Search Results for air traffic control
RF Combiners | Widest range on the market | Amphenol Procom
Combiners . The Amphenol Procom Combiner systems secure a safe combining of multiple Tx channels and splitting of multiple Rx channels transmitted to and received from a base station antenna. Amphenol Procom’s Combiner selection includes Compact Combiner s, Cavity Combiner s, Hybrid Combiner s, Receiver Multicouplers, Power Splitters and Dividers, Couplers, Low Noise Amplifiers, Power ...
Below Grade Enclosure Selection Guide - Charles Industries
safely house fiber optics, meter/junction boxes, wireless network materials, traffic signals, and more. Each of our Tier Rated Underground Enclosures (TRUE™) and Charles Below Grade Enclosures (CBGE) is engineered for optimal durability and easy management, ... control valves, slack cables, and other equipment at network junctions. Several ...
Telaire SM-UART-04L Laser Dust Sensor - Amphenol
SM-UART-04L Particulate Dust Sensor is designed for a wide range of air quality applications where fine particle dust needs to be measured. Applications include air quality meters and air purifiers for both residential and light industrial monitoring and control. The optical design leverages laser technology, which
Path-breaking thermal concept for control cabinets - Lutze Inc.
Thanks to 'intelligent air control' and the AirBLOWER fan system, hotspots are prevented and the climate in the control cabinet is also balanced out – energy savings of up to 23% can be achieved for control cabinet cooling. LÜTZE engineers have come up with highly efficient instruments, software tools and intelligent accessories for planning ...
The SmartBoat ® Solution - Gemeco
The SmartFlex Filter empowers users with precise control over PGN message traffic between the primary and secondary NMEA 2000 buses. Offering a straightforward programming interface, users can effortlessly determine whether a specific PGN from one bus is bridged to the other. The SmartFlex Filter utilizes an intuitive 'AllowList/BlockList ...
Industrial Applications | Flow & Energy Metering
Thermometrics GE-1923 Outside Air Temperature Sensor (OAT) measures the temperature outside the passenger compartment of a vehicle and relays the outside air temperature to the controller of the automatic HVAC system. The controller uses this temperature to assist in controlling the interior temperature of the vehicle.
RFS Technologies - an Amphenol Company - Technical support
Air Dielectric Cable [HCA] High Power RF Cable New HCA Cables 7/8" 1-1/8" 1-5/8" 2-1/4" Field Installable Connectors Tools & Accessories. ... Antenna Control Unit Configuration Files (Pack 38 - updated 20/12/2021) RET Antenna Configuration Files. Legal mentions; Data privacy; Trademarks;
300WXH WeatherStation® Instrument -
Improved power efficiency control via sensor configurations; Specifications. Air Temp Accuracy: ±1.1°C at 20°C. Air Temp Range: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F) Air Temp Resolution: ...
Electrical Cabinet Cooling - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE AirSTREAM Wiring System is an innovative wiring management alternative to traditional back panel in control cabinets.It is designed to provide comprehensive solutions for fast and reliable thermal control inside the control cabinet. Today's industrial control components are becoming more and more compact even though their load capacity is increasing.
Boeing lands first Air Force contract for E-7A Wedgetails
The U.S. Air Force plans to acquire 26 Wedgetails to replace the aging E-3 Sentry (AWACS). [STOCK IMAGE] The U.S. Air Force announced it has awarded Boeing its first contract for the planned acquisition of E-7A Wedgetail airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft.
Press - Lutze Inc.
Monitor and protect your 12/24/48 V Control Circuits with ECBs! August 21, 2024 . Read more . ... This means that cross-border traffic can be handled ... May 22, 2014 . Read more . ... Less heat problems with actively controllable and targeted routing of cooling air in the control cabinet with the new AirSTREAM . April 12, 2013 .
T1 Controller with SNMP (3603-81) - Charles Industries
T1 Controller with SNMP (3603-81) CONTENTS PAGE ... no traffic data Fractional T1/DS1 Facility 512 KB/s T1−S 360−80 360−80 −S CH 3 CH 4 CH 5... CH 13 CH 14 CH 15 CH 16 64 KB 19.2 KB voice voice voice 9.6 KB 56 KB CH 4 64 KB voice 56 KB Figure 3. Application #2, Point-Point Fractional T1/DS1
RF Filters | For VHF/UHF radio systems | Amphenol Procom
Beside the mentioned Public Safety and Mission Critical market e.g. the Fire Brigade, the Police Force and the Emergency- and Ambulance Service, the Amphenol Procom F ilters are also used in the A viation (ATC: Airport traffic control) market, the T ransportation (V ehicles), M arine- T elecom- (Mobile/Cellular and I o T networks) market s.
Thermometrics Auto Defog Sensor (ADS) Automatic Climate Control System
Thermometrics Auto Defog Sensor (ADS) Automatic Climate Control System
Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPMS) – Amphenol Sensors
LID Technologies designs products from tire pressure sensors (TPMS) to hands-free access & start systems, as well as Telematics systems that allow tracking vehicle location while monitoring a large number of sensors including pressure, temperature, door opening, level, position.
gia opted for the state-of-the-art control cabinet assembly and wiring system LSC AirSTREAM: "The company has been using our cables and solutions for some time, therefore, we had an existing relati-onship, giving our sales engineer the op-portunity to present the new LSC Air-STREAM system. A prototype quickly
Connectors | Products - Amphenol
The Amphenol Air LB France's 1100 series consists of Quick junction modules for signal and low current distribution, where sealing, space and weight-saving are prime requirements. Suited for wiring optimization, then offering weight and cost savings, these track-mounted modules (on metallic track) are available from 6 contacts size 12 up to 21 ...
Product Literature | PCB Piezotronics
Dynamic Pressure Sensors for High Frequency Measurements. Extremely fast, micro-second response with wide amplitude & frequency range. Popular applications include measuring blast and explosion pressure in free-field or closed bunker arenas to obtain peak pressure, total impulse, shock wave and time-of-arrival measurements often used to study blast effects on structures, vehicles, and ...
Li-ion Cell Venting Risks and Detection -
fire engulfing the car, with clouds of thick black smoke clouding the air around the area. The fire department shared that the firefighters were able to put out the flames, though the car kept reigniting thanks to - thermal runaway from the Tesla's battery pack. After turning the car over and learning that the battery pack was
AirSTREAM assembly - Lutze Inc.
The selected, preassembled modules give you unrestricted freedom and flexibility when designing your control cabinet. The assembly is a simple 5-step process. Step 1: Arrange the two vertical VPSym profiles so that they are parallel and at a right angle to the work surface. The outer dimensions correspond to the required frame width.