Search Results for amphenol acs00ad16s-1s-472
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Locations - Amphenol RF
Houten, Netherlands serves as Amphenol RF Europe headquarters, providing engineering services and sales support to Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Hoofdveste 19 3992 DB Houten. The Netherlands . Telephone: +31-30-635-8000. Fax: +31-30-637-7034. Back To Top. Contact Us.
Flow-Through Temperature Sensor | Amphenol Advanced Sensors
The flow-through temperature sensor monitors the temperature of a fluid that passes through it. A system control module receives this temperature reading and uses a control loop to control the overall system temperature.
Amphenol MTCK-003-MM/SM Test Kit Fiber Systems
Amphenol Fiber Systems International MTCK-003-MM/SM Test Kit About the MTCK-003 - Measure Insertion Loss and Optical Power ... products,pleasecallusat800.472.4225.For internationalcalls,pleasedial214.547.2400or About Amphenol Fiber Systems International
PowerLink HV USA Cable - Amphenol TPI (ATPI) -
Introducing, PowerLink HV USA, our latest high-performance high-voltage cable, proudly made in the USA by Amphenol TFC, engineered to meet the demands of modern electric and hybrid vehicles, as well as industrial applications for harsh environments. Designed and tested to meet ISO 19642-5 and ISO 19642-9 standards, our cable offers maximum voltage ratings of 1000VAC and 1500VDC, with an ...
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Contact Us - Amphenol-ast
Tel: 84-0272-3900518 (Ext 102) Cel: 84-0939-320068. Fax: 84-0272-3900518. Mail: Address: Block N1,1B Street, KIZUNA 3 Expansion Factory Area Tan Kim Expansion IP, Can Giuoc Town,Can Giuoc District, Long An Province, Vietnam
The differences between Amphenol Industrial Products Group’s Max-M12 and a Standard M12 are highlighted below. Standard M12 vs Max-M12 Connectors Ahe ® IDS-48-4 Standard M12 Max-M12 Standard M12 Max-M12 Features: Circuit Count 4, 5, or 8 3, 4 or 5 Impact Resistant Shell HDM 12 version Protection Class IP67 IP67 or ...