Search Results for amphenol mil-dtl-38999 高功率連接器
EN3645 - 38999 系列 | 安费诺 Socapex -
Amphenol Socapex 的 EN3645 连接器是一种高性能解决方案,它类似于 MIL-DTL-38999 系列 III 连接器,但提供更多要求,以满足最苛刻的应用。它的设计目的是在最恶劣的环境中(包括商用和军用航空航天)提供卓越的性能。EN3645 连接器的主要特点之一是具有更高的抗流体性能。
milcorcular connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Circular Connectors. Our Circular Connector portfolio begins with our Mil-spec qualified connectors, which includes MIL-DTL-D38999 Series I, II, and III; MIL-DTL-26482 Series II; MIL-DTL-83723; MIL-DTL-5015; and MIL-DTL-22992 Class L connectors.There are many custom and derivative connectors based on these military specifications, including EMI filter connectors, hermetic connectors, lanyard ...
D38999 Series III - TV Breakaway Fail-Safe Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol is qualified to provide D38999/29, /30. and /31 Types 1, 2, and 6 breakaway connectors. The D38999/31 connectors are also available in a hybrid design which have a composite outer operating sleeve over a metal shells for greater durability. Amphenol is also qualified to provide MIL-STD-1760 Type II rail launch connectors.
スペースグレードのコネクタについて|技術情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
mil-dtl-38999規格クラスgコネクタ. アンフェノールとボーイング社が共同策定したssq21635規格は1990年に初出しましたが、それから遅れること10年、2000年になって、mil-dtl-38999規格にスペースグレードのクラスgが追加されました。
38999 backshell catalog | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
The 38999-Power connector is designed for high power transmission in harsh environments. Derived from the MIL-DTL-38999 series, Amphenol Socapex 38999 power connectors are equipped with ruggedized power inserts that can handle up to 500A.
Mil-Spec Contacts | MIL-DTL-38999 Series I - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace provides a complete line of AS39029 contacts, and associated accessories, to support all of the major Mil-Spec circular connectors. ... MIL-DTL-5015; MIL-DTL-22992; Technical Information MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, II, I Contacts 38999 Application Tools 38999 Assembly Instructions 26482 Contact Information 26482 Assembly Tools ...
ms3102 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
MIL-DTL-38999 connectors allow users to mix a variety of differ-ent power, signal, shielded, fiber optic and high speed contact styles within a common insert. The insert arrangement below is an arrangement for Tri-Start MIL-DTL-38999 Series III connectors. It shows the variety of con-tacts that can be designed into a shell size 25.
d38999 commercial catalogue | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Circular Connectors. Our Circular Connector portfolio begins with our Mil-spec qualified connectors, which includes MIL-DTL-D38999 Series I, II, and III; MIL-DTL-26482 Series II; MIL-DTL-83723; MIL-DTL-5015; and MIL-DTL-22992 Class L connectors.There are many custom and derivative connectors based on these military specifications, including EMI filter connectors, hermetic connectors, lanyard ...
ROHS Compliant Alternatives to Cadmium Plating - Amphenol Aerospace ...
Amphenol provides multiple options for alternate to cadmium platings, including Durmalon, Black Zinc Nickel, and the new AP-93 1000-hour salt spray approved plating. Amphenol uses the RoHS requirements and the latest revisions to the MIL-DTL-38999 specification to develop these platings.
Micro-D Connectors M83513 - Amphenol Canada
The Amphenol Micro-D connector series (M83513) offers proven military spec performance and reliability in rectangular and stripline micro connectors. The Micro-D connectors are available in rectangular D, strip and custom card edge configurations, with contacts on .050 (1.27) centers. Inserts in Micro-D miniature connectors with signal and coax/power contacts are also available.
d38999 contacts | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
The Amphenol Tri-Power connector series incorporates your choice of RadSok contacts, Temper-Grip High Current contacts, or standard high power contacts. Paired with the proven performance of the MIL-DTL-38999 connector series, the Tri-Power series offers a variety of tooled arrangements specifically designed to carry high current (70 to 250 ...
D38999 Series III Bulkhead Feedthrough Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace's Bulkhead Feedthrough connectors are double-ended receptacles with feedthrough contacts that mate to standard Mil-Spec D38999 plugs. Available in multiple shell and contact styles, they are designed to meet applicable requirements for 38999 Series III and allow for long-term ease of assembly and serviceability as well as ...
Rugged USB-C - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
USB3CFTV a new rugged USB3.0 connector with Type C interface. Highly customizable, fully reversible connector with various data transmission and power delivery capabilities in a size 11 38999 shell. Based on MIL-DTL-38999 series III, plugs and receptacles are mated with a Tri-Start thread coupling mechanism.
26482 mil | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
MIL-DTL-38999, MIL-C-26482 and MIL-5015, with a wide range of contact arrangements and options Amphenol Corporation Amphenol Aerospace 40-60 Delaware Avenue, Sidney, New York 13838-1395 Phone: 800-678-0141 or 607-563-5011 Fax: 607-563-5157 This catalog has been specifically designed to assist in the critical process ...
High Power Matrix 38999 Connector - Amphenol Aerospace
MIL-DTL-55302 Low Mating Force Connectors ... Amphenol's High Power Matrix 38999 connector uses mil-spec qualified inserts from the Matrix 5015 and combines them with the mechanical interface of the D38999 to bring you the best of both worlds. With the Matrix 5015 series, you can upgrade your EMI shielding performance to D38999 levels without ...
guam | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol Tri-Start MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Hermetic Connectors offer the highest performance capabilities for both general duty and severe environment applications and meet or exceed MIL-DTL-38999 Series III requirements. ... MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, II, I Contacts 38999 Application Tools 38999 Assembly Instructions 26482 Contact Information ...
26482 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
MIL-DTL-38999, MIL-C-26482 and MIL-5015, with a wide range of contact arrangements and options Amphenol Corporation Amphenol Aerospace 40-60 Delaware Avenue, Sidney, New York 13838-1395 Phone: 800-678-0141 or 607-563-5011 Fax: 607-563-5157 This catalog has been specifically designed to assist in the critical process
Reduced Flange 38999 Jam Nut Receptacles
Derived connector from MIL-DTL-38999 Series III ... Amphenol SOCAPEX Reduced Flange 38999 Jam Nut Receptacles How to order Examples: TV07RW1135PAF312 ; TV07WCI1135PAF059LF. : RoHS compliant Series TV 07 R W - 11-35 P A - F312 - TV: Metallic shell Shell type
JT - 38999 Dòng II - Amphenol Socapex
Các đầu nối JT từ Amphenol Socapex được thiết kế theo tiêu chuẩn MIL-DTL-38999 series II, lý tưởng để sử dụng trong ngành quân sự và hàng không vũ trụ. Các đầu nối này cung cấp một loạt các tính năng làm cho chúng trở thành một giải pháp đáng tin cậy và bền bỉ cho các ứng dụng khác nhau, bao gồm liên lạc ...
High Frequency Coaxial Contacts - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol and SV Microwave (an Amphenol company) offer DC to 40 GHz high frequency size 8, 12 and 16 coaxial contacts for the D38999 Series III housing and standard inserts. ... and can be installed in any MIL-DTL-38999 size 8, 12 or 16 insert Unique “Float Mount” technology allows for consistent microwave performance while maintaining tight ...