Search Results for amp connector kit
N-Type Straight Crimp Jack RG-174 RG-188 RG-316 Times LMR ... - Amphenol RF
RF Connector N-Type Straight Crimp Jack RG-174 RG-188 RG-316 Times LMR-100A Rear Bulkhead 50 Ohm IP68. Downloads. 172129-10 PDF Customer Drawing (Size: 92 kb) 172129-10 3D Model (Size: 4413 kb ) Product Life Cycle. Product Life Cycle; Part Status: Active: Product Specifications. Body Finish: White Bronze:
B285 High Wide Chirp, 1kW w/ FB, Furuno 10-Pin,DT
1 kW. Get more coverage under your boat with Airmar’s unique, wide-beam, high-frequency, Chirp-ready B285HW. The high-frequency band operates across a range of 150 to 250 kHz and has a fixed 25° beam for all frequencies.
PEI Genesis | Distributor - SV Microwave
Explore PEI-Genesis, a trusted distributor of SV Microwave products. Discover a wide range of high-quality microwave components and solutions for your needs.
Model HT356A43 Triaxial ICP® accelerometer, 10 mV/g, 500 g, 1/4-28 4 ...
Triaxial ICP® accelerometer, 10 mV/g, 500 g, 1/4-28 4-pin connector, Adhesive mount, TEDS 1.0, Temp. to +325 °F Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact the PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 716-684-0001 24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001 Fax: 716-684-0987
BNC to SMC Adapters - RF Coaxial Adapters | Amphenol RF
BNC to SMC Adapters feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs. Shop Categories Search. Products. Back; RF Connectors. Back; Featured Category. RF Connectors; 1.0-2.3 Connectors; 1.6-5.6 Connectors; 2.2-5 Connectors; 2.92 mm Connectors; 4.1-9.5 Connectors; 4.3-10 Connectors; 7-16 Connectors; AFI ...
G:SharedAmphenol Customer DatasheetsRT Kit Datasheetsc- RT001619PNH-K-01
KIT, ECO-MATE B RT001619PNH-K 01 11 MRF 10SEP13 NONE C- ... (Size 20 PC Tail dimensions for ecomate® RM and ecomate® RSSM connectors only.) Pin Contact Shell Size MP20W12E06xx MP20W12E09xx MP16M12E04xx MP16M12E06xx MP10B12E05xx MP10B12E08xx 10 4.0mm 9.5mm 4.0mm 8.0mm - -
MUSBR Series Rugged USB Type C Connectors
RUGGED USB TYPE C CONNECTOR . FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENT APPLICATION, GENERATION 2. Amphenol’s MUSBR series USB Type C Connectors serve many markets and applications across the globe including . Automotive, Communications, Consumer, Data, Industrial and Medical. MUSBR series is a line of Generation 2 ruggedized USB
Hỏi đáp | Amphenol Socapex
lưng Bộ chuyển mạch Ethernet & Bộ chuyển đổi phương tiện
The MCU combiner secures an ETSI compliant connection. Vibration and shock tested in accordance with EN-60068**. **Tested in accordance with: Random test: EN 60068-2-64, test specification: EN 300 019-2-5 V3.0.0. Shock test: EN 60068-2-27, test specification: EN 300 019-2-5 V3.0.0.
Octonet Contact with Embedded 1G/10G Base -T Transformers
Amphenol’s Octonet Contact with Embedded 1G/10G Base-T Transformers integrates IEEE 802.3an/af/at/bt compliant transformers directly into the contact, enabling seamless compatibility with size 8 Quadrax -keyed MIL- DTL-38999 cavities.
Low-frequency dual output sensor - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Output connector 3 pin, MIL-C-5015 style Mating connector R6G type Connections Function Connector pin accel, power/signal A accel/temp common B temp sensor, power/signal C ground shell 98259 Rev.B.2 02/19 1/4-28 mounting thread 1.30" 1.65" 0.26" 1.05" dia. 2.15" 3 pin connector safety wire hole 0.062 dia.
SS175 Low Chirp, 1kW, 20° Tilt, Furuno 12-Pin, DT - AIRMAR EMEA
1 kW. Airmar’s low-profile, Chirp-ready, transducer models are the perfect addition to smaller boats such as center consoles. The low-frequency band, operating between 40 and 60 kHz, is a deep-water performer, giving excellent coverage and tracking.
Power Module - Amphenol Aerospace | 6U VPX 10G 48-Channel Rugged ...
Amphenol Connector Reference Guide - Volume 2 Military and Commercial Air Electrification: Part 1 — Harnessing Hybrid-Electric Power Stay Connected Sign up to receive the latest news from Amphenol Aerospace Subscribe. Amphenol Aerospace · 40-60 Delaware Avenue, Sidney, NY 13838 · Phone: +1(800) 678-0141 ...
F-Type Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency F-Type Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of F-Type Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
Radio Frequency Systems - RFS Technologies
Radio Frequency Systems. 603400210500 | Revision D | January 2023 | © Radio Frequency Systems 2023 . HYBRIFLEX® Power Direct INSTALLATION GUIDELINES REV. D | 2023.01
BMA Male Bulkhead Connector for .085 Cable - SV Microwave
SV Microwave offers a BMA Male Bulkhead Connector for .085 Cable 1708-0001 with superior performable capabilities. Explore the product here!
MOLDED COLOR OF THE CONNECTORS SHOWN ABOVE. OTHER COLORS SHOWN ARE AVAILABLE VIA SPECIAL ORDER. P/N AT04-08PA-RD01 KEY-A CONFIGURATION STANDARD COLOR: GREY P/N AT04-08PB-RD01 ... AUTK-100 Universal Heavy Duty Contact Crimping Tool Kit, Size 12/16/20 CA-5D12 Universal Hand Crimp Tool, Size 12/16/20 CA-5E12 Pneumatic Crimp Tool, Size 12/16/20 ...
ePower-Lite Mini
1. Package Contents 1: Plug Shell assembly 2: Grommet 3: Cable Cover 4: Socket contact 5: Outer Ferrule 6: Inner Ferrule 2. Recommended wire specification Part 1: Package Contents Part 2: Assembly Wire Size Wire OD (mm) Recommended Min. Pullout force (N) 4.0mm2 5.8±0.2 325 Item 2 Ports (Include all cable sizes)
BNC Right Angle PCB Jack Through Hole Bulkhead Rear Mount 75 Ohm
RF Connector BNC Right Angle PCB Jack Through Hole Bulkhead Rear Mount 75 Ohm. Downloads. 112419 PDF Customer Drawing (Size: 55 kb) Product Life Cycle. Product Life Cycle; Part Status: Active: Product Specifications. Body Finish: Nickel: Body Material: Zinc Diecast: Cable Type (Terminates to) Not Applicable: Contact Finish:
1900ND07P1A00A - Amphenol Air LB
The 1900 / EN3545 is a composite rectangular connector available with various contact arrangements. It includes sizes 22 to 8 crimp removable contacts for Copper and Aluminum cable, common with Mil-DTL-38999 Series connectors such as coax, twinax, triax and Quadrax.Standard and Overmoulded rear grommet and interfacial seal.Configurable keying and locking posts providing 36 options.