Search Results for amp connector kit
Sensors for Condition Monitoring | PCB Piezotronics
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Welcome to Amphenol Sine Systems - Industrial Connectors with Heavy ...
Welcome to Amphenol Sine Systems - Industrial Connectors with Heavy ...
Hybrid Combiners PRO-PHY450-6 -
Combining six transmitters or receivers on the same antenna. Better utilisation of good antenna position. Six antennas on the same transmitter or receiver.
AWB-48PA Wedgelock for 48 Position Receptacle, Keyed A, Gra - Amphenol Sine
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ AWB-48PA Wedgelock for 48 Position Receptacle, Keyed A, Gray. Comparable to PN# WB-48PA-Wedgelock for 48 Position Receptacle, Keyed A, Gray.
Model 200B01 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 200B01:Impact ICP® quartz force sensor, 10 lb comp., 500 mV/lb
よくあるご質問|アンフェノール ソカペックス
ニュース :アンフェノール・ソカペックス、psシリーズを発売:高耐久性電源ユニット...
BOOT4-065 - 4" Feed Through Boo - RFS Technologies an Amphenol Company
RFS Technologies designs and manufactures premium-quality cable and antenna solutions for wireless, public safety, distributed antenna system (DAS) and other telecom markets in North America. As an Amphenol company, we’re part of a global powerhouse in high-technology, interconnect, sensor and antenna solutions that’s enabling the electronics revolution across almost every industry. Our ...
よくあるご質問|アンフェノール ソカペックス
ニュース :アンフェノール・ソカペックス、psシリーズを発売:高耐久性電源ユニット...
AT62-201-16141-22 Female Contact Size 16, Machined, 22-24 A - Amphenol Sine
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ ... AUTK-100 Universal Heavy Duty Contact Crimping Tool Kit for Crimping Size 12,16,20 Machined Contacts, Wire Stripping, Positioners, Gauge and Extraction Tool. REQUEST A QUOTE.
RF Connector - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
RF Connector AC-12HF-DF-F 7/16-DIN Female Connector for 1/2” Superfl exible Coaxial Cable Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions. Extreme
AUTOMATE Type A Mini-FAKRA Single Jack to AUTOMATE Type A Mini-FAKRA ...
2.92 mm Connectors; 4.1-9.5 Connectors; 4.3-10 Connectors; 7-16 Connectors; AFI Connectors; AMC Connectors; AMC4 Connectors; AMMC Connectors; AUTOMATE Type A; AUTOMATE Type B; BNC Connectors; Coaxial Inserts; C-Type Connectors; FAKRA Connectors; FME Connectors; F-Type Connectors; G-Type Connectors; HD-AFI Connectors; HD-BNC Connectors; HD-EFI ...
New Boeing pylon to enable B-1B hypersonics testing
Rectangular Connectors. LRM - Line Replaceable Module HDB3/HSB3 Connectors HDAS Series Connectors Ruggedized SATA Connector MIL-DTL-55302 Low Mating Force Connectors Ruggedized VME64x ...
TNC Straight Crimp Plug RG-55 RG-142 RG-223 RG-400 50 Ohm
RF Connector TNC Straight Crimp Plug RG-55 RG-142 RG-223 RG-400 50 Ohm. Downloads. Assembly Instructions C36 (Size: 21 kb) 031-2373 PDF Customer Drawing (Size: 257 kb) 031-2373 IGS 3D Model (Size: 1152 kb ) Assembly instructions 3 Pc Crimp - Crimp (Size: 43 kb) Product Life Cycle. Product Life Cycle; Part Status:
Velocity vibration switch with two relays - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Model VSW-100 Vibration switch with 0.75, 1.5, 3.0 ips peak velocity range, IP68 rated, 4-20 mA output, dynamic output, 2 individual relay outputs Features Vibration velocity, 4-20 mA Acceleration time waveform Chemically resistant, polyester-coated aluminum housing Two individual relays for alarm or shutdown Standalone machinery protection Downloads VSW-100 specifications VSW-100 operation ...
12.0 ± 0.2 -
See individual data drawings for connector specifications 2. Dimensions shown are in inches TITLE: SMP R/A Female to 2.92mm Straight Male 12" Cable Assembly for Ø.085 Flexible Coax DWG. NO. FRSMP-085-MS292-120 DRAWN 2022-10-18 14:23:20. Created Date:
光ファイバーソリューション. 光ファイバーコネクター; 光ファイバー終端装置; 光ファイバーアクセサリー
1900ND09S1A00B - Amphenol Air LB
The 1900 / EN3545 is a composite rectangular connector available with various contact arrangements. It includes sizes 22 to 8 crimp removable contacts for Copper and Aluminum cable, common with Mil-DTL-38999 Series connectors such as coax, twinax, triax and Quadrax.Standard and Overmoulded rear grommet and interfacial seal.Configurable keying and locking posts providing 36 options.
MS10A23SL 3.6mm (10mm²) Female Contact, Silver Plating, Mac
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ MS10A23SL 3.6mm (10mm²) Female Contact, Silver Plating, Machined, Wire Range 10-12AWG-3.6mm (10mm²) Female Contact, Silver Plating, Machined, Wire Ran
BNC Straight PCB Jack Through Hole Bulkhead Rear Mount 50 Ohm Isolated
RF Connector BNC Straight PCB Jack Through Hole Bulkhead Rear Mount 50 Ohm Isolated. Downloads. 031-5539-1010 STP 3D Model (Size: 1058 kb ) 031-5539-XXXX PDF Customer Drawing (Size: 213 kb) Product Life Cycle. Product Life Cycle; Part Status: Active: Product Specifications. Body Finish: Nickel: Body Material:
Part Search Results
Compact Power Connector Catalog Revision: H3. Plug-in power interface for CompactPCI and other platforms