Search Results for amp连接器
영국 | 암페놀 소카펙스
본인은 개인정보 보호정책을 읽었으며 Amphenol Socapex가 나에게 정보를 전송하는 것을 승인합니다.
731A seismic accelerometer and P31 power unit/amplifier Operating guide
shock may cause the amplifier to go into an overload condition. After the 731A amplifier has overloaded due to excessive vibration or shock, there will be no signal output until the amplifier recovers. The recovery time of the amplifier can be 2 to 3 minutes after the overload condition is removed.
Distributors - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Distributors. Amphenol PCD is pleased to have partnerships with a network of distributors that help to provide our customers with exceptional service, in addition to our knowledgeable in-house team.
브라질 | 암페놀 소카펙스
뒤로 이더넷 스위치 & 미디어 컨버터. 이더넷 스위치; 광섬유 미디어 컨버터; 코드셋 및 점퍼; ps 시리즈: 전력 디바이스 솔루션
RoHS 현황 및 성명서 | Amphenol Socapex
본인은 개인정보 보호정책을 읽었으며 Amphenol Socapex가 나에게 정보를 전송하는 것을 승인합니다.
Minitek Connectors | FCI Basics | Board-to-Board / Wire ... - Amphenol CS
FCI BASICS MINITEK ® COMPACT AND MODULAR CONNECTOR SYSTEM FCI Basics Minitek ® range consists of modular board-to-board connectors suitable for parallel, perpendicular, and coplanar applications as well as wire-to-board connectors featuring crimp-to-wire and IDC capabilities. They serve versatile applications like datacom, industrial, automotive, consumer, and military.
역사 ASF | 앰페놀 소카펙스
1980. 로렘 입섬 돌로르 시트 아멧, 콘세테투르 사딥싱 엘리트콘세테투르 사딥싱 엘리트, 로렘 입섬 돌로르 시트 아멧, 로렘 입섬 시트 아멧,
D38999 Series III Hermetic Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Tri-Start MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Hermetic Connectors offer the highest performance capabilities for both general duty and severe environment applications and meet or exceed MIL-DTL-38999 Series III requirements.
뉴질랜드 | 암페놀 소카펙스
본인은 개인정보 보호정책을 읽었으며 Amphenol Socapex가 나에게 정보를 전송하는 것을 승인합니다.
Amphenol Adronics
Amphenol Adronics is a quality award winning and leading Tier 1 supplier of Antenna Systems, Fakra Coax Cables and Wire Harnesses to OEMs for a growing array of automotive electronics applications, ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System), V2X (Vehicle to Everything) communication and onboard electronics.. Amphenol Adronics was founded as Adronics/Elrob in 1948 and has been a part of the ...
The charge amplifier can effectively identify and reject the noise while still passing though the valid signal. This methodology lessens the system’s dependence on a good ground for noise rejection. 10-32 C. oaxial. Jack BNC C. J. ack 3.4 [85] SPECIFICATIONS. Model Number: 422E35; 422E36. 422E38: 422E55/D. Performance: Conversion Sensitivity.
체코 | 앰페놀 소카펙스
뒤로 ps 시리즈: 전력 디바이스 솔루션. 전력 컨버터; 전력 분배 장치; usb 키 및 연장기
| 암페놀 소카펙스 - Amphenol Socapex
본인은 개인정보 보호정책을 읽었으며 Amphenol Socapex가 나에게 정보를 전송하는 것을 승인합니다.
Contact Us - Connor Manufacturing
Connor Manufacturing (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. Plant 1 Export Processing Zone, SMD-Unit B Centre Suhong Rd. Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, China 215021 Plant 2 No.218, Wuxiang Road, Export Processing Zone, Middle of Suhong Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China 215021
| 암페놀 소카펙스 - Amphenol Socapex
본인은 개인정보 보호정책을 읽었으며 Amphenol Socapex가 나에게 정보를 전송하는 것을 승인합니다.
83723-2 MIL-DTL-83723, Series III - Amphenol Aerospace
83723 III 4 Contact Amphenol Aerospace for more information at 800-678-0141 • www .amphenol-aerospace .com Matrix A MIL-DTL-83723, Series III, Matrix ® Insert Availability and Identification, Alternate Rotations INSERT ARRANGEMENTS Shell Size/ Insert Master P
Carcasas traseras metálicas - Accesorios | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex ofrece una amplia gama de carcasas traseras para todas sus series de conectores, incluida la serie M85049 y las series patentadas. Estas carcasas proporcionan retención mecánica, blindaje EMI o sellado para mejorar la fiabilidad y el rendimiento de las terminaciones de cables. Las carcasas traseras metálicas están diseñadas para ser robustas y fiables, garantizando que ...
Innovative Interconnects - Amphenol Ltd
About us We are Amphenol LTD. Founded in 1963, Amphenol LTD quickly made a name for itself in the historic town of Whitstable, Kent. As a local base with global reach, we became known for our strong sense of teamwork and our innovative products and systems.
벨기에 | 암페놀 소카펙스
뒤로 이더넷 스위치 & 미디어 컨버터. 이더넷 스위치; 광섬유 미디어 컨버터; 코드셋 및 점퍼; ps 시리즈: 전력 디바이스 솔루션
| 암페놀 소카펙스
본인은 개인정보 보호정책을 읽었으며 Amphenol Socapex가 나에게 정보를 전송하는 것을 승인합니다.