Search Results for amphenol sensors
NovaSensor Filtration Air Restriction Sensor -
Title: NovaSensor Filtration Air Restriction Sensor Author: Amphenol Advanced Sensors Subject: For improved air filtration system performance, the NovaSensor FMA Series of Filtration Air Restriction (FAR) Sensors accurately measures pressure loss across a variety of air filtration devices utilizing high accuracy NPA p ÓQõ TÏÊú0 Pøú¶Ó?qn;S H¤ -ßBè è ³ Ôi ö ¦Þ~@ô q Öá` -ý ...
Refrigerant/ AC Coolant Sensor | Amphenol Advanced Sensors
This automotive coolant temperature sensor is used to detect the operating temperature of the A/C system to determine operating conditions and potential system failures. Features Operating temperature range: -40°C~ 140°C
Self-Adhering Surface Temperature Sensors -
Amphenol Advanced Sensors. Title: Self-Adhering Surface Temperature Sensors Author: GE Subject: GE s range of Thermometrics Self-Adhering Surface Temperature Sensors are designed for industrial HVACR applications, typically for placement on the external wall of a water tank or boiler reservoirs. This range of adhesive pad sensors detect over ...
High Silicon Pressure Sensor Die -
Amphenol Advanced Sensors. Parameter Value Units Notes General Pressure Range 1700 KPaG 247 psi (17 bar) 3500 KPaA 508 psi (35 bar) 7000 KPaA 1015 psi (70 bar) 17200 KPaA 2495 psi (172 bar) 35000 KPaA 5076 psi (350 bar) 21000 KPaA 3046 psi (210 bar) Maximum Overpressure 2X rated pressure
Thermometrics Type GE - Glass-Encapsulated NTC Thermistor with ...
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Type GE - Glass-Encapsulated NTC Thermistor with Metallurgical Bond Thermometrics Series of Glass-Encapsulated NTC Thermistors offer our proven NTC thermistors in a DO-35 diode style glass-encapsulated package. The glass body provides a hermetic seal, voltage isolation and excellent stability over a wide temperature range.
Ampehnol All Sensors Contact
All Sensors is headquartered in California's Silicon Valley, the tech capital of the world. As a leading manufacturer of pressure sensing technology, All Sensors’ success is based on close relationships with design engineers challenged with implementing pressure sensors into their applications.
NovaSensor Filtration Air Restriction Sensor - Amphenol Sensors
Title: NovaSensor Filtration Air Restriction Sensor Author: Amphenol Advanced Sensors Subject: For improved air filtration system performance, the NovaSensor FMA Series of Filtration Air Restriction (FAR) Sensors accurately measures pressure loss across a variety of air filtration devices utilizing high accuracy NPA p ÓQõ TÏÊú0 Pøú¶Ó?qn;S H¤ -ßBè è ³ Ôi ö ¦Þ~@ô q Öá` -ý ...
T6743 CO2 Sensor Description -
Amphenol Advanced Sensors T6743 Automotive CO2 Sensor 1. Introduction The T6743 from Telaire is an automotive qualified Carbon Dioxide Sensor that can be used in different configurations to meet customer needs for this type of sensor. Offering 3 operating modes, the sensor
Businesses - Amphenol
Each of our Amphenol businesses partners with its customers across different market segments and regions to connect our world through leading-edge innovation. Products ... Amphenol Sensors Worldwide Search our businesses. X Airmar New Hampshire, U.S. ...
NovaSensor MEMS Pressure Sensors for Industrial Applications
NovaSensor MEMS Pressure Die are best-in-class, providing extraordinary performance and long-term stability. Available as gauge (differential) or absolute pressure, with standard operating temperatures of -40°C to +125°C (+140°C for some products), and pressure ranges from 500 Pa (2” H2O) to 100 MPa (15,000 PSI), our die products are widely recognized by industry experts.
Electric Vehicle Sensor & Battery Safety Resource Hub
Electric vehicles are no longer a pipe dream. They’re already here and are ushering in a new era in modern transportation the world over. Meeting the new demands of this new market for function and safety, Amphenol Advanced Sensors has developed sensor technology designed to keep electric vehicles of all sorts running at peak performance.
Thermometrics - Thermistors FAQ -
Title: Thermometrics - Thermistors FAQ Author: Amphenol Advanced Sensors Subject: All about thermistors Keywords: Amphenol Advanced Sensors; Thermometrics; Thermistors; NTC; PTC
Fluid-Trac Focus Tube Adaptor - Amphenol Sensors
At Amphenol Sensors, we make Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection a top priority. We believe that making sustainable choices in the way we conduct our business creates short-term and long-term value for our stakeholders. We do not create long-term value by merely complying with regulations, but we go beyond compliance to find ways to ...
NovaSensor NPI-19 Series Digital Pressure Sensors I2C
Amphenol Advanced Sensors warrants its products against defects in material and workmanship for 12 months from the date of shipment. Products not subjected to misuse will be repaired or replaced. Amphenol Advanced Sensors reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.
Automotive Archives - Amphenol Sensors
At Amphenol Sensors, we make Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection a top priority. We believe that making sustainable choices in the way we conduct our business creates short-term and long-term value for our stakeholders. We do not create long-term value by merely complying with regulations, but we go beyond compliance to find ways to ...
Telaire T6613/T6615 Series Development Kit -
Amphenol Advanced Sensors Introduction The T6613/6615 development kit is a tool designed for evaluating the performance of the T6613/6615 CO2 sensor. In addition, this kit can be useful in developing software and/or firmware for use in communication with the T6613/6615 sensor. The T6613/6615 Development Kit provides a graphical interface to
Medical Pressure Sensor Solutions | All Sensors
Medical Pressure Sensors Applications. Amphenol All Sensors has remained at the forefront of the Medical Technology Industry, with our dedication to precision and reliability. Our state-of-the-art low to ultra-low pressure sensing solutions are integral to a myriad of medical devices and equipment.