Search Results for amp miniature circular connector
Thermo-Trex 500-Plus 16 AWG Cord Sets - TPC Wire
Mini Quick-Connects™ Micro Quick-Connects™ Nano Quick-Connects™ Specialty Quick-Connects™ Ethernet Cable Assemblies 7 Pin Molded Vale Plu DIN Connectors Extension Cords M23 Connector PART NO. Assemblies Military Connectors Rectanular Connectors CORD SETS & CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES / SPECIALTY QUICK-CONNECTS™
M362 Series -
cessed I/O connectors to fit in shallowracks. • Full Compliance with MIL-STD-1399 (Section 300B), Type-I Power (115VAC/60Hz, Delta). • 115/230VAC Input selectable (output, including in By-pass, is always 115VAC). • Internal Input Isolation Transformer. • Accepts up to four external Battery Packs (at least one external Battery Pack must ...
Cable assembly ordering guide - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Model Description Max temp Diameter Compatible connectors J3 Low noise, high temp, red Teflon® jacket 500°F 260°C 0.085 in 0.216 cm 1, 1A, 2, 6 J5A RG58, black PVC jacket 221°F 105°C 0.190 in 0.483 cm 2, 2F, 6, 6Q/6QI, 6SL/6SLI, 6W
Pedlock BDO-ET Series Fiber Pedestals - Charles Industries
AMT Mini-AMT AMT 4-PORT 6.5x13x4 AMT 6-PORT 6.5x13x4 AMT 8-PORT 6.5x13x4 AMT 12-PORT 6.5x13x4 Mini-AMT 4-PORT 4.9x3.5x3.75 Mini-AMT 6-PORT 4.9x3.5x3.75 Mini-AMT 8-PORT 4.9x3.5x3.75 Mini-AMT ... (2 columns x 6 connectors) is too long for standard pedestal. Special order tall pedestal is required. q (LEVPIW.RHYWXVMIW 11(½ ...
Amphenol MP-CAT8STPBLK-065 Shielded Twisted Pair Category-8 Ethernet ...
Buy 65ft Amphenol MP-CAT8STPBLK-065 CAT-8 Ethernet Cables Direct from the Factory at Cables on Demand. Amphenol Black Category-8 (CAT8) STP Shielded Network Patch Cords offer "future-proof" network performance; optimally designed for either 25-Gigabits-per-second or 40-Gigabits-per-second speeds at link distances up to 30-meters (~100-feet).
DEEP SPACE 38999 - Amphenol Aerospace
ic idell • Of: 1 (607) 563-5655 • E: - - • 1 The Deep Space 38999 connector series is designed for extreme cold-weather environments. They are built to retain a grommet-to-wire and contact-to-contact seal in temperatures below -85 °F
Cordons & jumpers - Amphenol Socapex
2M Micro Miniature; Accessoires; PT/451 - 26482 Série I; Série RFM; SL 61 & SOCA; Connecteurs pour circuits imprimés. back Connecteurs pour circuits imprimés. Connecteurs pour circuits imprimés haute performance; Connecteurs pour circuits imprimés des séries HE7-HE8-HE9; Connecteurs VITA;
ATM06-6S-SR01BK 6-Way Plug, Socket, with Strain Relief Endca
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ ... ATHD Series, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 positions connectors steel, zinc plating , .433 [11.00 mm] dia. hole. Comparable to PN# 1027-008-1200. REQUEST A QUOTE. AT27-009-1200 Metal side mounting clip, 13mm hole. Comparable to ...
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RFS Technologies an Amphenol Company
RFS Technologies designs and manufactures premium-quality cable and antenna solutions for wireless, public safety, distributed antenna system (DAS) and other telecom markets in North America. As an Amphenol company, we’re part of a global powerhouse in high-technology, interconnect, sensor and antenna solutions that’s enabling the electronics revolution across almost every industry.
SGX-4OX Industrial Oxygen Sensor
Details on recommended connector pins can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions within the Gas Sensor section of the SGX website. _____ SGX Sensortech (IS) Ltd Registered in England No.08067077 DS-0143, Issue 1, 30-Jan-14 POISONING SGX sensors are designed to operate in a wide range of harsh environments and conditions. However it is impo ...
ASRS2A11P - Amphenol Air LB
Receptacle ASR panel mounting Not metallized 10 pin contacts size 22 (A1) Polarizing 1
SMP Right Angle Plug to SMP Straight Plug 0.047 Hand Formable 50 Ohm ...
SMP Right Angle Plug to SMP Straight Plug 0.047 Hand Formable 50 Ohm 100 mm (3.93 Inches)
공간: 상호 연결 시스템의 기술적 과제 | Amphenol Socapex
공간 우주 애플리케이션을 위한 견고하고 안정적인 커넥터. Amphenol 커넥터는 유인 및 무인 우주 차량, 저지구 궤도 위성, 국제 우주 정거장 등 광범위한 우주 관련 응용 분야에서 구현됩니다.
Distribution de puissance - Amphenol Socapex
Les principaux défis techniques des systèmes d'interconnexion pour la distribution d'énergie dans les applications aéronautiques commerciales consistent à assurer une grande fiabilité pour éviter les pannes électriques, à gérer efficacement des charges de puissance élevées tout en minimisant le poids, et à garantir la sécurité en évitant les surchauffes et les pannes électriques.
Mechanical; Shell material: Thermoplastic: Insert material: Silicon: Insert retention in shell (> to) 25.4 daN: Contact retention: 11 daN: Endurance (nbr of cycles) 500: Vibration
Model RV641B00 4-20 mA Output Velocity Sensor Installation and ...
maintenance. Clean electrical connectors, housings, and mounting surfaces with solutions and techniques that will not harm the material of construction. Observe caution when using liquids near devices that are not hermetically sealed. Such devices should only be wiped with a dampened cloth—never saturated or submerged.
SIMM0816PNF - Amphenol Air LB
1174 circular grounding modules. 1174 modules for crimped contacts; 1174 modules with inserted resistors; 1119 splices for Aero. ... EN4165 / SIM connector is modular, multifunctional and rectangular. It consists of shells and modules, which together create an integrated solution, supporting advanced signal and power requirements at a fraction ...
Grounded module Pin Without peripheral sealing 8 contacts #16 ...
Mechanical; Shell material: Thermoplastic: Insert material: Silicon: Contact material: Copper alloy: Contact protection material: Nickel: Insert retention in shell ...