Search Results for amphenol corporation completes acquisition of commscope
Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) -
Option C: If you have a Metal and Smelter Name combination, complete the following steps: Step 1. Select Metal in column B Step 2: Select "Smelter Not Listed" in the Smelter Look-up drop down and complete columns D & E Step 3. Enter all available smelter information in columns H through Q (*) Mandatory fields are noted with an asterisk.
861410021H110LF | SHUNTS | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of SHUNTSContact us today for more details of SHUNTS,part number 861410021H110LF
North America - Amphenol-BSI Ltd
The Mill Enterprise Hub Newtown Link road Greenhills, Drogheda Co Louth, A92 CD3D Ireland ; Phone: +353-41-9806976 Email: [email protected]
news boeing and amphenol | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
News. Events. Updates. AMPHENOL CANADA. Amphenol Canada 5950 14th Avenue Markham, ON Canada, L3S 4M4 P: (416) 291-4401 E: [email protected] Value Added Distributor for ARINC 600. ... news boeing | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Model 356A43:Platinum Stock Product; Triaxial ICP® accel., 10 mV/g, 500 g, 1/4-28 4-pin connector, Adhesive mount ...
Contact your nearest Amphenol Corporation Sales Office for the latest specifications. All state-ments, information and data given herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are presented without guarantee, warranty, or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of our products ...
Amphenol earns a place on the 2023 Fortune U.S. 500 list for nine ...
Amphenol once again made it onto the list, ranking 326th with annual sales exceeding $12.6 billion, a rise of 15 places compared to 2022. The Fortune U.S. 500 list has always been an authoritative ranking measuring the performance of American brands in the global business arena. Following international conventions, the list ranks companies ...
Product Compliance Center - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. Slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor and human trafficking are acts of deprivation of a person's liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial ...
TNC Straight Plug to TNC Straight Plug RG-58 24 inches
TNC Straight Plug to TNC Straight Plug RG-58 24 inches (610 mm)
VNTBR11A2001SR | Ve-NET™ | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Automotive Ethernet connector. Contact us today for more details of Ve-NET™, Part number VNTBR11A2001SR
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics -
Having a Code of Business conduct and ethics helps keep Amphenol RF an ethical company. Our all encompassing conduct provides an overview of what Amphenol RF is doing to prevent mistreatment of all parties.
About - Amphenol TPI (ATPI) - Amphenol Technical Products International
Amphenol Technical Products International (ATPI), a Canadian company, is an international supplier of electrical interconnect components and assemblies to a wide range of industries. ATPI is a company under the Amphenol Corporation and operates within Amphenol High Power Industrial (AHPI) group under the Amphenol Harsh Environment Solutions (AHES) division.
About - Amphenol Canada
Visit Amphenol MAO website for all Military and Aerospace products.
MIL-DTL-38999 Series III - TV Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol® Tri-Start MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Connectors offer the highest performance capabilities for both general duty and severe environment applications. Meeting or exceeding MIL-DTL-38999 Series III requirements, Amphenol's Tri-Start connector is available in aluminum, stainless steel or composite with several finish options.
ISO 9001 & AS9100 Rev. D Certificates - Amphenol Fiber Systems ...
ISO 9001 & AS9100 Rev. D Certificates - Amphenol Fiber Systems ...
S I G N AT U R E S P ur s ua nt t o t he r e qui r e m e nt s of t he S e c ur i t i e s E xc ha nge A c t of 1934, t he r e gi s t r a nt ha s dul y c a us e d t hi s r e por t t o be s i gne d on i t s be ha l f by t he dul y a ut hor i z e d
Amphenol Canada Corp 605 Milner Ave Toronto, ON M1B 5X6
Amphenol Canada Corp. 45 Lahr Drive Belleville, ON K8N 5S2 Scope of activities: Manufacturing and support of capacitor products. Amphenol Canada Corp. Amphenol Optimize Mexico, SA de C.V. Carretera Internacional Km 6.5,Edificio7 Nogales, Sonora, 84090 Scope of activities: Assembly and support of filter and interconnect products. APPENDIX A
amphenol corp apple inc | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
EL CAJON, California – Q Microwave, Inc., a leading designer and manufacturer of mission-critical radio frequency components, is pleased to announce its acquisition by Amphenol Corporation (NYSE: APH), one of the world's largest designers and manufacturers of interconnect solutions. The acquisition took place during the third quarter, which ...
Authorized Distributors - Amphenol RF
Communications Supply Corporation; Digi-Key Electronics; East Coast Microwave; EDMO Distributors Inc; Electonic Connector Corporation; Electro Enterprises Inc; Electro-Sonic; Graybar Electric; ... Subscribe and Stay Connected with Amphenol RF. Submit. By submitting your email, you are agreeing to receive occasional updates from Amphenol RF.
Pharmaceutical - Amphenol Sensors
Kaye offers complete Monitoring & Alarming Solutions to protect your critical Assets. No matter how complex or simple your monitoring needs may be, Kaye understands these unique requirements and offers solutions to automate the monitoring, alarming, and data collection for your critical assets with wire based or wireless based hardware components.
69254-001LF | Modular Jack | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Input Output Connectors. Contact us today for more details of Modular Jack, part number 69254-001LF.