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NPI-19 NovaSensor Sensors -
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Ordering Information NPI-19 NovaSensor Pressure Type (ISO Sensor) Code Pressure Port Type A No port, o-ring seal B 1/2-20 UNF H 1/4-18 NPT J 1/8-27 NPT Code Pressure Ranges 101 100 kPa, 1 mA 201 200 kPa, 1 mA 701 700 kPa, 1 mA 172 1700 kPa, 1mA
Thermometrics A-1996 HVAC Duct Temperature Sensor - Amphenol
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Thermometric’s duct sensors are OEM solutions for measuring the temperature of air in ventilation ducts. The temperature reading is wired to a control module, where the system compares the temperature reading to a temperature set-point and adjusts outputs accordingly.
NPC-120 Series of Disposable Medical Pressure Sensors | NovaSensor
The sensor integrates a high-performance, pressure sensor die with temperature compensation circuitry and gel protection in a small, low-cost package. The NPC-120 Series is manufactured in a class 1000 clean room to minimize possible sources of contamination.
ge advanced sensors | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ICP® Force Sensor Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 800-828-8840 24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001 Fax: 716-684-0987 E-mail: Web: Manual 21354 Rev E ECN 50523
NTC Inrush Current Limiter Kit -
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Subject: A range of NTC chip thermistors in DO-35 style glass package (diode outline) with axial solder-coated copper clad steel wires. Keywords: Amphenol Advanced Sensors; Thermometrics; NTC diode; thermistors Created Date: 8/23/2017 11:29:50 AM
Thermometrics A-1325/A-1326 Intake Air Temperature Sensor
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Subject: Thermometrics A-1325/A-1326 Temperature Sensor monitors the temperature of the incoming intake air flow for an engine and provides a signal output that is proportional to air temperature. Keywords: Amphenol Advanced Sensors; Thermometrics; intake air temperature sensor; optimize air-to-fuel ratio; A-1325; A ...
ZTP-315 | Thermometrics Infrared (IR) Sensors
Thermometrics ZTP-315 Infrared (IR) Sensors consist of thermo-elements, flat infrared filter and a thermistor for temperature compensation, all in a hermetically-sealed TO-46 (18) package. Thermopile IR Sensors are used for non-contact, or infrared, surface temperature measuring.
Type PTO Series -
Amphenol Advanced Sensors. Mechanical Specifications Electrical Specifications Ambient Temperature Range At Storage: -25 to +155°C At Maximum Voltage: +10 to +55°C Construction Bare ceramic disc Thick silver film electrodes Uninsulated leadwires Terminations Straight type, tin coated copper wire
MEMS Pressure Sensor Solutions – Industrial Applications - Amphenol
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Overview MEMS Pressure Sensor Solutions – Industrial Applications Application SpotlightApplication Spotlight NovaSensor is a leader in the design and fabrication of MEMS Pressure Sensors and the inventor of SenStable® Processing Technology providing an excellent stability of its sensors.
HumiTrac XR General Eastern Dew Point, Enthalpy, Wet Bulb, and ...
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Subject: HumiTrac XR Transmitters are rugged, compact and ideally suited for monitoring dew point, wet bulb, enthalpy or temperature in building automation and process applications. Using a capacitive RH sensor, the units s microproccÂê¼ç¶DP#X` ~ #ö4~ÀE ;Z̾I ©· Û¤ OIx ' 4 ¦À µ >ë ½ ÞH`Ð(ªÐ «åØ ...
Accessories and Other | Products - Amphenol
75P Clamp was designed as a one-for-one replacement to outperform industry-standard metal clamps (i.e. AS21919). Featuring benefits such as a locking feature, butterfly stacking, weight savings, durable PEEK polymer band material, and multiple cushion material options that are non-conductive and non-corrosive, a versatile solution for anyone looking to reduce weight and installation time.
Telaire T9602 Humidity and Temperature Sensor - Amphenol
Amphenol Advanced Sensors T9602 Humidity & Temperature Probe Overview The Telaire T9602 is a unique over molded Relative Humidity and Temperature Probe with IP67 protection. • Highly competitive for customers considering designing RH/T products with environmental protection
Critical Care Medical Devices And sensors -
There's no denying the important relationship between medical devices and sensors. While accurate, robust, and responsive sensor technology matters in all levels of medicine, there’s arguably nowhere it’s more important than in patient critical care.
Telaire® T7000 Series -
Method Dual beam, Absorption Infrared Sample Method Diffusion or flow through (50 to 100 ml/min) Display-LCD Independent CO 2 and temperature readings. Calculates and displays ventilation rates.
Thermometrics NTC Type 95 Series Thermistors -
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PM2.5 In-Cabin Particulate Dust Sensor | Telaire -
Amphenol Advanced Sensors | Connecting Your World Through Sensing Innovations - OEM Product Catalog . Part Numbers Part Number: Output: Operating Voltage : DSF037A-001: Lin bus 2.2: 9 ~ 16V: Integrated Connector (APTIV, HK873-04021) Please discuss your specific needs with Amphenol Advanced Sensors, as other configurations are possible.
Types S/AS/ES Precision Probe Thermistor | Temperature Standards
CO2, Humidity & Dust Sensors. Moisture Meters. Thermal Validation & Monitoring. ... Amphenol Advanced Sensors | Connecting Your World Through Sensing Innovations - OEM Product Catalog. Markets Menu. Transportation. Industrial. Medical. Pharmaceutical PRODUCTS. Temperature Sensors ...
NPP-301 Series NovaSensor Surface Mount Pressure Sensor
Amphenol Advanced Sensors. Title: NPP-301 Series NovaSensor Surface Mount Pressure Sensor Author: GE Subject: The NPP-301 Series features silicon pressure sensors in surface mount packages. An ultra-small Silicon Fusion Bonded (SFB), ultra-high stability SenStable® piezoresistive chip from NovaSensor is placed in a plastic package ...
Surface-Mount Pressure Sensor Series -
Amphenol Advanced Sensors NPA Product Dual/Single Barb Manifold No Port Qty/Tube 42 Units 42 Units 42 Units Qty/Reel 300 Units 448 Units 896 Units Qty/Reel/Carton 6 Reels 6 Reels 6 Reels Qty/Carton 1800 Units 2688 Units 5376 Units. Title: NovaSensor NPA surface mount pressure sensor