Search Results for amphenol dust cap
USB3F TV - 頑丈なイーサネット、USBおよびディスプレイコネクタ|Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex USB3F TVは、過酷な環境で動作するように設計された強化USB 3.0コネクタです。MIL-DTL-38999シリーズIII規格に基づき、このコネクターはねじロック機構を備え、液体やほこりに対して密閉されています(IP68)。軍用アビオニクス、地上車両、戦場通信、産業用アプリケーションでの使用 ...
Shorting Caps - RF Accessories | Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a full range of Shorting Caps designed for radio frequency applications. Shorting Caps feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs.
RT0W61626PNH03 Plug, Male with Silicone Seal, 20AWG, 5A/150V
RT0W01626PNHEC Square Flange Receptacle, with O-ring Seal and End Cap with Individual Rear Wire Seal, 26 Contacts, 20AWG, 5A/150V, Shell Size 16 REQUEST A QUOTE RT0W01626PNHEC03 26 Position Square Flange Receptacle, Male, Shell Size 16, Silicone Seal, and End Cap with Individual Wire Sealing
M12 - Amphenol Australia
The new M12 bayonet variant does not require any additional tools in order to meet the mechanical and technical requirements with regard to tightness against dust and liquid media in industrial environments. In a locked state, the IP67 degree of protection is met.
Shorting Caps - RF Accessories | Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a full range of Shorting Caps designed for radio frequency applications. Shorting Caps feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs.
USBF TV - Kestävät Ethernet-, USB- ja näyttöliittimet | Amphenol ...
Amphenol Socapex USBF TV on valikoima vahvistettuja USB 2.0 -liittimiä, jotka on suunniteltu käytettäväksi vaativissa ympäristöissä. Nämä liittimet perustuvat MIL-DTL-38999-sarjan III-standardiin, ja niissä on kierteitetty lukitusmekanismi, joka takaa turvallisen ja luotettavan yhteyden. Ne on myös tiivistetty nesteitä ja pölyä vastaan IP68-luokituksen mukaisesti, joten ne ...
AHDC04-24-PMT Size 24, Plug cap, threaded and sealed with te
AHDC04-24-PMT Size 24, Plug cap, threaded and sealed with tether-Size 24, Plug cap, threaded and sealed with tether Downloadable Marketing Literature Call Us 1-800-394-7732 My Account
3. MODIFICATIONS: STRAIN RELIEF END CAP 4. SPECIFICATIONS: 4.1 CURRENT RATING: 13 AMPS 4.2 OPERATING TEMPERATURE: -55°C TO +125°C 4.3 DIELECTRIC WITHSTANDING VOLTAGE: LESS THAN 2 ... Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morley Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48036 USA 01-2025 Contacts - Machined Part Number Type Style Contact Size Amp
Assembly Instructions - Document Library - Amphenol RF
Protective Caps; 4.1-9.5 Protective Caps; 4.3-10 Protective Caps; 7-16 Protective Caps; BNC Protective Caps; F-Type Protective Caps; HD-BNC Protective Caps; N-Type Protective Caps; SMA Protective Caps; TNC Protective Caps; UHF Protective Caps; Triax Protective Caps; RP-SMA Protective Caps; FAKRA Protective Caps. Reducing Adapters; Strain Relief ...
Micro-D Connectors M83513 - Amphenol Canada
The Amphenol Micro-D connector series (M83513) offers proven military spec performance and reliability in rectangular and stripline micro connectors. The Micro-D connectors are available in rectangular D, strip and custom card edge configurations, with contacts on .050 (1.27) centers. Inserts in Micro-D miniature connectors with signal and coax/power contacts are also available.
RT0S14CGNS1 Short Backshell (straight) - Amphenol Sine
RT00142PNHEC Square Flange Receptacle, Male, with O-ring Seal and End Cap with Individual Rear Wire Seal, 4 Contacts, Sizes 2.5mm & 16AWG, 23A & 13A/500V, Shell Size 14 REQUEST A QUOTE RT00142SNH Square Flange Receptacle, Female, 4 Contacts, Contact Sizes 2.5mm & 16, 23A & 13A/500V, Shell Size 14
Amphenol CS
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