Search Results for amphenol 62gb57a82p219
20021321-00010C4LF | Minitek127® | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Minitek127 ® . Contact us today for more details of Minitek127 ® , part number 20021321-00010C4LF.
NETBridge+ Automotive Ethernet Connector System - Amphenol CS
NETBridge+® Automotive Ethernet Connector transmits up to 100Mb/s and 1Gb/s (100BASE-T1, 1000BASE-T1), upgradeable to 10Gb/s for automotive applications.
Configurator - Amphenol Aerospace
Welcome to the Amphenol Aerospace Part Configurator, a comprehensive tool designed to make part building smooth and effortless. We've combined our commitment to providing industry-leading connectors with cutting-edge technology to give you a tool that offers easy customization, precise part construction, and instant order-ready part numbers.
Home - Amphenol Australia
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HEX658CW0000x - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Tri Band, 6-Port, Panel, XPOL, 65°, 696-960 | 1695-2180 | 1695-2180 MHz, 15.8|17.2|17.2 dBi, 0-10°|0-10°|0-10°, 2508 mm (98.7 in)
Rhino - Amphenol Ltd
Rhino Guard is Amphenol LTD’s newest addition to the Rhino 38999 product family. Discover Rectangular Multi-Pole Rhino. Circular Connectors / Rectangular Connectors. For use when multiple power contacts are required in a rectangular format. Discover Through Bulkhead Rhino 38999.
Ethernet Switches | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Ruggedized Gigabit Ethernet Switches for Mission-Critical Connections. Amphenol Aerospace’s extensive line of high-speed, ruggedized ethernet switches is built to guarantee mission-critical connections between computer systems and other devices and ensure that sensitive information remains safe and essential networks remain online, even when operating in the harshest environments.
224G High Speed Solutions | Amphenol
For over nine decades, Amphenol has been at the forefront of research and development, manufacturing, and sales of the latest connectivity solutions. We’re leading the industry on the advancement of next generation 224Gb/s high-speed interconnects with a global team of 2,000+ engineers.
SMP Connectors - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a broad range of radio frequency SMP Connectors including industry standard designs and highly engineered Amphenol RF proprietary interfaces. Check product specs & datasheets for a wide selection of SMP Connectors at Amphenol RF online.
4 pin connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol's PCIe® M.2 Gen 3 and Gen 4 connectors provide 67 contacts on 0.50mm pitch. It occupies less board space, offers more connector height options, and supports higher data rates compared to PCIe® Mini Card connector. ... This versatile system includes dual-row, pin-and-socket connectors for right-angle and mezzanine connections between ...
conflict minerals | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol Borisch Technologies (ABT) recognizes the risk and adverse impact associated with extracting, trading, handling, and exporting minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. We also recognize our responsibility to respect human rights and not contribute to conflict.
DDR5 Memory Module Sockets (SMT) - Amphenol
Vertical DDR5 DIMM sockets from Amphenol provide 288 contacts on 0.85mm pitch and are designed to accept DDR5 memory modules that conform to JEDEC MO-329. The sockets facilitate convenient memory expansion in servers, workstations, desktop PCs, and em
Businesses - Amphenol
Each of our Amphenol businesses partners with its customers across different market segments and regions to connect our world through leading-edge innovation. Products Markets (current) Businesses Sustainability Investors Businesses Visit our global business sites ...
Sensors | Products - Amphenol
Amphenol is a leading innovator in sensor technologies and measurement solutions. We offer the most diverse sensor portfolio of standard and customized products for the world’s most demanding regulatory and industry-driven applications. Our products and technologies include temperature sensors, moisture meters and sensors, pressure sensors ...
MFM Single Way Fibre Optic Connector - Amphenol Ltd
Need additional products from our Amphenol portfolio of products? We have access to a wide variety of innovative solutions, please contact us for a quote. Get in touch +44 1227 773200 Thanet Way, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 3JF, UK. About. About us; Careers; Certifications; Distributors; Divisions;
Amphenol Corporation - 2nd Quarter 2024 Earnings
Amphenol will have a conference call to discuss 2nd quarter results on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET. To listen to the call, please use the following dial in numbers. Toll free: 888-455-0949 Toll number: +1-773-799-3973 Pass Code: LAMPO. A replay of the call will be available until 11:59 PM ET on Saturday, August 24, 2024. Replay numbers:
Amphenol - Sine Systems and Industrial @ Amphenol
Amphenol Sine Systems was founded in 1967 and is a subsidiary of the Amphenol Corporation and is a leader in Industrial interconnect products. The company designs, manufacturers and supplies high-performance interconnect systems for a broad range of Industrial applications including factory automation, motion control, heavy equipment, alternative energy, rail mass transportation and advanced ...
Corporate Governance - Amphenol
Amphenol’s shared values to be ethical at all times, create a diverse workforce, empower our people, create a sustainable business and continue to innovate for customers is fully endorsed by our Board of Directors and Executive Management. Our corporate sustainability initiatives are supported and reviewed by Amphenol's Board of Directors.
2M801 Dual-Start Acme Thread Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Defines the test samples, test sequences and test methods used to verify that Amphenol 2M801 Series of connectors meet industry standards for miniature ruggedized circular connectors. View Download. Amphenol Aerospace 2M Connectors. 2:38. 2M Hermetic The small and lightweight 2M Hermetic connector provides an exceptional airtight seal without ...
About - Amphenol
Amphenol has continued its successful strategy of supplementing organic growth with attractive acquisitions. Some of the more significant acquisitions completed in recent years include the purchase of Teradyne Connection Systems in 2005, the acquisition of GE’s Advanced Sensors Group in 2013, the 2016 acquisition of FCI and the 2021 purchase ...