Search Results for amphenol connex 132171
Amphenol Connex
1. package cable assembly in bag.tag in bag with "amphenol connex, 245120-19-xx.xx and date code". 2. cable assembly to be 100% tested for continuity, shorts and open. 245120-19-xx.xx * additional lengths can be provided by changing xx.xx to desired legnth contact connex marketing for quote 245120-19-xx.xx 1 4 typ (2) 3 2 scale 0.750
112533 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 112533 BNC Right Angle PCB Jack Through Hole Bulkhead Rear Mount 75 Ohm BNC Straight Crimp Plug RG-8X Times LMR-240 50 Ohm 112533.
SMA Jack to SMA Plug Adapter 50 Ohm Straight | 132171-12 - Amphenol RF
132171-12. Find In Stock & Buy Now. SMA Jack to SMA Plug Adapter 50 Ohm Straight. Add to Parts List Add to Compare. View Compare. Product Compliance. ... Subscribe and Stay Connected with Amphenol RF. Submit. By submitting your email, you are agreeing to receive occasional updates from Amphenol RF.
SMA T-Shape Adapter Jack-Plug-Jack 50 Ohm | 132217 - Amphenol RF
SMA T-Shape Adapter Jack-Plug-Jack 50 Ohm
172137-12 -
are given by Amphenol Corp. The fur nishing of these drawings, specifica tions, or not to be regarded by implication or otherwise in any manner licensing, granting ... TAG IN BAG WITH "AMPHENOL CONNEX, 135101-28-XX.XX AND DATE CODE". 2. CABLE ASSEMBLY TO BE 100% TESTED FOR HI POT, CONTINUITY, SHORTS AND OPEN. 172137-12 172137-12 NOTE: 1 ...
split connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol Connex is an industry leading supplier of RF connectors and adapters servicing a diverse customer base worldwide. Standard off-the-shelf solutions are available from inventory and custom solutions can be developed, sampled and proven within just a few short weeks. ... Split-Pair Quadrax, Differential Twinax, Twinax, Triax, and Coax ...
TNC Straight Crimp Jack RG-174 RG-188 RG-316 Times LMR ... - Amphenol RF
RF Connector TNC Straight Crimp Jack RG-174 RG-188 RG-316 Times LMR-100A Bulkhead Rear Mount 50 Ohm IP67
BNC Straight Crimp Jack RG-55 RG-142 RG-223 RG-400 50 Ohm - Amphenol RF
RF Connector BNC Straight Crimp Jack RG-55 RG-142 RG-223 RG-400 50 Ohm
1. package cable assembly in bag. tag in bag with "amphenol connex, 255110-01-xx.xx and date code". 2. cable assembly to be 100% tested for hi-pot, continuity, shorts and open. 255110-01-xx.xx 255110-01-xx.xx * additional length can be provided by changing xx.xx to desired legnth in inches contact connex marketing for quote 1 2 3 typ(2) 4 lock ...
Amphenol Connex
Amphenol Connex. Title: F:DWGCONNEXJ811-75J811-75 Author: kj-107 Created Date: 1/12/2011 4:56:18 PM ...
N-Type Protective Cap Plug | 202102 - Amphenol RF
N Cap for Female Connector, With Chain. Back; BNC Adapters; BNC to 1.0-2.3 Adapters; BNC to AMC Adapters; BNC to BNC Adapters
Product Compliance Center - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. Slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor and human trafficking are acts of deprivation of a person's liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial ...
1. package cable assembly in bag. tag in bag with "amphenol connex, 135108-r1-xx.xx and date code". 2. cable assembly to be 100% tested for hi pot, continuity, shorts and open. 135108-r1-xx.xx 135108-r1-xx.xx * additional length can be provided by changing xx.xx to desired length in inches contact connex marketing for quote 1 typ(2) 2 scale 1.000
B 172133-16 B -
are given by Amphenol Corp. The fur nishing of these drawings, specifica tions, or not to be regarded by implication or otherwise in any manner licensing, granting confidential and not to be disclosed to any person other than those to w hom they other data by Amphenol Corp., or to any other person to anyone for any p urpose is
SMA Panel Mount Jack 4-Hole Flange Round Post 50 Ohm | 132146 - Amphenol RF
RF Connector SMA Panel Mount Jack 4-Hole Flange Round Post 50 Ohm
cad | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
CAD FILE:. ' X.X'X " DIMENSIONS IN DO NOT SCALE X` ANGULAR Amphenol Australia Pty.Ltd, 22 Industry Boulevard, Carrum Downs, VIC 3201 DATE: DATE: DATE: ART No: APP'D: SCALE: CKD: DRN: TITLE: DRAWI NG O. SIZE: Amphenol / 1 0' 15' MILIMETRES 5 014 REFER TO COMPONENTS B.Z 25/04/08 NTS 3.5 m JACK SEE CHART VERTICAL CUSTOME RD AWING A3 55010544-001-5
UHF Straight Crimp Plug RG-8 RG-213 RG-225 50 Ohm | 182102 - Amphenol RF
Body Finish: Nickel: Body Material: Brass: Cable Type (Terminates to) RG-8, RG-213, RG-225, Times AA-4478, Belden 8267, Belden 9251, Belden 9880, Belden 89880, Belden ...
N-Type Straight Crimp Plug RG-58 RG-141 Times LMR-195 50 Ohm - Amphenol RF
Body Finish: White Bronze: Body Material: Brass: Cable Type (Terminates to) RG-58, RG-141, Times LMR-195, Times LMR-200-LLPL, Belden 7806A, Belden 8219, Belden 8240, Belden 8259, Belden 8262, Belden 9201, Belden 9203, Belden 9310, Belden 9311
BNC Straight Crimp Plug RG-8X Times LMR-240 50 Ohm | 112533 - Amphenol RF
Alias: B1121AA-ND3G-8X-50: Body Finish: Nickel: Body Material: Brass: Cable Type (Terminates to) RG-8X, Times LMR-240, Times LMR-240 UltraFlex, Belden 9258
Statements and Certifications - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace's Statements and Certifications. Military and Commercial Electrification Part 3 – Building the Bridge to Fully-Electric Platforms