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Xgiga | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Genuine Amphenol XGIGA 100GBASE-SR QSFP28 Optical Transceiver Modules provide a high-density, high-performance interface for 100-Gigabit Ethernet and 16x Multi-lane Fibre Channel applications.
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
PCB Piezotronics — Sensors to measure vibration, acoustics, force, pressure, load, strain, shock, and torque.
产品组 | Amphenol Socapex
PCB 连接器 - 军用连接器 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 提供范围广泛的板对板(PCB)和板对电缆连接器。我们的解决方案涵盖使用铜缆和/或光纤的不同技术类型,并 ...
Amphenol Industrial Operations
Amphenol Industrial Operations
Industrial | Markets - Amphenol
AFSI’s line of 109 series hermaphroditic connectors offers the ultimate in flexibility and is a direct replacement for the TAC4. The 109 connector line meets or exceeds the pertinent requirements of SMPTE standard 358M on harsh environment multi-channel fiber optic connectors suitable for deployment in demanding outdoor broadcast applications, including HDTV signal transmission.
了解安费诺 Socapex | 安费诺 Socapex -
安费诺 socapex 概况. 成立于 1947 年; 隶属于美国安费诺集团(在纽约证券交易所上市); 1400 多名员工; 2 个生产基地:法国蒂耶兹和印度浦那; 在每个生产基地,我们都有最先进的车间,涵盖各种基本工艺,包括触头、连接器和电缆的成型、螺纹加工、机加工、电镀和装配。
Model 356A25 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 356A25:Platinum Stock Products; Triaxial, general purpose, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 25 mV/g, 1 to 5k Hz, 4-pin conn.
Amphenol Corporation - Investor Relations
Delivering Strong Performance. The electronics revolution continues to create exciting, long-term growth opportunities for Amphenol. We remain global leaders in developing new applications to drive demand for our broad range of high-technology products across all of our diversified end markets.
Sine Systems and Industrial - Amphenol
Amphenol Sine Systems was founded in 1967 and is a subsidiary of the Amphenol Corporation and is a leader in Industrial interconnect products. The company designs, manufacturers and supplies high-performance interconnect systems for a broad range of Industrial applications including factory automation, motion control, heavy equipment, alternative energy, rail mass transportation and advanced ...
Series Five Lightweight Military Circular Connectors - Amphenol ...
The MIL-DTL-38999 series of connectors was born in the 1960’s to provide a ruggedized military solution featuring smaller contacts and higher density insert patterns than the already popular MIL-DTL-5015.
Technologies - Amphenol Aerospace
Advanced Capabilities Span Amphenol’s Entire Catalog of Ruggedized Harsh-Environment Connectors and Interconnect Systems Our industry-leading ruggedized interconnect systems include a range of technologies that showcase Amphenol’s expertise in solving complex aerospace and military connection challenges and ensuring the performance and integrity of mission-critical systems in harsh ...
SGX - Industrial
Head office. Switzerland, Courtils 1, 2035 Corcelles-Cormondreche +41 (0) 32 732 16 70.
Thermometrics | Temperature Sensors
Thermometrics, Inc., offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of temperature measurement and sensor products in the world today. From chips to value-added assemblies, with temperature ranges from -196ºC to 1150ºC, Thermometrics products play a vital role in measurement, control and protection of industrial and consumer-based applications worldwide.
Businesses - Amphenol
Each of our Amphenol businesses partners with its customers across different market segments and regions to connect our world through leading-edge innovation.
Amphenol Assembletech
Amphenol Corporation was founded in 1932,It is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world. The Company has been actived in China since 1984, and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1991.
Amphenol Socapex 的产品系列 | 连接器和互连解决方案 - 军事和航空航天应用
欢迎来到安费诺 Socapex 的世界. 我们是创新互连解决方案的领先供应商。凭借 50 多年的丰富经验,Amphenol Socapex 提供全面的高品质产品,旨在满足航空航天、国防、工业和娱乐等行业的各种需求。
Leading the Evolution of RF/Microwave Technology on a Global Scale | SV ...
Part # SF1521-60070-1S 2.92mm Female Solderless PCB Compression Mount Connector, 2 Hole, with 4.76mm Screws (CPW / Microstrip) Available Inventory: 639
MXflex® Scanning Receiver Brochure - PCTEL
5G NR and 4×4 LTE MIMO measurements make it the ideal choice for optimizing user experience during the transition from 4G and 4.5G to 5G. The MXflex scanner features concurrent scanning for fast multi-technology and multi-channel measurements, making it easy to collect all the data you need from 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G networks.. View this brochure for product specifications.