Search Results for 97-3057-1007-1-608
{"uri":"","id":"ee8d1ac0-c704-409f-86ad-addd00573d49","name":"Paddlewheels ...
Indoor Antenna for Wall or Ceiling Mount -
Weight (approximate) 1.9 kg (4.2 lbs) Temperature Range -30° C to +75° C (-22° F to +167° F) Colour Marine White Materials Cover PS White Chassis Aluminium Mounting Ø4.5 mm (0.2 in). Four holes. Indoor Antenna for Wall or Ceiling Mount PCPI-TETRA-LTE800-RH
Datenblatt E-Serie ET Start-Stopp 551676 - Temposonics
Edelstahl 1.4404 (AISI 316L) F Gewindefl ansch ¾"-16 UNF-3A W Gewindefl ansch M18×1,5-6g ET Stabsensor mit Gehäusematerial Edelstahl 1.4305 (AISI 303) und Sensorstabmaterial Edelstahl 1.4306 (AISI 304L) M Gewindefl ansch M18×1,5-6g S Gewindefl ansch ¾"-16 UNF-3A c Messlänge X X X X M 0050…3000 mm Standard Messlänge (mm) Bestellschritte
Power Splitter -
REV120517CC 1 of 1 Ordering Options 2-Way Splitter 3-Way Splitter 4-Way Splitter Model Number (xx) SP-02HG-DF-CC SP-03HG-DF-CC SP-04HG-DF-CC Electrical Characteristics Frequency Range 694-3800 MHz 694-3800 MHz 694-3800 MHz VSWR ≤ 1.35 ≤ 1.35 ≤ 1.35 Power Rating 500 W 500 W 500 W
CUBE Modular Cabinets - Charles Industries
INNOVATIVE ENCLOSED SOLUTIONS™ Charles Industries, LLC An Amphenol Company Phone: (847) 806-6300 Fax: (847) 806-6231 Web: CUBE Modular Cabinets
Tiltrotor Acoustic Data Acquisition through 130B40 - | 1 800 828 8840 Written By Aniello Daniele Marano, Tiziano Polito, Michele Guida, Francesco Marulo LIFE Lab - Department of Industrial Engineering - University of Naples Federico II Tiltrotor Acoustic Data Acquisition through 130B40 ICP® Surface Microphones Image courtesy of Leonardo Helicopters
172178 - Amphenol RF
Title: C:\Documents and Settings\gary.TESTUM-WS01.000\My Documents\Garry's\connex\172\172178.dwg Author: gary Created Date: 1/8/2004 12:50:52 PM
Amphenol CS Sales Office Locations | Office Addresses
Tel. : +1 408-321-0600; Connecticut 2725 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518; Pennsylvania Amphenol CS 825 Old Trail Road Etters, PA 17319 USA Tel. : +1 717-938-7200; New Hampshire Amphenol CS 200 Innovative Way, Suite 201 Nashua, NH 03062 Tel. :+1 (603) 879-3000
Data Sheet E-Series ET SSI 551899 - Temposonics
Magnetostrictive Linear Position Sensors Data Sheet E-Series ET SSI High operating temperature Compact sensor housing $7(; 8.([ ,(&([ &(& 1(& &&&FHUWL HG
Amphenol FCI 10140607
ELX-N-50750-1 E Released PDS: Rev :E STATUS:Released Printed: Mar 11, 2024-2024/02/19 2024/03/11 2016/08/08-Alan Ni Tim Yao Eric Huang ELX-N-50750-1 E Released PDS: Rev :E STATUS:Released Printed: Mar 11, 2024. Title: Amphenol FCI 10140607.pdf Created Date:
Absolute, Non-Contact Position Sensors Technical Data ... - Temposonics
Sensor rod: Stainless steel 1.4306 / AISI 304L (Ø 8 mm ) Housing (electronics): Stainless steel 1.4305 / AISI 303 Pressure port: ISO 6149 Hexagon housing SW27 with M14 x 1,5 O-ring: 11,3 x 2,2 mm NBR 80
Amphenol Network Solutions > Product
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Understanding 3 dB 90° Hybrid Couplers -
1. Coupler Splitter Mode: Ilustration of Coupler Splitter Mode. Functionality: In this mode, the 3 dB Hybrid Coupler is used to split an input signal into two equal components. These two outputs are characterized by a 90° phase difference. This phase difference is crucial in maintaining signal integrity across different paths.
Maretron | Measuring/Monitoring
1.25" BSP Non-Displacement Hull Focus Tube. Part # TFT-1-25BSP. MFG # TFT-1-25BSP. Exterior Color. Silver. Comm Method. NMEA 2000® ...
circular connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 22090604cc-1 Mil-Spec and Custom Circular Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace Mil-Spec Type Circulars. ... 602GB. 602GB High Temperature Miniature Bayonet Lock Connectors; 608. 608 Series Ruggedised Nickel Aluminium Bronze Connectors; 162GB. 162GB Front-Release, Crimp Miniature Bayonet Lock Interconnect; D38999. ... however, you ...
Model 2680M14-202 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 2680M14-202:Electronics, PE charge amplifier for airborne applications, biased and unbiased outputs, upper cutoff freq.: 2kHz
Model PB | PCB Piezotronics
Model PB:2-socket right angle high temperature (+356 F) PPS connector with stainless steel collar and FKM heat shrink strain relief **Not field installab
A full range of 1/2” and 1/4” precision microphones, array style microphones, and specialty microphones are custom designed to help you with your challenging acoustic measurements. MICROPHONES FOR . ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENTS. SPECIFICATIONS. Model Number. PCB Model 378B02. PCB Model 378C20:
PCB Search Results (356A09)
For advanced search by sensor specifications or product family, please visit our Shop Sensors tool.. Do You Have Any Questions? Toll-free (in the US): 800-828-8840
FAKRA GEN 1 Right Angle Crimp Jack RG-174 RG-188 RG-316 Times LMR-100A ...
FAKRA GEN 1 Right Angle Crimp Jack RG-174 RG-188 RG-316 Times LMR-100A 50 Ohm C Key Code; FAKRA GEN 1 Right Angle Crimp Jack RG-174 RG-188 RG-316 Times LMR-100A 50 Ohm C Key Code. In stock. FA1-NCRJ-C01-0. Find In Stock & Buy Now.