Search Results for aas-916-127
D-SUBMINIATURE (D-SUB)ECONOMY RANGE CONNECTORS - Amphenol CS Disclaimer Please note that the above information is subect to change without notice. D-Subminiature (D-sub) Economy Range Connectors SHELL SIZE A±0.38 B±0.12 C±0.10 D±0.25 E±0.07 F G
Rugged USB 2.0 | Input Output Connectors | Amphenol
Amphenol's MUSBR series USB Connectors is a line of Generation 2 ruggedized USB connectors with die cast housings and IP67 sealing, designed for Harsh Environment applications. Rugged series provide reliable performance in extreme conditions for the most
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NTC Miniature Series -
2 Type P20/25/30 Specifications NTC Types P20/25/30 dimensions Thermal and Electrical Properties (All Def initions and Test Methods are Per MIL-PRF-23648) Body Dimensions: Thermistor Type: P20 P25 P30 Minimum Diameter: .020 in (.51 mm) .025 in (.64 mm) 030 in (.76 mm)
%PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj > endobj 2 0 obj > stream 2020-01-23T16:04:52-05:00 2020-01-23T16:04:29-05:00 2020-01-23T16:04:52-05:00 SOLIDWORKS 2018 SP4.0 (2018211) uuid:c22c82a1-4a1b-48bb-b1a0-88324fa329ba uuid:7bb41cd3-fc4c-4b89-ba7a-ac9aad8db2e7 application/pdf SF3311-60014-XS.PDD SV_MICROWAVE\pdm (PDMH2) SOLIDWORKS PDF Publisher 01/23/2020 endstream endobj 3 0 obj > endobj 5 0 obj > endobj 6 ...
NTC Miniature Series -
2 Type P20/25/30 Specifications NTC Types P20/25/30 dimensions Thermal and Electrical Properties (All Def initions and Test Methods are Per MIL-PRF-23648) Body Dimensions: Thermistor Type: P20 P25 P30 Minimum Diameter: .020 in (.51 mm) .025 in (.64 mm) 030 in (.76 mm)
Title: Created Date: 3/6/2002 3:54:33 PM
Battery pack temperature sensor -
Specifications R @ 25°C 10,000 ohms ±1% B (25/85) 3435 Operating Temperature Range-40°C to 150°C Storage Temperature Range: -40°C to 150°C
Protimeter Speedy 2000 Series -
Moisture testers for soils, sands, powders, aggregates, concrete and masonry PROTIMETER Speedy ®
NTC Miniature Series -
2 Type P20/25/30 Specifications NTC Types P20/25/30 dimensions Thermal and Electrical Properties (All Def initions and Test Methods are Per MIL-PRF-23648) Body Dimensions: Thermistor Type: P20 P25 P30 Minimum Diameter: .020 in (.51 mm) .025 in (.64 mm) 030 in (.76 mm)
Protimeter Speedy 2000 Series -
Moisture testers for soils, sands, powders, aggregates, concrete and masonry PROTIMETER Speedy ®
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Protimeter Speedy 2000 Series -
Moisture testers for soils, sands, powders, aggregates, concrete and masonry PROTIMETER Speedy ®
P1300 Low Pressure Sensor Die -
P1300 Low Pressure Sensor Die Silicon Pressure Sensor Die Features • High reliability, solid state silicon pressure sensors • Standard pressure ranges: 2.5 kPa (0.3 psi) and
P1300 Low Pressure Sensor Die -
P1300 Low Pressure Sensor Die Silicon Pressure Sensor Die Features • High reliability, solid state silicon pressure sensors • Standard pressure ranges: 2.5 kPa (0.3 psi) and
Declaration -
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NTC Miniature Series -
2 Type P20/25/30 Specifications NTC Types P20/25/30 dimensions Thermal and Electrical Properties (All Def initions and Test Methods are Per MIL-PRF-23648) Body Dimensions: Thermistor Type: P20 P25 P30 Minimum Diameter: .020 in (.51 mm) .025 in (.64 mm) 030 in (.76 mm)
ICA12-50JPLLR - 1/2" ClearFill& - RFS Technologies an Amphenol Company
RFS Technologies designs and manufactures premium-quality cable and antenna solutions for wireless, public safety, distributed antenna system (DAS) and other telecom markets in North America. As an Amphenol company, we’re part of a global powerhouse in high-technology, interconnect, sensor and antenna solutions that’s enabling the electronics revolution across almost every industry.
GS-20-0389 Application Specification - Amphenol CS
NUMBER GS-20-0389 TYPE Application Specification TITLE PAGE REVISION Application Guide for PwrBlade ULTRA® Press Fit and Solder Tail Plugs and Receptacles 6 of 19 B AUTHORIZED BY DATE