Search Results for amphenol 防水 hdmi
Videos Archive - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Rugged HDMI Assembly. CapLock Assembly. PlugLock Assembly. Rugged RJF 544 Assembly Video. Posts navigation. 1 2 3 >> You are leaving the Amphenol PCD website. Continue to External Site. AMPHENOL PCD. Products; Drawing & Models; Careers; Distributors; NEWS. 11/17/2023 Change of CAGE CODE – Amphenol India; 11/17/2023
UPC|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
IP67以上の防水性、HVIL(インターロック)機構、タッチプルーフ構造などの特長を持ち、1000V DC/750V ACの電圧、最大450Aに対応しています。2芯、3芯をラインアップしており、9.1mm、14mmは樹脂、12mmタイプはメタルハウジングを採用しています。 UPC 9.1mm
Amphenol Assembletech
Amphenol xiamen,Amphenol-ast,安费诺电子装配,安费诺,数据接口,安费诺厦门,厦门安费诺 ... HDMI 2.1; Mini HDMI (Type C) HDMI Type A; Micro HDMI (Type D) Waterproof. Mini 2pin Cable; M14、M15、M19 Cable; NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture. SAS and SATA Fixture; Mini SAS Fixture;
安費諾亮泰 | 專業防水連接器 -
安費諾亮泰企業股份有限公司 (Amphenol LTW) 是防水連接器製造商中的佼佼者,針對各種嚴苛與惡劣的環境需求,提供各式各樣效益最大化的連接器方案,防水等級從IP65到 IP69K。 我們秉持著不斷創新的理念,提升產品與各類客製解決方案,多種專利涵蓋中國大陸、台灣、日本、韓國、歐洲和北美洲各區。
VNTBR11A2001SR | Ve-NET™ | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Automotive Ethernet connector. Contact us today for more details of Ve-NET™, Part number VNTBR11A2001SR ... HDMI. High Speed I/O. Industrial Ethernet. Lighting. Modular & Magnetic Jack. Commercial Rugged Harsh I/O. USB. Server & Storage System. Card Edge. Memory Module.
小型樹脂 防水丸型コネクタBUシリーズ
小型樹脂 防水丸型コネクタ buシリーズ buシリーズは、プラグ外径18.0mm、 最大12芯、2点バヨネット嵌合の 小型樹脂 防水丸型コネクタです。 本カタログでは代表的な製品仕様を紹介します。 ここに掲載している仕様のほかに、 ・定格電流10a、 5a+2a、10a+5a
10052842-101LF | AIRMAX® | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Backplane Connectors. Contact us today for more details of AIRMAX ® , part number 10052842-101LF ... HDMI. High Speed I/O. Industrial Ethernet. Lighting. Modular & Magnetic Jack. Commercial Rugged Harsh I/O. USB. Server & Storage System. Card Edge. Memory Module.
ケーブルアセンブリのご案内|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
保有設備(国内工場) 弊社の国内工場は、ISO9001を認証取得しています。 また、2018年にはjis q 9100(登録範囲:防衛/航空宇宙用ワイヤーハーネスの製造及び販売)も取得いたしました。
MILスペック同軸コネクタ|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
m39012: コネクタ: 424種: m55339: アダプタ: 35種: m83517: ストリップライン: 72種: m31031: コネクタ: 17種: m3933: アッテネータ: 377種 ...
QSFP Cable Assemblies | High Speed Input Output | Amphenol
Amphenol QSFP copper cable assemblies are designed to meet data center, networking and high-performance computing application needs for high density cabling interconnect systems capable of data rates from 10G/Lane to 112G/Lane transmission rates. ... HDMI. High Speed I/O. Industrial Ethernet. Lighting. Modular & Magnetic Jack. Commercial Rugged ...
MDT420M02001 | PCIE M.2 | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of pcie m.2 connector. Contact us today for more details of pcie m.2 , part numberMDT420M02001 ... HDMI. High Speed I/O. Industrial Ethernet. Lighting. Modular & Magnetic Jack. Commercial Rugged Harsh I/O. USB. Server & Storage System. Card Edge. Memory Module.
DDR4/5 Memory Connector | SO-DIMM - Amphenol CS
From DDR3, and DDR4 to DDR5, Amphenol provides high density, high speed, low operating voltage DDR SO-DIMM, DIMM, and SMT sockets to support the developments in DDR. ... HDMI. High Speed I/O. Industrial Ethernet. Lighting. Modular & Magnetic Jack. Commercial Rugged Harsh I/O. USB. Server & Storage System. Card Edge. Memory Module.
ExaMAX+ High Speed Backplane Connector System | Amphenol
The ExaMAX+ backplane connector system is designed to meet 56Gb/s PAM4 industry specifications with plenty of SI margin while maintaining mating interface compatibility with previous ExaMAX products.
59453-042110ECHLF | 0.50mm pitch Flex Connectors | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Flex Connectors. Contact us today for more details of 0.50mm Flex Connectors, part number 59453-042110ECHLF. ... HDMI. High Speed I/O. Industrial Ethernet. Lighting. Modular & Magnetic Jack. Commercial Rugged Harsh I/O. USB. Server & Storage System. Card Edge. Memory Module.
| Amphenol Socapex
atrás Serie PS: Soluciones para dispositivos de potencia. Convertidores de potencia; Unidades de distribución de energía; Llaves USB y prolongadores
Industrial RJ Plug | Industrial Connectors | Amphenol
Industrial Ethernet connectors enable IoT connectivity for Ethernet and industrial protocols, linking the Enterprise/Cloud to factory floor sensors/actuators.
ExpressPort SFP+ | High Speed Interconnects | Amphenol
Amphenol ExtremePort SFP+ interconnect system is comprised of a 20-position hot swappable I/O connector enclosed in a metal cage mounted to a host PCB. It supports up to 56Gb/s PAM4 aggregate bandwidth with a backward compatibility for next generation ... HDMI. High Speed I/O. Industrial Ethernet. Lighting. Modular & Magnetic Jack. Commercial ...
Connecteurs E/S - Amphenol Socapex
Découvrez notre câble HDMI 2.0 AOC : la connectivité longue distance sans compromis. Read more Pre Header. Support Demande de devis; ... J'ai lu la politique de confidentialité et j'autorise Amphenol Socapex à m'envoyer des informations. S'inscrire. Social. Linkedin; Youtube; Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; Footer. Produits. Connecteurs 38999;
Active Optical Cable HDMI - Amphenol Socapex Due to technical progress, all information provided is subject to change without prior notice Designed by Amphenol Socapex Active Optical Cable HDMI Extend your HDMI 2.0 over long distances In the copper version, the performance of the HDMI 2.0 protocol decreases from 5 meters. Our HDMI 2.0
Tag Archives: HDMI -
Amphenol provides an array of miniature, high-performance interconnect solutions for next-generation wearable devices including Board-to-board, wire-to-board, and FFC/FPC connectors. Amphenol also provides high-speed USB connectors help to quick charge the wearables and high speed input-output connectors like HDMI version 2.0 that helps us to ...