Search Results for amphenol antennas
36210006 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Mounting Kit, 2-point mounting & downtilt bracket
2C6U8VT360X12Fwxys5 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Canister, 4FT, 32-Port, Omni Pattern, XPOL, (2x) 696-960 | (6x) 1695-2700 | (8x) 3300-4200 MHz, Fixed Tilt, 18in Diameter
TWIN656LU000G-T -
8-Port Panel Antenna (2x) 617-906 | (2x) 1695-2700 MHz PRODUCT OVERVIEW Frequency Range (MHz) 617-906 617-906 1695-2700 1695-2700 Array R1 R2 Y1 Y2 Connector 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
1215158@18p2p | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Panel, 2FT, 10-Port, 65°, (1x) 698-960 | (2x) 1695-2700 MHz (Y1 & Y2) | (2x) 1695-2700 MHz (Y3 & Y4), Fixed Tilt
Pattern - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Pattern - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
ip63 connectors | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ZGP4-mount : Permanently attached 4 m cable terminated with FME-connector. Specifications. Electrical; Model: DFA 450/900-ZG/... Frequency: 450 MHz-frequency to be stated within: 380-470 MHz 900 MHz-frequency to be stated within: 800-960 MHz: Antenna Type: Dual-frequency mobile antenna: Max.
LMR-240 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
BNC Straight Crimp Jack RG-58 RG-141 Times LMR-195 4-Hole Flange 50 Ohm 112272. ... BNC Straight Crimp Plug Times LMR-240 Optimized 50 Ohm 031-5999-RFX.
6827300 -
4-Port Antenna 698-960 | 1695-2690 MHz PRODUCT OVERVIEW Frequency Range (MHz) 698-960 1695-2690 Array R1 Y1 Connector 1-2 3-4 Polarization XPOL XPOL
2U3MT360X06F xys4 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
2U3MT360X06F xys4 REV121721NA ACROSS THE WORLD. AROUND THE CORNER 1 of 10 Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions.
Catalog -
7043410 E ec ca C a ac e c Frequency range 380-430 MHz Bandwidth ±6% (typical) Polarization Vertical or Horizontal Horizontal beamwidth 58° Vertical beamwidth 51°
APXVBB3L15H 43-C-I20 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
10-Port Panel Antenna (2x) 690-960 | (3x) 1695-2690 MHz Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions.
4U4VT360X06F | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
4U4VT360X06F xys4 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions Upper Sidelobe Suppression dB > 17.5 > 17 > 15.4 > 10.5 Isolation Intraband dB > 24 Interband dB > 28 same band; > 30 different bands • Pseudo omni configuration with 16 connectors • Ideal for multi-carrier or MIMO deployments • Broadband networks 1695-2700 and 3300-4200 MHz
samfw tool 4.3 download | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
RFS Technologies designs and manufactures premium-quality cable and antenna solutions for wireless, public safety, distributed antenna system (DAS) and other telecom markets in North America.
Single band, panel antenna with fixed electrical tilt
696-960 MHz WPA-70040-8CF-EDIN- X Single Band | Panel Antenna | V-Pol | 40° | 20.1 dBi | Fixed Tilt Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions.
6878335-3 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
(3x) Quad Band, 45-Port, Tri-Sector Antenna, 65°/85°, 698-960 | (2x) 1695-2690 | (4x) 3300-3800 MHz, 2325 mm
P3-BBUU4L26-N0 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
16-Port Panel Antenna (2x) 694-960 | (2x) 1427-2690 | (4x) 1695-2690 MHz Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions.
24-Port Antenna 698-960 | 698-960 | 1427-2180 | 1427-2180 | 2490-2690 | 2490-2690 MHz Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions.
5863200 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
REV022516A 3 of 6 Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions.
696-960 / 1695-2180 MHz - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
696-960 / 1695-2180 MHz DCS43PA05F10 Dual Band | Planar | VV-Pol | 40° / 30° | 11.3 / 13.0 dBi | Fixed Tilt Ordering Options Model Number
5920300 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
[Discontinued July 2023 with No Last Time Purchase Date] 4-Port, Panel, 65°, (2x) 698-960 MHz, 2683 mm