Search Results for alcatel
Fiberglass Base Station Omnidirectional Antennas - PCTEL
These base-matched, half wave antennas are encapsulated in heavy-duty fiberglass radomes with a thick-walled aluminum mounting base for reliable long term use.
Company – GJM-GROUP
We first started in the Telecom Sector working for clients like Alcatel or Am,per amongst others… Later on, we concentrated in the IT Sector following the entrance in the Spanish market of HP (Spain).
signalmate C091 AISG RET Cable Assemblies - Amphenol Sine
They are compatible with industry cables from Andrew, Kathrein, Scala, Ericsson, Alcatel Lucent (ALU), Huawei, Kaelus, RFS, KMW, and many others. AISG Standard C485 – New Norm for Signal Connectors for Mobile Antennas.
AISG RET Cable Assemblies - Amphenol Sine
Our AISG connectors are manufactured according to the AISG Standard (AISG C 485). Amphenol has set the standards with our C091 circular connector series. Compatible with industry cables from Andrew, Kathrein,Scala, Ericsson, Alcatel Lucent (ALU), Huawei, Kaelus, RFS, KMW, and many others.
Mobile Mount, Low Profile Active GPS Antenna - PCTEL
We can help you find the right antenna for your application. This active NMO mount antenna provides superior GPS performance with the industry’s smallest NMO mountable footprint.
AS GTC Series/ AS GTC HV GTC Series/ HV GTC - Amphenol-Air LB
Environmental cylindrical reverse bayonet coupling connector with self-locking system, which guarantee a fast locking and unlocking. High performance, rugged sealed connector with water proof IP67 rated, robust shells for high temperature resistance and resistant to vibrations & shocks. Waterproof Sealing sleeve in the end of Plug, Receptacle.
3652-66 4-Wire E&M with Extended Range Channel Unit - Charles Industries
The Charles Industries 3652-66 4-Wire E&M with Extended Range (4W E&M/ER) Channel Unit is designed to operate in a Charles 360/363 Channel Bank. The 3652-66 provides a 600-ohm balanced interface between the 360/363 D4 Channel Bank and the central office trunk circuits, tie lines and other switching equipment. See Figure 2 for the block diagram.
3652-80 12-Channel and 3652-81 6-Channel 2/4-Wire ... - Charles Industries
Printed in United States of America. 1. GENERAL. This document provides general, installation and testing information for the 12-channel and 6-Channel 2/4-Wire E&M/Transmission Only (TO) Channel Units. This document covers model numbers 3652-80 and 3652-81. This document is reprinted to add E&M circuit diagrams.
3652-35 4-Wire E&M with Extended Range (4W E&M/ER) Channel Unit
1.1 Document Purpose This document provides general and installation information about the Charles Industries 3652-35 4-Wire E&M with Extended Range (4W E&M/ER) Channel Unit, shown in Figure 1 Field repairs/modifications may void compliance with UL 1459 – Second Edition.