Sector Antenna, Variable Tilt, 1927 mm Twin band, tri-sector antenna, 6 connectors Independent tilt on each band 0-12° / 0-12°
Cavity Combiners PRO-CAV150-8 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
19" x 38 HU x 600 mm (482.6 x 1688.3 x 600 mm) / 19 x 66.47 x 23.62 in. Weight: Approx. 51.2 kg / 112.88 lb. Environmental; Operating temperature range-30 °C to +60 °C: Frequency Stability: Approx. 0.8 ppm / °C: Ordering Designations. Model Product No. PRO-CAV150-8: 210001013: Add to quote: Related products.
Contacts - Amphenol-Air LB
CONTACT AND CABLE SELECTION GUIDE 62-67 a. COAXIAL CONTACTS 62-65 b. TWINAXIAL CONTACTS 66 High-speed cordsets 50. Amphenol 4 index P/N Pin or Socket Type Pages P/N Pin or Socket Type Pages P/N Pin or Socket Type Pages Table of contents 140675 Pin TWINAX Contact ABS 1600 AND ABS 1607 37 140683 Socket ...
The PRO-ISO-PHY-380-TX/RX-S2-N combiner provides the possibillity of connecting two TMO TETRA radios with a high isolation of more than 60 dB between the radios.
Pass/Reject Filters BPBR 4/...-200 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
200 x 600 x 1200 mm / 7.87 x 23.62 x 47.24 in. Weight: Approx. 6.7 kg / 14.77 lb. Approx. 13.7 kg / 30.20 lb. Approx. 20.9 kg / 46.08 lb. Environmental; Operating temperature range-30 °C to +60 °C: Frequency Stability: Approx. 1.5 ppm / °C: Ordering Designations. Model Product No. BPBR 4/1-200: 200001089: Add to quote: BPBR 4/2-200:
Charge converter -
0.62" TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS Sensitivity, ± 5% 4 mV/pC Frequency response1: ± 1 dB –3 dB 2.0 - 10,000 Hz 1.0 - 20,000 Hz Nonlinearity <1% Harmonic distortion <1% INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Allowable source capacitance, max2 500 pF OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output voltage, max 5 V rms Electrical noise, nominal: Source capacitance (transducer + cable)
2L4UT360X06F xys4 -
Elevation Beamwidth (3 dB) degrees 78.0° ± 35.6° 62.9° ± 16.4° Electrical Downtilt degrees (w) 0° Impedance Ohms 50Ω VSWR --- ≤ 1.5:1 Passive Intermodulation 3rd Order for 2x20 W Carriers dBc < -153 Upper Sidelobe Suppression dB N/A Isolation Intraband dB > 25 Interband dB > 28 PRODUCT OVERVIEW Frequency Range (MHz) (2x) 617-906 (4x ...
5968308NG -
MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth) 1997 x 467 x 167 mm (78.6 x 18.4 x 6.6 in) Weight (excluding mounting accessory) 31.5 kg (69.4 lbs)
Amphenol Series SJT
20 0.62 19 x 32 20 0.62 19 x 32 16 18 0.96 19 x 30 1.65 2.77 16 1.23 19 x 29 12 14 1.94 19 x 27 2.46 3.61 12 2.97 37 x 28 =^ =^ =^ =^ =^ =^ =^ =^ =^ =^ =^ =^ Coupling and decoupling Contact holding force Shell size Decoupling Torque Nm min. Coupling and decoupling Torque Nm max. 8 0.900.12 } 10 1.360.12 12 1.810.23 ...
Series 3 -
* To complete order number, add shell size and suffix number. For example, shell size 11 with olive drab cadmium nickel base chain assy with small link D38999/32-W-11-R.
Yagi Antennas 7049075 -
Alternate Mounting Bracket: 0900912/00, 0302032/68, or 0300064/00 + U-Bolts to match mounting pipe diameter (Ordered Separately)
Amphenol Series SJT
Series SJT Series SJT Amphenol VG 96912, Series 1 PAN 6433-2 JN 1003